September 20th Charming Controller Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 20, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is learning to look before you leap

☆The way forward is to understand that calculated, not impulsive, risk-taking is the key to success. You need to weigh up the pros and cons before you leap in.

The Birthday Of The Charming Controller, The Day Of The Managers

September 20th Charming Controller Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 20th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive

Tarot card: Judgment (responsibility)

Favorable number: 2

Lucky days: Wednesday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 20 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, silver, white

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 20 are often blessed with great charm, their outgoing personality tending to attract those in need of guidance. They are natural leaders and are at their happiest when guiding or controlling individuals or a group in a well-thought-out project.

The organizational skills of these people are often in great demand but because they can have problems saying “no” they may sometimes take on more than they can cope with. They are independent and resourceful, and like to pride themselves on being able to seek the best way to manage a situation. More often than not they are the most capable person on hand, but there will be times when even their best efforts don’t succeed. How they cope with these setbacks or “failures” is the key to their psychological growth. If they can learn from their mistakes and move forward with increased awareness, their potential for success both personally and professionally is outstanding; but if they go on repeating the same mistakes or refuse to acknowledge where their words or actions may have been at fault, they will block their progress.

Until the age of thirty-one they will often feel a need to be popular and admired. They will stand a better chance of winning friends and allies if they don’t overpower others with their opinions. After the age of thirty-two there is a turning point when their sense of personal power will increase and opportunities will be presented to them to become more self-reliant. During these years nothing will be more important for them than their ability to learn the art of caution and patience; this is because they have a tendency to leap before they look.

Although they should never lose their energetic and passionate spirit, their chances of happiness and fulfillment will increase once they have learned that the best way they can make their innovative and significant contribution to the world is to advise, organize and inspire not just others but themselves.

☆ On the dark side:Condescending, controlling, superficial

☆ At your best:Organized, practical, intelligent

Those born on September 20 are convinced of their ability to manage almost any situation.

They are greatly concerned with the interests of their group, and will go to any degree possible to insure the harmonious running of the projects in which they are involved. For some women this can mean family dedication and home values, for others the cohesiveness of their social or business organization. For men it may mean the guidance of their family, which they like to think of more as companions than subjects, and in their working life the counsel which they can offer to business associates and friends. Both women and men born on this day know that running a tight ship financially can guarantee many benefits, and consequently they tend to be adept not only at earning money but at making good buys and shrewd investments (particularly when it comes to the beauty of their home, which they often prize above all else).

When things go wrong, September 20 people have great faith in their capacity to repair or heal. Healing for them may mean anything from patching up quarrels to actually helping a loved one get well using means ranging from prayer to traditional arts and massage. In this respect they must be careful not to go off the deep end and come to believe their powers are greater than they actually are, which can have dangerous consequences not only for themselves but for those close to them.

September 20 people usually display sound judgement but must also avoid being overconfident or blind concerning their ability to recognize the truth of any given situation. The crucial point is whether they are capable of acknowledging that they have made mistakes, and having done so correcting their methods and points of view. Those September 20 people who can learn from their errors (often big ones) and begin anew will grow enormously in stature. Those who can't are destined to encounter repeated difficulties, most of their own making—unaware, but as convinced as ever about the soundness of their judgement. One day even they will have to admit that they have been living a false existence, an illusion.

September 20 people often allow their emotions to run away with them, particularly when it comes to matters of love. Seized with a passion for another person, they can throw caution to the winds and ultimately cause great grief to all involved. If, however, they are able to exercise both patience and restraint, they are much more likely to be rewarded. The best mates for them are those who share similar interests, perhaps even the same field of endeavor. It is not at all uncommon for those born on this day to become working partners with their mates and to achieve success with them in business ventures, research projects or artistic endeavors.

Power Thought:As long as I learn from my setbacks I cannot fail,Observe yourself living

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 20th day of the month are ruled by the number 2 (2+0=2). and by the Moon. Number 2 people are usually gentle and imaginative, and easily hurt by the criticism or inattention of others. Those ruled by the number 2 are impressionable and emotional, but since September 20 people are Yirgo.s (ruled by Mercury), they can occasionally place too much faith in their mental powers. The Virgo-Libra cusp, however, carries strong social and love influences (since approaching Libra is ruled by Venus), and thus an overly mental orientation is not in itself a sufficient expression of September 20 character.

