September 16th Vitality Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 16, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is getting others on your side

☆The way forward is to understand that the way to get others on your side is to emphasize what they can gain by offering their support.

The Birthday Of Vitality, The Day Of Spirited Energies

September 16th Vitality Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 16th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator

Tarot card: The Tower (breakthrough)

Favorable number: 7

Lucky days: Wednesday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 7 and 16 of the month

Lucky colors: Indigo, blue, green

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 16 are passionate and enthusiastic individuals whose infectious joie de vivre enchants all those with whom they come into contact. Although they are lively and passionate, this does not mean they are also impulsive and impatient individuals; quite the opposite, they also have the discipline and patience to focus their outstanding energy on a particular skill or project.

These people are motivated by a desire to learn, master and then go beyond what has already been achieved. They are typically passionate about what they do and keen to recruit others to their cause. In addition, they can be courageous risk-takers not afraid to stand up for what they believe in or to fight their corner. Occasionally their passionate nature can lead to rebelliousness and they rarely respond well to any form of authority; a character trait which will have been noticed from childhood. Above all, though, they are bursting with vitality and energy, thriving on competition and challenge. Fiercely independent, they may find it hard to work with a group of people but in time they do learn the art of compromise and that giving their opinion gently yields far better results for them than their previous blunt, unsparing or attention-grabbing way.

Until the age of thirty-six they will find that relationships play an important part in their lives. They may also want to be popular and appreciated, but this may prove elusive until they learn to control their impulsive candor. From the age of thirty-seven there is an important turning point when their need for self-reliance is enhanced and the emphasis is on personal transformation.

It is extremely important for them to take advantage of any opportunities life offers them to become more in control of their energy, because once they learn to aim their passion in the right direction these big-hearted individuals will not only make a name for themselves, they will find true happiness by passing on their inspiration and happiness to others.

☆ On the dark side:Rebellious, difficult, impulsive

☆ At your best:Energetic, enthusiastic, warm hearted

Those born on September 16 display an indomitable spirit that does not recognize defeat or boundaries. Their desire to go beyond, to surpass what has already been done in any given area is great. Yet they are patient enough to master the technical details of their craft, not being egotists or wild-eyed fame hunters. September 16 emotional energy is very strong, and it is from the heart that those born on this day express themselves.

They must beware, however, of overstepping certain boundaries which even they must stop and pause before with respect.

September 16 people are not afraid to put it on the line. Their bravery and steadfastness under fire are outstanding qualities. But because they rarely back down from confrontations they may often be at odds with the authorities or powers that be in their society. Furthermore, they are by nature risk-takers and must beware of succumbing to the temptation of pure thrillseeking for its own sake. At some point, they may have to rein in their rebelliousness a bit.

It can be a mistake to cramp a September 16 person's style. Their spirit is so dynamic that it will not be suppressed. To discipline a child born on this day, or attempt to break his/her spirit, will not succeed and most certainly will have bad consequences for all concerned.

Rather, the understanding parent should nurture and guide this spirit to move in creative directions on its own momentum. A careful line must always be drawn between orders and advice, forcing and leading, making and allowing, telling and suggesting, etc.

September 16 people are filled with a zest for life. Their competitive nature is pronounced but their innate fairness usually rules out underhanded dealings or "a win at all costs" attitude. Those born on this day generally have to learn how to be good team players, however, since cooperation is not their strong suit. Over time, experience usually teaches them much in this regard, and they thus develop real leadership qualities. After maturing, they may become excellent teachers, as they are confident of their knowledge and convey it to others with great enthusiasm. However, they may have to take a greater personal interest in their students and be more sensitive to their feelings.

Being carried away by dreams and fantasies can be«a problem for some September 16 people, but most born on this day manifest wishes and mental conjurings in tangible results.

Indeed, their drive to validate what they are doing is remarkably strong, and they tend to demand respect for their work.

Power Thought:Before I jump into my day, I will stop and connect with my spirit,A dragon does not always have to be slain.It can sometimes be befriended

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 16th day of the month are ruled by the number 7 (1+6=7). and by the planet Neptune, the watery planet of dreams and fantasy. Those ruled by the number 7 sometimes fail to carry through their ideas and can lose touch with reality easily. Since those born on September 16 have a tendency to think up all kinds of projects (emphasized by Mercury's rulership of Virgo) they must be disciplined enough to realize their plans. Those ruled by the number 7 can throw caution to the winds financially and leave their families financially embarrassed. A good accountant or bookkeeper is thus invaluable to a September 16 person.

