September 17th Honest Determination Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 17, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is being spontaneous

☆The way forward is to understand that sometimes thinking gets in the way of living.

The Birthday Of Honest Determination, The Day Of Perseverance

September 17th Honest Determination Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 17th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher

Tarot card: The Star (hope)

Favorable number: 8

Lucky days: Wednesday and Saturday, especially when these days fall on 8 and 17 of the month

Lucky colors: Indigo, ocher, brown

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 17 are strong, tough and determined individuals with a clear sense of right and wrong. They possess a heroic spirit, stamina, courage, and no fear of hard work. In fact they can easily take on tasks that make others cringe and perform them with little effort.

Control is important for people born on this day, and in anything they do their steady discipline and commitment to the smallest detail shine through. They can be imaginative but their preference is to organize their approach and their thinking logically; the facts, justice, fair play, tradition, and maintaining the status quo matter greatly to them. There is a fun side to them but it takes a lot to reveal it spontaneously; the downside of this is that they can come across as serious and heavy, but the upside is that when they do open up, others can be assured of their absolute sincerity.

Until the age of thirty-five there are opportunities for them to develop the more creative side of their personality, forging relationships with others both professionally and socially. They should take advantage of these opportunities to be less self-contained and more expressive, as they offer tremendous potential for happiness. After the age of thirty-six there is a turning point which stimulates them to seek a deeper meaning to their life and emphasizes the power of personal transformation.

Whatever age they are, they often do well financially in life, and enjoying a good standard of living is one of their first priorities. They will probably achieve their material goals, but to reach their full potential they should ensure they don’t neglect their spiritual and emotional life; money alone will not completely satisfy them. Above all they are determined people, so when they do realize the true value of things money can’t buy, their steady and resilient star won’t just light their own path. It will inspire others to take a more disciplined, responsible, compassionate, and honest approach to work and to life.

☆ On the dark side:Controlling, workaholic, heavy

☆ At your best:Persistent, fair, resilient

Whether creative or not. September 17 people are known for their perseverance in achieving goals. Although it may take them many years (they seem to like it that way), they are not only capable of building a career and attaining stature, but also managing to stay on top for some time. Those born on this day are heavies, difficult to get around and even more difficult to suppress. Once their course is set for an objective, no matter how high or humble, they are virtually unstoppable. Although they can be very enthusiastic, for the most part a high seriousness and commitment colors practically everything they do.

Facing obstacles and overcoming them is par for the course for September 17 people.

They are not typically ones to crush opposition with a lightning blow, but rather wear their opponents down with relentlessly applied pressure. They themselves operate very well under this same pressure, and are rarely prone to nerves or a fatal lack of self-confidence in critical situations. It follows that they can be relied on to perform in difficult and trying times.

Although they can be creative, most September 17 people are physically tough, admirably stubborn, left-brained logical thinkers; they organize their thoughts consequently, and reason that if A is true then B must of necessity follow. Those born on this day have a strong feeling for justice and a fair settling of disputes, and will not only insist on being treated fairly but also on being recognized for their accomplishments. Not surprisingly, September 17 people can make excellent lawyers or arbiters.

Generally September 17 people favor the status quo, although they may work for gradual change to better existing institutions. Even the most radical people born on September 17 will eventually find their place in the Establishment. Perhaps this is due to their feeling for structure, literal expression, and dislike of disorder and anarchy. Those born on this day can often be found on the side of conservationists who value the preservation of living things and folk traditions.

Despite their conservatism. September 17 people have a strange sense of humor that sets them apart from their fellow man. They are capable of doing the most ordinary things in an eccentric way. Usually they are not as serious as they seem and if in relaxed company can be a lot of fun. They do not reveal this side of themselves spontaneously, however, so particularly those who work with them may never see it.

September 17 people rarely go out of their way to impress, shock or attract others. They are highly self-contained, having little need for the kind of adulation or nursing that could leave them vulnerable to the vagaries of human whims and feelings. For them, emotion is a serious thing, and not to be expressed at the drop of a hat; therefore when they say "I love you" the words carry some significance.

Power Thought:I am a being of color, light and creativity,The hand is the map—the heart is the guide

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 17th dayof any month are ruled by the number 8 (1+7=8), and by the planet Saturn. Saturn carries with it a strong feeling of limitation and restriction, and also tends to indicate a judgmental aspect as well. The number 8 suggests a conflict between the material and spiritual worlds; those ruled by this number can be lonely, and also prone to indulge in excess. The combined influence of Saturn and Mercury (Virgo's ruler) emphasizes the serious side of September 17 people.

