September 1st Survivor Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 01, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is knowing when to stop

☆The way forward is to understand the principle of less is more. Sometimes it is beneficial to hold back or quit while you are ahead.

The Birthday Of The Survivor, The Day Of No Nonsense

September 1st Survivor Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 1st Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual

Tarot card: The Magician (will-power)

Favorable numbers: 1, 10

Lucky days: Wednesday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 10 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, orange, yellow

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 1 are often obsessed with their work, but this does not mean they are boring and uninspiring. Quite the opposite; they simply find work demanding and fulfilling and will carry out their responsibilities with an infectious enthusiasm and excitement. They also like nothing more than to have their skills or abilities tested and challenged, and are very open to suggestions for improvement. In fact, they have the mental and physical toughness to survive even the most taxing of circumstances, standing their ground with pride in the face of adversity. This makes them the true survivors of the year.

With a tendency to take their work and themselves very seriously, they would benefit greatly from more fun and laughter in their lives, although their energy, enthusiasm, industriousness, and insatiable curiosity for everyone and everything more than compensate. Being so dedicated and full of enjoyment of their work, it’s not surprising that many of them excel in their careers; but sometimes their love of challenge and refusal to give up can work against them. For example, they may find themselves putting up with things that they shouldn’t be putting up with simply because they are unable to move on, find it hard to admit defeat or don’t know when to cut their losses.

After the age of twenty-one, the following thirty years present opportunities for them to develop stronger relationships with those around them, strengthening their intuition; they should take advantage of these opportunities as these will help them improve their timing, so that they can enhance their chances of success by knowing when to hang on and when to quit. During these years they may swing between modesty and confidence, but when they are positive and enthusiastic about a project they have the ability to motivate and energize others.

Whatever age they are, however, their extraordinary mental and physical toughness and fixity of purpose in the pursuit of their goals endow them with the potential for extraordinary and inspiring accomplishments.

☆ On the dark side:Insistent, overworked, overly serious

☆ At your best:Courageous, resilient, hard working

September 1 people are tough, and able to handle the difficulties fate has in store for them. They tend to be pragmatic, practical yet charming, with an approach to life that is straightforward and direct. Those born on this day often have quite spectacular fantasies but demonstrate a knack for bringing such dreams down to the practical level, which can earn them a good financial return on their ideas.

September 1 people do not fool around at all when it comes to their work. They resent any attempt to make light of what they do or to undercut their efforts. They are, however, capable of listening to constructive criticism—always interested in knowing how they can do something better, they are a bit perfectionistic and therefore open to suggestions for improvement.

Though September 1 people are mentally oriented, they also have a very physical side.

Unless their physical needs are met, through both appreciation and stimulation, they will be unhappy and frustrated. Combative types, they are ready to back up their words with actions and generally do not shrink from a fight. Thus, they must be careful not to steamroll those who may be a bit too sensitive for their direct onslaughts. So convinced are September 1 people of a person's need to stand up for him/herself that they may encourage their children or loved ones to learn a martial art, or other form of self-defense. In every aspect of their lives, September 1 people seek a meeting of the mental and physical. If, for example, they plan a part}7 or picnic, they like to roll up their sleeves and do the cooking or cleanup themselves. If in business they think up an idea or system, they won't be happy unless they implement and maintain it as well. No matter what they create, its physical manifestation is something in which they must be personally involved.

Of course, sexual satisfaction is important to September 1 people, but those born on this day require partners whose mind they find at least as interesting as their body. September 1 people must learn that not everyone thinks the way they do on this subject; others may find it more comfortable to keep a clear distinction between mental and physical activities. This difference can cause misunderstandings with love partners. Furthermore. September 1 people have to learn to be a bit less serious about their careers, and not just restrict having fun to the weekend or vacation times.

Those born on this day will find that many conflicts come their way. They are survivors, but have their limitations, too. Therefore, in some cases they should not push their luck, but rather be satisfied with what they have, including losses, and stop at the right moment. They must learn to walk away from Lady Luck's wheel of fortune in order to avoid disaster.

Because their tendency to never give up is so strong, they may have to learn this lesson the hard way.

Power Thought:To be happy I need to work smarter, not harder,Acceptance of what happens is essential to the discovery of truth

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 1st day of the month are ruled by the number 1 and by the Sun. Often people born on the 1 st like to be first. Generally, those ruled by the number 1 are highly individual and opinionated, and eager to rise to the top, particularly true for those born on September 1 . The latter must of course beware of going too far on this road, being overcome by ambition or drowning everyone around them in their abundant energy. The Sun symbolizes creative energy and fire, which should be kept flowing steadily rather than allowed to flare out of control; combined with Mercury (Virgo's ruler) it can produce mental brilliance.

