September 18th Elusive Devotion Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 18, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is dealing with conflict

☆The way forward is to be assertive without being aggressive. Assertiveness skills, such as standing up for yourself, can be learned.

The Birthday Of Elusive Devotion, The Day Of Internal Mystery

September 18th Elusive Devotion Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 18th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Mars, the individual

Tarot card: Moon (intuition)

Favorable number: 9

Lucky days: Wednesday and Tuesday, especially when these days fall on 9 and 18 of the month

Lucky colors: Indigo, orange, crimson

Birthstone: Sapphire

There is something quite feline about people born on September 18; like a cat, they can be devoted and available one moment, independent and elusive the next. Although they can be sociable and are often extremely attractive individuals, few will get to know them very well; even getting to close to them is no guarantee that they will commit in any way.

So strong is their need for absolute freedom that these people will often change their minds or hearts at the last moment, leaving those around them feeling confused. Although this unpredictability adds to the attractive air of mystery they create around themselves, part of the reason they tend to vanish or isolate themselves from time to time is that they tend to have a low stress threshold, feeling that the best way for them to deal with conflict is to withdraw and reflect in private. Problems, however, arise when the need to withdraw and regroup becomes a need to hide or escape; they need to learn that conflict, although unpleasant, is essential for their psychological growth.

Until the age of thirty-four they will be presented with many opportunities to develop their friendly and sociable side, and they should take advantage of these, because left to their own devices they run the risk of being over-serious in their approach to life. After the age of thirty-five there is a turning point that brings an emphasis on their deep emotional need for change, intensity and personal power. During these years their powers of concentration are likely to be exceptional, and when they find a cause that is worthy of them their absolute devotion to it will attract incredible success and fulfillment their way.

Throughout their lives, however, as long as they make sure that they don’t become so devoted or absorbed in their work or thoughts that they lose a sense of direction or their own identity, these highly advanced and unusual individuals will find their own unique way to contribute new knowledge and insight to the world.

☆ On the dark side:Unpredictable, aloof, negative

☆ At your best:Disciplined, profound, devoted

Those born on September 18 are very private, even secretive people who for one reason or another often find themselves in very public careers. Their world is a highly personal one to which entrance is not granted easily. They can be depended on, but perhaps not forever, because with great finality and suddenness they are capable of closing the door on a friendship or love relationship. Thus they may be dangerous people to get involved with unless their partners are prepared for their changes of heart.

Those born on this day are capable of attaining tremendous success, but they can equally be hounded by repeated failure and plain bad luck. The theme of beauty is central to their lives. They are highly sensitive to any kind of strife, violence or bitter competition, which they would just as soon avoid. The fact is that September 18 people are not capable of handling a lot of stress and despite their often imposing or attractive appearance may also not be blessed with the highest degree of self-confidence.

When September 18 people are faced with complex problems, however, they respond to the challenge well, because basically they enjoy figuring things out. They really do want to understand, and in order to do that they often sequester or isolate themselves from the world, so that they can conduct their internal investigations in private. Thoughtful, ruminative and deep people, they take life very seriously, perhaps too seriously.

Most September 18 people have a special relationship with worship or belief, whether realized in personal development, artistic expression or social interaction. Because of their devotional nature, they do well with studies and lifestyles which demand unbroken concentration and attention, as well as a submerging of their own ego. This suppression of their affect can create emotional difficulties, but may also produce an air of mystery about them that makes them highly attractive. One must know when to approach those born on September 18, and when to leave them alone. More than with most other people, success in a relationship with them will depend on a mate's ability to be sensitive to this timing.

September 18 people are often found far from their original home, either geographically or emotionally, and some born on this day prefer not to* be reminded of their past. In general, they leave what is past behind them and rarely reopen a closed issue or failed relationship.

Power Thought:Today I will face my fears, think and act boldly, and feel amazing,Everything in the universe is alive

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 18th day of the month are ruled by the number 9 (1+8=9). and by the planet Mars. When combined with their Mercury influences (Virgo's ruling planet), this grants a quick mind, but also a tendency to be undiplomatic, even tactless. September 18 people have to beware of flareups of temper and also of rejecting others abruptly. Their ability to control these impulses and harness their positive Mars-Mercury (energetic-mental) qualities can only yield positive results. The number 9 also lends survival skills to those born on this day.

