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September 20th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 20, 2024

Too much work makes September 20 a frazzled star. Vitamins Bl (thiamine), B12 (cobulamin) and C can help. Juice 6 kale leaves, 2 tomatoes, 1 celery stalk. Take with a piece of cheese (for vitamin B12).

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Venus; Numbers: 2, 2

September 20th Birthday Love Astrology

This sharp-witted creature goes in for self-improvement. Many September 20 people left school with poor exam results, or none. But this may have been a problem of timing, not dimness. Many thought school dull and found it hard to concentrate when the sun was shining outside and loafing around in the shopping centre beckoned. But then they get onto a training scheme or take a job with day release at the local tech and everything changes. He or she can suddenly see the point, mostly because it's a more adult environment and the learning is for something. Many a magnate and top executive comes up this way. And many a famous writer.

Sometimes it was just the self-doubt which lurks in many Virgos which held this striking space traveller back. A little learning is not at all a dangerous thing. Only those who want to keep education to themselves tell you that. Knowledge is pleasure. Knowledge is power. It's one way to make a fortune, and to attract the opposite sex. It gives you something to talk about, makes you an accomplished traveller and brings confidence.

Both sexes make excellent late starters. Many men and women who have been made redundant find themselves easily able to retrain and thoroughly enjoy the next step in their lives. A lot of women go back to some kind of learning when their children are old enough for them to look for work.

All of this happens to September 20 because they are exceptionally open-minded to new ideas, a characteristic which is invaluable in the workplace and domestically. You'll never hear them say'I'm not interested' without even listening. And they always listen to others with attention. Indeed, it's just because they are such good listeners that these creatures are always socially in demand and, of course, popular with children who need somebody to listen to them almost more than anything else.

In Love

People born on this date often find it difficult to open up and talk about their emotions. Instead, you prefer showing your loved one how much you care by being generous, helpful, and dependable. In an intimate union, you are loving, tender, and affectionate. You tend to take your commitments to your beloved seriously. In fact, devotion and loyalty are key elements in all of your relationships. A perfectionist yourself, you seem to think that everyone shares your desire for precision. Consequently, you can be rather critical when your partner is unable to live up to your high standards.

In Bed

Your sensuality and lusty appetite for life’s pleasures sets you apart from other Virgo natives. A down-to-earth lover, you view sexuality as a natural, wholesome form of expressing deep feelings of love and affection. You prove your love by always striving to please your partner, in and out of bed.

Inherently tactile, you get off on touching and being touched. Your style of lovemaking is innovative and inventive. You continually come up with new and exciting ways of sharing your erotic imaginings.


Since September 20 is keen to keep his brain sharp and prides himself on his memory, here is a little test which will (a) tell him how good he is and (b) give her something to practise with, thus improving that memory. Here are some number sequences. 38147; 013825; 7958423; 51739826; 163874952; 9152438162; 15284673183. Read the first sequence (38147) out loud at a steady rate. Now close your eyes and repeat the numbers in the correct order. Progress through the sequences until you start to make mistakes, then continue until you are always inaccurate. Most people can manage to remember six- or seven-number sequences, so you can judge immediately how you compare with the average.


Your ideal lover attends to all the little details that will make your time together truly memorable. Every combination of sensual pleasure, from A to Z, seems to have a place in his or her repertoire. When the scene is set for lovemaking with perfumed sheets, candlelight, and beautiful music playing in the background, how can you possibly resist?


Too much work makes September 20 a frazzled star. Vitamins Bl (thiamine), B12 (cobulamin) and C can help. Juice 6 kale leaves, 2 tomatoes, 1 celery stalk. Take with a piece of cheese (for vitamin B12).

Reality Check

You may prefer the country, yet no matter where you live, you’ll take advantage of any chance to get closer to nature. You like gardening and making things grow. You also enjoy kids and pets, as long as they’re well behaved and don’t mess up your neat home or carefully organized schedule.

September 20 Date Share

Died: Roy Kinnear, in a riding accident on location in Spain, much loved British comic. Born: Sophia Loren, Italian glamour puss, enduring beauty. Dr Joyce Brothers, columnist, American TV host, author. James Galanos, fashion designer. Stevie Smith, British poet, suicide. John Dankworth, jazz musician. Sir George Robey, music hall comic.

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