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September 16th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 16, 2024

Sports experts with a fascination for peculiarities may like this cricket bag of odd names: J W Box, Middlesex wicket-keeper. PAC Bail, Cambridge Blue 1986. WLC Creese, played for Hampshire. A Chance, played for Shrewsbury. C H Cort, played for Warwickshire.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Venus; Numbers: 7, 7

September 16th Birthday Love Astrology

Many September 16 people may not be born with conventional good looks, but are physically and mentally attractive in their own way. They are often extremely tall and big-boned, the men well over six foot and the women not far behind. Some grew tall and bulky early in life and with it came some clumsiness, which may mean that in early adulthood they are shy and choose to wear loose clothing and big boots so as to hide their size. But as the years fine them down they realise that tall and broad is good.

Nevertheless neither sex is likely to be a maxi-bubble extrovert and nor do they want to be out all the time clubbing, pubbing and generally exhausting themselves. Even when a measure of self-confidence has come, they can still find themselves looking sadly at the thinner members of their group and fantasising about tiny waists and midriff baring tops, with tight jeans and skinny sweaters.

Maybe because they are so large they are extremely gentle with small children and animals - and never use their bulk to frighten. Many are seriously intelligent, reading widely and keeping up with current affairs. They make a thoughtful and balanced contribution, very much the problem solvers of the galaxy.

Male September 16 people are excellent with mechanics and foreign languages. Both sexes have quiet diplomatic skills, invaluable in any work where they deal with others' welfare, either a public entertainment project or in the higher reaches of human resources. This trustworthy star does not gossip, and never reveals a confidence.

However, the men may not be as enthusiastic as they might about others' success. Women don't suffer this envy blip.

Both sexes are devoted to faithful marriage and the careful raising of children. Whether they be Muslim, Hindu, Jew or Christian, they are thoughtful parents, never sticking to hidebound conventions, and so they're often the ones other people's troubled children turn to.

In Love

An intimate relationship can be rather difficult for you, mainly because you require more freedom and time for your own interests than most other Virgo natives. You tend to function better in an individual capacity, where you’re the authority in your personal realm. You need a romantic partner who understands your moody nature and longing for occasional periods of solitude. When you don’t have a special someone who is tuned to your wavelength, you’re content to be alone. Easily hurt if you suspect that your feelings are not reciprocated, your inclination is to convey your love through thoughtful actions rather than flowery words.

In Bed

An idealistic bedmate, you believe that lovemaking should have a higher purpose than mere sexual satisfaction. You long to establish a mental and spiritual bond with your mate, along with the physical one. Despite your somewhat cautious approach and yearning for perfection, the promise of true love fuels your libido and stirs your hidden passions. When the mood strikes you, you make an ardent, nimble, considerate lover, as concerned with giving pleasure as receiving it.


Fast eating and indigestion are two characteristics of September 16. Upper digestive tract symptoms like indigestion or acid reflux may be a sign that we are not producing enough acidy rather than too much. Ridges on your nail often denote poor digestion caused by low acid secretion. Chew food really thoroughly and never drink too much with meals as this dilutes acid and slows down digestion. Avoid tea, coffee, sugar, chocolate and artificial additives. Ask your doctor's advice about hydrochloric acid tablets and digestive enzymes which are known to aid some. Food combining is also thought to be helpful and there are many books available.


You are turned on by an aware lover who cherishes your more transcendent moments together as much as you do. A slow, artful seduction appeals to your refined nature and delicate sensibilities. Although you like to ease into intimacy slowly, once you get going, the layers of earthy sensuality lurking just beneath the surface rapidly unfold.


Sports experts with a fascination for peculiarities may like this cricket bag of odd names: J W Box, Middlesex wicket-keeper. PAC Bail, Cambridge Blue 1986. WLC Creese, played for Hampshire. A Chance, played for Shrewsbury. C H Cort, played for Warwickshire.

Reality Check

With Mr. or Ms. Right you are a loyal and devoted lover. However, insecurity can make you possessive. Jealousy often prompts you to shoot yourself in the foot by creating a crisis where none exists. With a partner who is so unsure about things, your significant other may begin to wonder if your relationship is really worth the problems it engenders.

September 16 Date Share

Henry V, immortalised in Shakespeare's play, conquered the French at Agincourt. David Copperfield, illusionist, TV star, showman, magician. John Gay, British writer, The Beggar's Opera. B B King, blues guitarist. Nadia Boulanger, French, much loved piano teacher, conductor, musical mentor to nearly all the greats today. Lauren Bacall, exquisite wife to Humphrey Bogart, author, actress.

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