September 18th Birthday Tarot Card

The 18th card of the Major Arcana is The Moon, which primarily represents the world of dreams, emotions and the unconscious. Positive attributes include sensitivity, empathy and emotional understanding. Negative qualities include emotional malleability, passivity and lack of ego.

☆Luck maker:(Be prepared to take risks)If you have weighed up the pros and cons, taking a calculated risk is not reckless but essential to increase your chances of luck.

Love Your heart on the line

You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 19:You have much to teach and learn from each other, and this can be an exciting union.

People born on September 18 are highly sensitive and, when they are hurt, their natural reaction is to seek solace in books, ideas or their work. This stifles their emotional growth and they need to put their creative energy into reaching out and connecting with others instead. Sure, they may get hurt, but until they can take that risk and put their hearts on the line they will feel lonely and misunderstood.

Health Perspective is everything

People born on this day are prone to negativity and this can affect both their physical and emotional health. They may, for example, be prone to fatigue, headaches or sudden mood changes. They need to understand that although people and situations do not change, what can change is their outlook. Digestive disorders and minor ailments could also be a problem and, instead of soldiering on regardless, it is important for them to seek medical advice. As far as diet is concerned, they need to learn to recognize when they are hungry for food and when they are hungry for attention, affection or stimulation. Regular moderate to mild exercise such as brisk walking is recommended, as are relaxing therapies such as aromatherapy, yoga and acupuncture. Wearing the color yellow will encourage them to believe more in themselves, and wearing red will help them to feel more assertive.

September 18 people can be prone to chronic ailments, sometimes resulting from serious accidents or operations. Vulnerable areas include the abdominal cavity, reproductive organs, kidneys and adrenals. When September 18 people are plagued by health problems, they can be quite stoic and learn to live with them. They should, however, become more active in combating ill effects in a positive and therapeutic way. Appetites, both relating to food and sex, must not become an expression of neurosis, whether this means over- or underindulgence. September 18 people can be particularly destructive to themselves when their energies are out of balance and therefore may benefit from acupuncture, chiropractic and yoga.

Career Born film-makers

People born on this day have a natural affinity for writing, music and art, and they may be spectacular film-makers. They may also be attracted to scientific careers or to careers that benefit humanity as a whole. Other work choices may include research, statistics, accountancy, business, management, administration, law, law enforcement, psychology, publishing, and medicine.

Destiny To contribute knowledge that benefits humanity

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to deal with conflict in a positive way. Once they have learned to face rather than run away from challenges, their destiny is to contribute knowledge that benefits or inspires humanity.

Learn to be more perseverant. Conflict is sometimes necessary'. Try to understand what your body is telling you: don't ignore physical symptoms. Your mysterious nature may be keeping out the light. Brighten up.

Celebrities Born On September 18th

Tara Fitzgerald(British actress), Greta Garbo(Swedish actress), James Gandolfini(American actor and producer),

Greta Garbo (Swedish-American film actress, icon, after unsuccessful film went into seclusion in New York apartment, "I want to be alone"), Cesare Borgia (Florentine aristocrat, cardinal, soldier), Edwin McMillan (Nobel Prize-winning physicist, discovered plutonium, used cyclotron), Samuel Johnson (English language authonty, lexicographer, Dictionary creator, writer, Rosse/os), Kwarne Nkrumah (Ghanan socialist dictator, overthrown by coup), Robert Blake (film, TV actor, Barretta), Jack Warden (film, TV, stage actor), Agnes DeMille (dancer, Broadway choreographer), Frankie Avalon (singer, film actor, teen idol), Jack Cardiff (British cameraman, film director, Sons and Lovers), Dr. Walter Koch (mathematician, astrologer), John Diefenbaker (Canadian prime minister), Rossano Brazzi (Italian film actor), Jimmie Rodgers (country-western singer, songwriter), Hiroshi Saito (Nippon Steel president), Eddie Anderson (comedian, radio actor, Rochester), Peter Smithson (British architect), William Collins (E c. landscape painter), Harvey Haddix (baseball pitcher, pitched twelve perfect innings in one game but lost), Welthy Fisher (missionary)

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