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September 1st Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 01, 2024

People born on the 1st are ruled by the number one in numerology, and in Tarot, the first card in the Major Arcana is The Magician, the key to September 1's meteroic and successful flight through life.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Mercury; Numbers: 1, 1

September 1st Birthday Love Astrology

Many of these people take a long time to grow up, some still regarding themselves as too immature to make decisions when they are past forty. Often extremely charming, this golden-fleshed but tough-skinned purple plum trades on its toothsome appeal for longer than most because it has always been cherished and lovingly handled. Some indeed, may go through the whole of their life Virgo intacta.

Many men can reach high places, driven by the force of their ego, untramelled by the world's seductions and penalties.

Marriages and love affairs drift away into space like discarded space capsules. Politics is ideal for this gorgeous reclining addition to the fruit platter of the universe. He wül be thoroughly organised, a harsh opponent, but if someone takes a proper bite they will find the flesh bland, lacking the subtlety that comes with a more vivid recollection of the tree that bore him. Women who remain untasted all their life do so by giving in to the temptation to put off any action until tomorrow, which is, after all, another day.

Nevertheless, life not always being fair, our plum-bums have a lucky streak. They often scoop large sums of money in later life, then enjoy gold bath tap luxury and other exotic toys favoured by this diamante-studded darling. Now September 1 women, and daughters they hardly know, slide into designer outfits and devote themselves to A-list partying, with a quick prayer that they won't ever again meet anybody they used to know. There may also be late romance and kids, although both sexes will somehow manage to relate to a child as their friend and not as a parent.

This person suddenly switches careers and spotting a window founds a new business, possibly in rejuvenating cosmetics or something sparkly-dangly, and makes pots of gold. Or they write a novel, an instant success, and bingo, Pundit Virgo September Vs face is all over television.

In Love

People born on this day often find themselves torn between opposing impulses. When the more precipitous side of your love nature prompts you to rush headlong into a new relationship, another more cautious part of your mind warns you to think twice. In an intimate relationship, you’re affectionate and attentive. You show how much you care by being helpful and dependable. However, you can also be judgmental and overcritical, and you tend to nag and complain when things don’t go as you think they should. Your own ego, however, is quite fragile, and you’re far better at giving advice than taking it.

In Bed

You radiate a wholesome physical vitality that thrives on passionate lovemaking. Between the sheets, you’re bolder and more aggressive than most other members of your Sun sign. Although your bedroom style may seem overly refined, beneath the surface your lusty sexuality smolders like an awakening volcano. You may not be the most adventurous of bedmates, yet you pride yourself on always being accommodating. You’re willing to try most anything that feels good and pleases both you and your partner.


Most people born on September 1 have vivid, prophetic dreams, reflecting a flicker of the psychic flame common to many Virgos. The women are likely to be extremely fond ofdolb and dolls are a favourite dream, indicative of enjoying being coddled. Other common September 1 dreams include the millionaire dream, an omen of good fortune, and the naked in a public place dream, which can express fears that people see through you, sometimes indicates desire for sex, and sometimes reflects this persons awareness of the role he and she adopts, choosing not to fit in but instead assert their individualistic enjoyment in rebelliousness.


Talking about sex is seductive, and it puts you in the mood for lovemaking.

An intimate discussion about what you and your partner are going to do to each other may make you blush, but it also serves as a reliable turn-on. Your active imagination catches fire when you and your lover view sexy movies or look at erotic illustrations together.


People born on the 1st are ruled by the number one in numerology, and in Tarot, the first card in the Major Arcana is The Magician, the key to September 1's meteroic and successful flight through life.

Reality Check

You possess an intense desire for material success and recognition.

However, yours is also a crusading temperament with decidedly noble objectives. Whether you use your skills to benefit yourself or in the service of others, once you decide on a course of action, you will pursue it with total commitment.

September 1 Date Share

Lily Tomlin, film star, comedienne. Seiji Ozawa, handsome, charming Japanese conductor. Gloria Estefan, singer, songwriter, film star, survived near fatal accident. Barry Gibb, Australian singer, songwriter, Bee Gees. Yvonne de Carlo, film star. Edgar Rice Burroughs, British author, Tarzan. Rocky Marciano, undefeated world heavyweight boxing champion, died in plane crash.

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