September 16th Birthday Tarot Card

The 16th card of the Major Arcana is The Tower, which in one version of the Tarot deck shows both a king falling from a lightning-struck tower and the builder of this tower being killed by a blow to the head. The Tower symbolizes the impermanence of not only physical structures but also of relationships or vocations in our lives. The positive elements of the card include overcoming catastrophe and confronting challenges. Conversely, the Tower cautions against rising unjustifiably high, risking destruction at the hands of one's own invention, and, particularly apropos for September 16 people, succumbing to the lure of fanciful enterprises.

☆Luck maker:(Know when to tone down)Lucky people understand that you can overdo enthusiasm. People are unlikely to want to help you or get involved if they feel backed into a corner.

Love Passionate and generous

You’re drawn to people born on February 19 to March 20:You are opposites and the outcome of this relationship is totally unpredictable, but that is the attraction for you both.

People born on September 16 are not surprisingly passionate, generous and warm-hearted lovers, but they may become difficult or moody if their partner tries to restrict their freedom or change them in any way. Finding someone who is as intelligent as they are, and who can share a similar passion for life and love, is essential for them.

Health Slow down

People born on this day are so full of energy and excitement that the pace of their life often tends to be quite fast. This can lead to information overload and stress; learning to slow down every now again is therefore extremely important. It is also important for them to learn to eat more slowly, as fast eating and indigestion are associated with this birthday. Ridges on their fingers, a sore tongue and frequent stomach upsets could be signs of poor digestion. They need to take time over their meals, chew food slowly and not drink too much with their food, as this dilutes stomach acid and slows down digestion. They should also avoid drinking too much tea and coffee, and eating too much chocolate. A glass of lemon juice with water first thing in the morning may be beneficial. As far as exercise is concerned, they may be accident prone so should avoid extreme sports and concentrate on “safer,” moderately intense activities like brisk walking and swimming. Mind-body therapies such as yoga and meditation will shift their focus to higher things, as will wearing the color purple.

Those born on September 16 must beware of accidents, particularly sports injuries, car accidents, and climbing, swimming and flying mishaps. Recognizing limitations is an important item. Because of their expansive nature it is most important those born on this day remain balanced psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. Their diets should reflect this balance and be proportionate in grains, vegetables, fruit, meat and dairy. Macrobiotics can be investigated as well as vegetarian diets. Foods which are overly yang (meat) and yin (sugar) have to be measured. Strong sexual drives usually accompany this day, which should be satisfied without undue excess.

Career Born manufacturers

These people love nothing better than to display the fruits of their labors and are well suited to careers in financial planning, science or the manufacturing trades. They may also be drawn toward business, mathematics, computers, education, law, medicine, education, acting, writing, or charity work.

Destiny To make a positive contribution to humanity

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to set clear goals and keep them in view. Once they have learned to work successfully with others to achieve a shared vision, their destiny is to inspire others with their infectious enthusiasm and, by so doing, make a positive contribution to humanity.

Learn to guide your prodigious energies in the right direction. Keep goals in sight. Try to explain to those who do not understand. Don't get too far out or court disaster too often; remain in touch with the more ordinary7 aspects of life.

Celebrities Born On September 16th

Mickey Rourke(American actor and screenwriter), Lauren Bacall(American actress), David Copperfield(American magician and illusionist),

Henry V (British king, defeated French at Agincourt, immortalized in Shakespeare's play), Hildegard von Bingen (medieval saint, composer, physician, metaphysician), B.B. King (blues guitarist, singer, songwriter), Nathan Meyer Rothschild (financier family's London branch founder, bankrolled Victorian empire), Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (Hungarian- American Nobel Prize-winning biochemist, work on Vitamin C), Nadia Boulanger (French composition teacher, composer, conductor), Lauren Bacall (film actress, marriage, career with Humphrey Bogart), Dennis Conner (yachtsman, US 3x America's Cup-winning captain), Peter Falk (film, TV actor, Colombo), Elgin Baylor (Lakers basketball forward, innovator, I Ox all- NBA first team), David Copperfield (world's premier illusionist, made Statue of Liberty "disappear"), J.C Penney (entrepreneur, department store chain), Karen Homey (psychologist, psychoanalyst, writer, Neurosis and Human Growth), John Knowles (novelist, The Private Life of Axie Reed), Alexandr Medved' (Ukranian wrestler. 3x Olympic gold medalist), Ard Schenk (Dutch speed skater, three gold medals in one Olympics), Charlie Byrd (jazz guitarist). Orel Hershiser (Los Angeles Dodgers Cy Young award-winning pitcher), John Gay (Bntish wnter, The Beggar's Opera), Oscar Lafontame (German Social Democrat leader, writer, The Society of the Future, attacked and injured)

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