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September 17th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 17, 2024

In Tarot, the 17th card of the Major Arcana is The Star, a card which shows a naked girl pouring water from a pitcher. In her lies a promise of the good things of life, but also dreariness of overwork.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Venus; Numbers: 8, 8

September 17th Birthday Love Astrology

September 17 people are honourable and always look for the best in others. They are the first to praise and be generous about friends’ success, and the first to offer help when it's needed. Most people born on the other days of the year would give their right arm to have this person on their side.

This lucky creature has almost no streak of depression in its psycheology. They are very clear-cut about what they can and can't do and rarely take on so much they feel overburdened, because they possess an extremely logical equation in their minds between things to be done and the time there is to do it. Sometimes at work this sensible attitude may irritate over-pushy bosses or colleagues, but our steady star refuses to let him or herself be panicked into volunteering for anything which they know will drive them round the bend.

Many people born today have strong religious beliefs and will be extremely involved with their local church and the community. Good team workers with a developed social conscience, their training may make them extremely useful in volunteer work or with charities. And since they are witty, pretty and gay (in the jolly sense, although they may be gay in the modern sense and joUy too) nobody they deal with is patronised. Neither the old, the sick, nor the habitually drunk will be made to feel lesser people because they are old, sick or drunk, although September 17 takes a vigorous attitude towards addiction.

There's another streak in their psycheology which indicates that some may be single parents, at least for a time. (Although late romance and permanence are promised.) Either sex manages brilliantly to keep a good job going and bring up the kids. Fortunately many September 17 people work in jobs such as teaching and areas of social work where hours can be made flexible, but if not, then big business must make allowances.

In Love

People born on this day are naturally reserved. However, when you overcome your hesitation and feel secure in a relationship, you make a loving, thoughtful, albeit critical, romantic partner. Although rather aloof on the outside, on the inside you are kindhearted and emotionally vulnerable. You prefer showing your beloved how much you care by being helpful and dependable. You may not be the easiest person to live with, but once you’ve satisfied your need for love and acceptance, you make a loyal, devoted mate.

Even so, you have difficulty expressing your true feelings, and at times you can seem rather distant.

In Bed

You are a totally different person in private than in public. In a loving and intimate union, you are sensual, ardent, and affectionate. While your bedroom approach may lack something in terms of romance, you more than make up for it with your sexual prowess and willingness to please your bedmate. Despite your strong sex-drive, the need to analyze and understand your own physical appetites causes you to keep them under strict control.


Tired eyes plagie this individual Fortunately there's much that can be done. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and sugary desserts and try to stick to vegetarian food for at least two days in the week Sugary foods affect glucose tolerance, which affects the ciliary muscle, the focusing muscle of the eye. So it's important to eat complex carbohydrates, fresh fruits, vegetables and a minumum of red meat. Try breathing exercises to help. Breathe in. Breathe out. Pause. Do this from ten to fifty times. Research on shallow breathing shows that not enough oxygen reaches the eyes, which leads to impaired vision.


Behind closed doors, your repressed sexual desires erupt with passionate abandon. An erotic massage at the hands of your lover relaxes you as it reconnects you to your lusty libido. The attentive partner who strokes your ego along with your body realizes that your sensual pleasures grow in proportion to your sense of security and acceptance.


In Tarot, the 17th card of the Major Arcana is The Star, a card which shows a naked girl pouring water from a pitcher. In her lies a promise of the good things of life, but also dreariness of overwork.

Reality Check

Shrewd in your business or professional life, you’re an expert at managing resources and getting the most from people. Always honest and straightforward in your dealings, you expect the truth from others in return. Although you can be controlling and demanding, there’s an independent streak in your makeup that causes you to resist attempts by others to monitor or restrain your activities.

September 17 Date Share

Anne Bancroft, legendary Hollywood beauty, seducer of Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate. Sir Francis Chichester, solo round the world sailor. Frederick Ashton, dancer, choreographer, Covent Garden guru. Stirling Moss, British champion racing driver, sixteen Formula One wins. Roddy McDowall, stage and TV actor. Hank Williams, country singer, songwriter.

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