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September 19th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 19, 2024

Put lilies on your table, let their perfume surround you as you read into the small hours. They symbolise purity and love and their greenish-white petals glimmer in the dark, giving pleasure to creatures of the night.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Venus; Numbers: 1, 1

September 19th Birthday Love Astrology

Time is this creature's enemy. Firstly, September 19 can't get up in the mornings, mostly because they have been up most of the night. Such creatures come out to play with the stars and are best employed during this quiet time, then go to bed with the sun. They make good film makers, night shift workers, club owners, hostesses and bouncers, TV editors, astronomers and hospital workers, because there, at three or four in the morning, they are always happy. It's the intensity of the night they love, the fresh night air and a sense of the world sleeping.

Forced to work by day and sleep at night, they can train themselves to manage. But most will be unpunctual at the very least, because the hours of the day seem shorter than those of the night and time is always catching up with them. If they have a task to complete in the night, it will be done by morning. In the day, it won't be done by nightfall.

Naturally the women adore motherhood because it gives them a chance to stay up at night, feeding their baby when the universe is still and the two of them are at its centre. Such an intensely romantic creature quite often has stars in its eyes for only one partner and will never believe anything bad of them. If they marry somebody who loves night partying, travelling at night or somebody who works in the theatre which opens mostly at night, the marriage will amble along in complete happiness.

Music and poetry are important to this satellite as it traverses its course. Some may compose works of great beauty. Others feel spirituaUy refreshed when they read words such as these: ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date.' (William Shakespeare)

In Love

A true meeting of the minds is considerably more important to you than love and romance. Nevertheless, there is an impulsive side to your character that prompts you to rush headlong into new relationships. However, a cautious inner voice usually reminds you to think twice before taking the plunge. Physically you’re passionate, but emotionally you can blow hot and cold. Even so, when you find security and contentment in a love union, you are a caring, affectionate partner. Your innate generosity makes you want to please your significant other. But in return, you expect nothing less than his or her undying appreciation.

In Bed

As a lover, you are more eager and aggressive than most other members of your Sun sign. In a romantic relationship, mental rapport may be your first requirement, but fiery sexual ardor runs a close second. Your dynamic physical vitality thrives on high-energy lovemaking. When you are away from your beloved, your passionate desires smolder like a dormant volcano. In your most intense intimate moments, your cool Virgo reserve tends to melt away like snow on a hot stove.


September 19 people often find comfort in gardening, usually making sure their plants are the sort that heavily scent the night air. Wilting plants which have just been moved may be benefited by the application of Rescue Remedy, more usually used for humans, and discovered by Dr Edward Bach earlier this century. Ten drops in a sprayer applied regularly for several days will revitalise them. In the vegetable garden, the addition of five to ten drops in the water at planting time or any other time in the growing season has been reported of benefit to crops. And you can take some yourself while you're at it.


It takes a lot of variety and mental and physical stimulation to excite your body and your mind. Your brain is your most sensitive erogenous zone, and expressing your sexual desires verbally is a real turn-on. When one of you is out of town, you get off on engaging in hot phone sex and swapping torrid text messages with your significant other.


Put lilies on your table, let their perfume surround you as you read into the small hours. They symbolise purity and love and their greenish-white petals glimmer in the dark, giving pleasure to creatures of the night.

Reality Check

You are extremely critical, with an analytical bent that allows you to zero in on potential weaknesses in people and situations before they develop into serious problems. Your special gift is your knack for examining a thing from every angle and reasoning it through from the general down to the particular.

September 19 Date Share

Jeremy Irons, British movie star, elegant clothes horse. Tvviggy, stick-thin British model who epitomised Mary Quant's view of the sixties. Cass Elliot singer, Mamas and Papas. Zandra Rhodes, British fashion designer, given to flounces. William Golding, British writer, Lord of the Flies. Emile Zatopek, Czech Olympic runner, gold medallist. Brian Epstein, Beatles manager, overdosed.

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