September 20th Birthday Tarot Card

The 20th card of the Major Arcana is The Judgment or Awakening, which urges leaving material aspects behind and seeking higher spirituality. This message may symbolize a challenge to September 20 people to look beyond sensuous beauty and material comfort. The card shows an angel blowing a trumpet, a fanfare that perhaps calls us to a greater purpose. It is a reminder of finality and our need for preparedness, signifying not only that a new day is dawning but also that there will one day be a reckoning. The warning expressed by this card, particularly true for September 20 people, is against overconfidence and becoming excitedly unrealistic.

☆Luck maker:(Find out what went wrong)Lucky people make mistakes just like everyone else, but the difference between them and other people is that they are able to learn from their mistakes so that they increase their chances of success next time.

Love Nurturing rather than controlling

You’re drawn to people born on June 21 to July 22:You are both passionate and intense individuals, and this can create an exciting and fulfilling union.

People born on September 20 need to make sure that they recognize when their affectionate and nurturing nature is starting to become too controlling or dictatorial. Friendly, sociable and always with something interesting to say, they rarely lack admirers but tend to be drawn to unconventional but intelligent individuals. Although passionate, they do not fall in love easily; if a relationship is going nowhere they will be quick to recognize it and leave.

Health Keep your brain sharp

People born on this day are often extremely intelligent and it is important for them to keep their brain active. If they don’t they are likely to become despondent and forgetful. As well as mental activity, it is equally important for them to stay physically active as their love of delegation may mean that they spend a lot of time sitting rather than doing. Regular exercise is therefore essential; running, swimming and all kinds of aerobic activity are highly recommended. As far as diet is concerned, they need to avoid fad diets as they could be prone to weight problems, hormone imbalances and eating disorders which can all be triggered or made worse by erratic eating habits. Lavender essential oil will be an uplifting aroma for them when they are dealing with stress; wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will encourage them to be more calm and logical in their response to situations and others.

Those born on September 20 are generally aware not only of the physical condition of their bodies but also of their relative beauty. Consequently those born on this day need not be reminded of the importance of physical exercise and diet in maintaining their health and good looks. They must, however, beware of focusing excessively on the outward goal of an attractive exterior. They may even at times compromise their health in this respect, going overboard on fad diets and vigorous, but also dangerous forms of overexercise. Those born on this day must beware of all affective ailments, particularly those involving hormone imbalances

Career Born people planners

These people have the potential to achieve success in a variety of careers but will often be drawn to the arts, music, writing, or the media. Other work choices that might appeal include people planning, sales, public relations, promotions, advertising, statistics, research, education, social reform, or psychology.

Destiny To lead others to new and progressive areas of interest

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to take a step back and weigh up the pros and cons before they make a decision. Once they have learned to take calculated risks, their destiny is to lead others to new situations and areas of interest.

Learn from your own mistakes Examine results and take stock of your methods—either the) work or they don't. Do not hesitate to change course if necessary. Keep your emotions a bit more guarded and learn the value of patience.

Celebrities Born On September 20th

Sophia Loren(Italian actress), Kenneth Moore(British actor), Nuno Bettencourt(Portuguese guitarist and singer-songwriter),

Red Auerbach (Boston Celtics basketball coach, general manager, president, winningest coach in NBA history, took Celtics to nine NBA titles), Sophia Loren (Italian film actress). Sister Elizabeth Kenny (Australian-born nursing pioneer, polio treatment), Upton Sinclair (social activist novelist, The Jungle), Guy Lafleur (Canadian hockey rightwing, 3x NHL scoring leader, 2x MVP, played for five Stanley cup-winning Montreal teams), Chulalonghorn (Siamese 19 th c. king, Anna and the King of Siam), Ananda Mahidol (Thai 20th c. king), Joyce Brothers (PhD. psychologist, TV show host), Takamitsu Azuma (Japanese architect, Philosophy of Living in the City), James SGalanos (fashion designer), Fernando Rey (Spanish film actor), Stevie Smith (Bntish woman novelist, poet), Charlie Dressen (Brooklyn Dodgers baseball manager, two NL pennants), Vittorio Taviani (Italian film director, Padre Padrone), Ding Guang Xun (Chinese bishop, theologian). Donald Hall (poet, The One Day, anthologist), John Dankworth (British jazz musician), Richard McDenmott (US Olympic gold medal-wmning speed skater). Allanah Curne (punk singer, keyboardist). Sir George Robey (British music hall comedian)

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