September 17th Birthday Tarot Card

In the Major Arcana of the Tarot, the 17th card is The Star, which shows a beautiful naked girl under the stars pouring refreshing water on the parched earth with one pitcher and reviving the stagnant water of a pond with the other. She represents the glories of the earthly life, but also material slavery- to it. The stars above her are an eternal reminder of the presence of the spiritual world. September 17 people, then, should always beware of excessive physicality 'Virgo—earth), and never forget the higher goals of life. Cultivating kindness toward others is an important lesson in this respect.

☆Luck maker:(Show your eagerness)Lucky people understand that the more alive and energetic you are, the more people are likely to want to help you. Helping you makes them feel alive and energetic too.

Love Passionate but reserved

You’re drawn to people born on December 2 to January 19:You share a practical and realistic view of the world, and this can be a happy, stable relationship.

People born on September 17 are passionate but reserved individuals, and it will take a while for them to reveal their thoughts and feelings. They need a loving relationship built on trust and understanding before they feel they can open up. They can also be impatient and judgmental of others at times, and need to show themselves and others more patience and understanding.

Health Sore eyes

People born on this day can have workaholic tendencies and may be prone to stress, headaches, backache, and sore eyes, especially if they spend long hours at a desk or computer. They may also lead quite sedentary lives, making weight gain likely, so it is important for them not only to be more active but to make sure they cut down on the amount of saturated fat, sugary and salty food, animal products, and alcohol they eat and drink. If they suffer from concentration problems they would also benefit enormously from deep-breathing exercises as they tend to breathe quite shallowly, and this can deprive their brains of oxygen. Regular massage suits their sensual nature, and wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to focus on higher things.

Whether September 17 people have sedentary- or dynamic professions, they should engage in quite strenuous physical exercise, since they often have a tendency to gain weight. Cutting back on fats and excessive protein will be vital to their health, particularly if they wish to avoid cardiovascular difficulties. Those born on this day do best when satisfying their sexual needs in a permanent loving relationship. Whenever possible, they should avoid physical and emotional confrontations.

Career Born lawyers

These people have a strong sense of fair play and are well suited to careers in law, accountancy and law enforcement. They can also excel in science, research, writing, economics, education, or in the news and media world. Computers and engineering may also appeal, as might the healing professions.

Destiny To bring about concrete progress to inspire and benefit others

The life path of people born on this day is to open up emotionally and spiritually. Once they are able to tap into their latent creativity, their destiny is to bring about concrete progress which inspires and benefits others.

Judging others may be your worst habit: try to be more accepting. Make time for fun; goofiness and silliness are nothing to be afraid of. Get out of the way and let others come through.

Celebrities Born On September 17th

Anne Bancroft(American actress), Hank Williams(American guitarist and singer-songwriter), Roddy McDowall(British actor and director),

Hank Williams (legendary country singer, songwriter), William Carlos Williams (poet, pediatrician), Warren Burger (Supreme Court chief justice), Sam Ervin (US senator, North Carolina, presided over Watergate com- mittee), Friederich von Steuben (German US Revolutionary War soldier, Washington's advisor), Ann Bancroft (film actress), George Blanda (NFL, AFL football quarterback, place-kicker, all-time leading scorer, longest active football career, twenty-six seasons), Frederick Ashton (British choreographer, dancer, innovator), Sir Francis Chichester (sailed solo around the world), Maureen Connolly (US champion tennis player, first woman to win Grand Slam, 3x Wimbledon, US Open winner), Ken Kesey (novelist, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest), Phil Jackson (New York Knicks basketball forward, Chicago coach, took Bulls to three consecutive NBA titles), Chaim Herzog (Israeli president, lawyer), Eva Burrows (Salvation Army head), James S. Brady (Reagan press secretary, lawyer. critically injured in assassins attempt with wife became leading gun control advocate), David Souter (Supreme Court justice). Stirling Moss (British race-car driver, sixteen Formula One events winner), Maunzio Vitale (Swiss- Italian clothing designer), Roddy McDowall (British stage, film, TV actor), Orlando Cepeda (St Louis Cards slugger)

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