September 19th Immaculate Presentation Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 19, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is seeing beyond the material

☆The way forward is to accept that, however frustrating, true beauty, true meaning and true fulfillment can only be found in things that are intangible.

The Birthday Of The Immaculate Presentation, The Day Of Fine Appearance

September 19th Immaculate Presentation Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 19th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual

Tarot card: Sun (enthusiasm)

Favorable number: 1

Lucky days: Wednesday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 19 of the month

Lucky colors: Indigo, orange, yellow

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 19 have their own unique style and a great awareness of the way they present themselves to the world. More often than not their appearance will be immaculate and elegant, but even if they appear casual or sloppy they will have spent time considering how their appearance will affect others. They believe that the world is a stage and that we are all players, but this doesn’t make them cynical. Quite the opposite; they relish any opportunity to perform or play a role.

Spending an excessive amount of time worrying about their appearance, a running theme throughout their lives will be a wish to change something about their body or personal style. Other people may find this preoccupation with outward show frustrating and superficial, but many of these people do understand that inner beauty is just as important as outer beauty. They have the balanced perspective they need to attract success and find fulfillment. Unfortunately, there are a few people born on this day who run the risk of losing themselves in a world of superficiality.

Until the age of thirty-two there is an emphasis on relationships and socializing; during these years they need to make sure that they don’t forget who and what really matters to them. After the age of thirty-three there is a significant turning point when issues concerning their sense of personal power become more prominent, and there may be an accent on transformation. During these years they will be presented with opportunities to give their lives more meaningful depth and, in addition to connecting with their intuition, the key to their psychological growth will be testing themselves out in a variety of different situations.

Overcoming personal and professional challenges will give them the confidence they need to step into the one role they have always been destined to play, but perhaps didn’t realize it. This is the role of the profound, resilient and refined sage sought out by others for advice and inspiration.

☆ On the dark side:Superficial, changeable, materialistic

☆ At your best:Wise, experienced, resilient

Those born on September 19 are very much concerned with the appearance of things.

Not only their own physical appearance is important to them, but also that of their home, surroundings and family. Regardless of their financial station, they are usually very orderly, even compulsive personalities who are able to organize everyone around them into one smooth-running unit.

Those born on this day are fascinated by beauty in many forms but particularly sensuous physical beauty. Their own clothing and grooming is most often immaculate, and if they choose to appear sloppy or disheveled they do it with a full awareness of its impact on others—much like wearing a costume. In general. September 19 people adopt the values of their society in dress and taste, but if they wish to attract attention they are also capable of fashioning a more striking look. No matter how far-out their appearance or at what variance it is with accepted norms, however, an awareness of taste is always present.

Some September 19 people may be labeled as superficial, and rightly so, concerned as they are with outward appearances. However, a more highly evolved September 19 person is just as concerned with inward, spiritual beauty as with looks. Most people born on this day find themselves somewhere in the middle, torn between the easy enjoyment of worldly pleasures and the more lasting but harder-won fulfillments of life. The key is for September 19 people to allow themselves the appreciation of life's passing show while holding fast to that which matters most.

Those able to do this can take pleasure in their attractiveness, sense of style and material possessions without losing themselves in the process. On the other hand, those September 19 people who cannot resolve this central issue may grow increasingly dissatisfied with their lives and less enamored of manifestations of beauty which they once found so attractive. In order to move up the evolutionary ladder of self-development, they may go through a phase of rejecting possessions, elegant surroundings, even their own carefully crafted image.

September 19 people who have experienced financial deprivation and/or the daily battle for subsistence generally display a great determination to leave humble beginnings behind and work their way up the social ladder. In doing so. they often transform themselves in the process.

Indeed, a quiet, withdrawn or unworldly person born on this day can. in a few short years, blossom into a successful, aggressive and confident social being. September 19 people must, however, beware that in advancing so far they lose touch with their past and forget those who once meant so much to them. Maintaining meaningful contact with their roots is important to their psychological well-being.

Power Thought:I look inside myself and see limitless love, joy, beauty, and light,Dig a little deeper

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 19th day of the month are Riled by the number 1 (1+9=10, 1+0=1), and by the Sun. Those ruled by the number 1 like to be first, tend to be ambitious and dislike restraint. Because of the fact that September 19 people are born on the first day of the Virgo-Libra cusp, which is influenced by both Mercury (Virgo) and Venus (Libra), there is inevitably a strong thnist in their lives to shine brightly in the world, and to harness their mental energies to produce beautiful things.

