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September 18th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 18, 2024

Favourite dreams are of necklaces and bracelets made from the finest emeralds and diamonds. The latter indicate coming good fortune. For women, emeralds show you want to give love. For men, they indicate a desire for money.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Venus; Numbers: 9, 9

September 18th Birthday Love Astrology

This is another of those ice cream sundae people, completely gorgeous, gone in a minute and you often regret you ever set eyes on them. Little yum-yum sits about waiting to be noticed. An exquisitely presented dish, she knows she's bad for you, especially when her consumer is the married kind. But who's fault is it? Nobody has to pick up the spoon.

The women are not career-minded. Find them squishing about in dress shops and hairdressers patronising plump people with thin hair. The lady's face is her fortune, which with so much unemployment about is as good a way of making it as any other. She sets her sights on rich older men who will be astonishingly grateful just to be near anything so scrumbublious. Find this 20-year-old Virgoette on the arm of a 70-year-old. She looks good in black and hopes the chance to wear it comes along soon. She's a serial marryer. If her husband sticks around, our lady of the golden brow may simply take over his business assets and turn herself into a terrifyingly astute power goddess.

Both sexes have a daffy streak, but their lucid psycheological toughness wells up when opportunity knocks. Many of the men are equally decorative, but on first acquaintance strike one as a bit of a mezzoninny, with several choices for a happy landing but can't make up their mind which one. They usually get it right in the end, however, so live tolerantly with it now and you won't pay later.

Always find these good time kids where the beautiful and witty want to be. Sexual predators, they are generous with their bodies -rubbing the base of their spine makes them fizz - they give pleasure as well as take. But may not come back for more.

They are passionate collectors, buying old Odeon-style lighting or sixties paper chairs just before they hit big time prices. Worth watching.

In Love

Those celebrating birthdays on this date come off as mysterious and enigmatic, but this public façade is little more than a ploy to hide private insecurities. Because Virgo is the most idealistic of the Earth signs, its natives are as inclined to fall in love with an ideal as with a real person. When the actuality doesn’t live up to your high expectations, you can be deeply disappointed. It takes a great deal of tenderness, understanding, and acceptance on a potential suitor’s part to win your love and devotion. However, once it happens, you are prepared to sacrifice everything for your beloved.

In Bed

A gentle, romantic lover, you see sex as an emotional as well as a physical release. Your lovemaking style is tender yet subtly seductive. Intuitive by nature, you pick up on your partner’s needs, then you do everything you can to fulfill them. Making your mate feel special by catering to him or her in the bedroom is your special talent. Although you may not say so, you want the same type of loving consideration in return.


Sexy and soothing, try a little perfumed oil, lighty stroked around that arousing spot at the base of the spine so favoured by September 18 people. Put one or two drops into your favourite essential oil, almond is good, found at any health store and most chemists. Cedarwood is alleged to be an aphrodisiac and has a wonderful, earthy woody perfume. Patchouli smells exactly like cannabis and older people won't like it. Clove is very heady and another aphrodisiac oil, although you may feel it makes you smell like an apple pie.


You’re turned on by the romance of poetry and music and by dreamy moments of deep intimacy with your soul mate. Slow foreplay tantalizes you and informs your senses of the passion to come. Just the idea of making love with your special someone inspires your imagination and evokes fantasies to be played out in the comfort of your bedroom.


Favourite dreams are of necklaces and bracelets made from the finest emeralds and diamonds. The latter indicate coming good fortune. For women, emeralds show you want to give love. For men, they indicate a desire for money.

Reality Check

Flexible and adaptable, you possess the ability to keep several things going simultaneously. However, your restless nature and empathy with the feelings of those around you tends to make you nervous and anxious. Moreover, your touchiness and sensitive disposition make it extremely difficult for you to deal with criticism or disapproval from other people.

September 18 Date Share

Greta Garbo, probaby one of the most beautiful women of the century, Swedish star who fashioned a generation of faces like hers. Jack Warden, film, stage and 7V actor. Frankie Avalon, singer, teen idol, film star. Rossano Brazzi, Italian sex bomb.

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