September 1st Birthday Tarot Card

The 1st card of the Major Arcana is The Magician, who symbolizes intellect, communication, information and magic. Over his head is an infinity symbol, which in some Tarot decks takes the form of a hat, in others a halo. Many interpretations may be drawn, one of which is that the Magician recognizes the cyclical and unending nature of life and is empowered by this understanding. The positive traits suggested by this first card include diplomatic skill and shrewdness but, negatively, lack of scruples and opportunism.

☆Luck maker:(Cut your losses)Hanging on for too long in a situation that isn’t working is bad for luck making. What mistakes have you made that can be remedied only by acknowledging that it is time to move on?

Love New opportunities

You’re drawn to people born on April 20 to May 20:You are both practical and down to earth, and this can be a dynamic and creative relationship.

The love of discovering all they can about other people may earn people born on September 1 a reputation as a flirt, but once in a relationship to which they are committed they are straightforward and affectionate partners who demand nothing less than complete honesty from their partner. They are attracted to optimistic people who can inspire them with new ideas and new opportunities.

Health Strong physical and mental needs

People born on this day have strong physical and mental needs. It is important for their health and well-being that they keep themselves fit by exercising regularly, and that they keep their mind agile with regular challenges at work or by learning new skills in their spare time. They will probably be highly competitive as far as sporting activities are concerned, and may need to be reminded that a friendly game is just that: a friendly game. When it comes to diet, these people thrive on structure and regular mealtimes and snacks. It’s also better for them not to have their main meal at night as this will interfere with the quality of their sleep. They should therefore breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and eat their evening meal like a pauper. Carrying a quartz crystal around with them will improve their chances of attracting happiness, as will wearing the color orange.

The health of September 1 people flourishes when they structure their life around regular work habits. Having meals on time, keeping regular hours and exercising consistently suits them. The physical needs of September 1 people must be met both in and out of bed. As far as sports activities are concerned, those born on this day are usually highly competitive, so one-on-one sports such as tennis, squash and handball may be attractive to them. September 1 people are usually picky about what they eat, so either they should develop their own cooking talents or eat regularly at the table of someone who is a stickler for both the taste and appearance of food.

Career Born executives

The highly developed capacity of these people to verbally influence others augurs well for success in advertising, marketing, and sales and retail careers, as well as writing, politics and performing. Other careers that might appeal include management, working for themselves, business, education, research, journalism, the military, and promotion.

Destiny To be agents of advancement and assistance

The life path of people born on this day is to learn when to push forward and when to take a step back. Once they have developed a better sense of timing, their destiny is to act as agents of advancement and assistance.

Learn when to quit, when to walk away, even when to run away. You may not be quite as powerful as you think you are. Be guarded in dispensing ad ice Try to cultivate a less serious aspect. Actively seek out and learn from others.

Celebrities Born On September 1st

Barry Gibb(British singer-songwriter), Gloria Estefan(Cuban-American singer-songwriter), Lily Tomlin(American actress),

Rocky Marciano (undefeated world heavyweight boxing champion, 49-0 record, 43 KOs. died in plane crash), "Gentieman" Jim Corbett (world heavyweight boxing champion, movie actor), Ann Richards (Texas governor), Kenneth "Roy" Thomson (Canadian publishing magnate, one of world's richest men), Walter Reuther (union labor leader, United Auto Workers), Edgar Rice Burroughs (Bntish novelist, Tarzan of the Apes), Seiji Ozawa (Japanese conductor). Art Pepper (jazz alto saxophonist, composer, autobiography, Straight Life), Lily Tomlin (comedienne, actress), Glona Estefan (singer, survived accident, made comeback), Alan M. Dershowitz (defense attorney, ACLU director, writer, Chutzpah), Bo Schembechler (college football coach), Woody Stephens (trainer, horses won 5x Belmont Stakes, 2x Kentucky Derby), Vittorio Gassman (Italian stage, film actor, director), William M. Allen (Boeing aircraft president), Johann Pachelbel (German composer), Richard Farnsworth (TV, film actor), Melvyn Laird (Defense secretary), Barry Gibb (Australian singer, songwriter, BG's), Yvonne De Carlo (film actress)

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