September 19th Birthday Tarot Card

The 19th card of the Major Arcana is The Sun. It can be considered the most favorable of all the Major Arcana cards, and symbolizes knowledge, vitality and good fortune. It does, however, suggest negative traits of pride, vanity and false appearance. Since, as mentioned above, September 19 people are highly concerned with appearances, they must avoid superficiality and falseness of any kind.

☆Luck maker:(Have faith)Believe that there is plenty of luck to go around, expect to receive some, and it will change your life. Faith is the most important power in the universe.

Love Charming and friendly

You’re drawn to people born on April 20 to May 20:You are both practical and down to earth, and have a lot to teach other about emotions, especially love.

People born on September 19 know how to appear attractive to others and, because they are also charming and friendly, they are rarely short of admirers. There is a tendency for them to rush into relationships without thinking over compatibility issues, and even in a settled relationship they may be prone to bouts of restlessness and insecurity. They need a partner who will give them a sense of security, but also plenty of space to express themselves.

Health Gardening

People born on this day may find it hard to get going in the mornings as they enjoy staying up late into the night. If so, their health and concentration might benefit if they ensured that they were in bed by midnight. Exercising first thing in the morning instead of late at night is another good way of increasing their morning energy levels. As far as diet is concerned, making sure they eat most of their food before 7 p.m. will benefit their digestion, boosting their metabolism and energy levels during the day. As far as exercise is concerned, all forms are recommended including unlikely ones like gardening. In fact, gardening can be very therapeutic and comforting for people born on this day. Surrounding themselves with the scent of flowers or essential oils will lift their spirits, and wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to think of higher things.

Those born on September 19 are generally attentive to their skin, hair and physical cleanliness. If they wish to look their best, it is important that their soaps or cosmetics be strictly non-allergenic and that enough healthy fats be consumed to give their skin a supple appearance. In addition, lecithin, supplemental calcium, zinc and selenium, as well as iron if necessary, are suggested for nails, teeth and hair. Well-rounded, full-bodied diets are thus recommended, but fats and proteins should be held in check at acceptable levels. Regular full night sleeps are essential for a rested appearance, as is avoiding stress.

Career Born research writers

These multi-talented people can thrive in any career that they choose, but they have the potential to make significant impact as scientists or artists. Other career choices that might interest them include those with plenty of variety, such as writing, law, teaching, and business. Their restless life could lead them to change professions many times, and this suits their inquisitive minds perfectly.

Destiny To advise, help and inspire others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to look beyond the material to find something deeper and more meaningful. Once they are able to understand the importance of spiritual and emotional matters, their destiny is to draw on their rich experience of life to advise and help others.

Be tnie to yourself. Don't forget your roots. Beware of all forms of material attachment. Seek spiritual goals and having attained them do not forsake them. Cultivate loyaltj and emotional depth.

Celebrities Born On September 19th

Jeremy Irons(British actor), Cass Elliot(American singer), Twiggy(British model and actress),

Cardinal Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu (French priest, statesman, ruled France under Louis XIII, defeated Spain in Thirty Years War, survived numerous intrigues), William Golding (British novelist, Lord of the Flies), Emile Zatopek (Czech Olympic 4x gold medal-winning dis- tance runner, won 5,000, 10,000 meter run and marathon in a single Olympics), Brian Epstein (Beot/es manager, overdosed on sleeping pills, autobiography: Cellar Full of Noise), Jeremy Irons (British film, TV actor), Twiggy (Bntish model, personality). Brook Benton (soul singer), Cass Elliot (singer. Mamas and Papas), Willie Pep (2x world featherweight boxing champion, often cited as paragon of boxers), Joe Morgan (baseball infielder, twice NL MVP, led Cincinnati to two World Series titles), Duke Snider (Brooklyn Dodgers slugger), Joan Lunden (TV journalist. Good Morning America). Leon jaworski (special Watergate prosecutor), David McCallum (TV actor, Man from U.N.C.L.E.), Richard Muhal Abrams (jazz pianist, composer, administrator), Zandra Rhodes (British fashion designer), Paul Williams (singer, songwriter), Marshall P. Wilder (dwarf humorist, writer, People I Have Smiled With). Henry Charies Lea (publisher, historian), Alessandra Martmes (Italian ballet dancer)

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