September 21st Sensation Seeker Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 21, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is finding your own sense of direction

☆The way forward is to understand that organizations or people can’t give you a sense of purpose; the only way is to find out who you are.

The Birthday Of The Sensation Seeker, The Day Of Current Taste

September 21st Sensation Seeker Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 21st Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher

Tarot card: The World (fulfillment)

Favorable number: 3

Lucky days: Wednesday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 3 or 12 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, red, indigo

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 21 are fascinated by all things unusual, unexpected, erratic, and, on occasion, dark. They have the wonderful ability to inject an air of mystery and suspense into even the most mundane of occasions.

Because they are hungry to learn or experience the unusual or complex, these people may be drawn to explore novel or bizarre subjects that those with less imagination would avoid. Highly sensual, they often feel compelled to seek out new sensations and to share their discoveries or viewpoints with others. Their messages are often profound but frequently misunderstood, and this can make them feel lonely and frustrated. Part of the reason others are sometimes unconvinced by their approach or theories is that they tend to lose themselves in their current obsession, leaving others with no sense of who they are and what they really believe in. It is therefore extremely important for them to try to stay true to their principles and keep a sense of personal identity.

Until the age of thirty-one they tend to gain much of their self-esteem and respect from their relationships with others, and they therefore need to learn to trust their own judgment. They also need to ensure that their sensation-seeking impulses do not lead them astray into a murky underworld of disreputable danger and strangeness. After the age of thirty-two there is an important turning point in their lives when there will be opportunities for them to feel more in control of their life. It is vital for their psychological growth that they take advantage of these opportunities to move from the passenger seat to the driving seat of their lives.

This is because once they are able to discover within themselves the mystery, wonder, sensation, and excitement that so enthralls them in the world around them, their attraction to the unconventional, new and different gives them the potential to become progressive and inspired instruments of human advancement.

☆ On the dark side:Sensationalist, unaware, unfocused

☆ At your best:Curious, progressive, interesting

Those born on September 21 are very much concerned with the prevailing social tastes of the times, either in setting them within their own circle or observing them. It can be said that most September 21 people are extremely up-to-date in their thinking, their dress, the way they keep their homes, even the car they drive (or at least have a strong desire to be).

Consequently, if their financial circumstances do not allow for such a contemporary lifestyle, those born on this day can grow rather unhappy. Often their desire to be successful financially is motivated by such needs. It must be mentioned, however, that there is a smaller group of September 21 people who are not preoccupied with these externals at all, but only concerned with being up to date intellectually and having an advanced outlook. For this type of person, a natural lifestyle, away from the bustle of the city, may come to assume great importance.

The word modern is applicable to September 21 people, both in the sense of being in tune with their times and in being progressive. They are generally attracted to modern architecture, new ideas, fashion trends and advancements in science, and may await the appearance of the latest model tool, machine or gadget with great interest. The reasons for this interest are not only a fascination with innovation and wishing to be seen by others as up-to-date, but also a real knowledge that such developments can better their lives and allow them to work more efficiently.

September 21 people take great pride in their creations, whether of a physical form (such as children, works of art, businesses, constructions) or more abstract nature (concepts, systems, plans, inventions). The ideal occupation for those born on this day may be one which allows them to dream up new ideas and then see them through in practical application. Most September 21 people seek to be elegant and admired, some even worshiped. Their feeling for beauty is important to them and matters of aesthetic taste are usually given high priority.

September 21 people have an undeniable fascination for mystery, strange people, suspense, and even danger and violence. These interests should of course be channeled creatively and kept within bounds because though they can make for a stimulating dream and fantasy life, they can also produce a highly destructive personality. A September 21 person's idea of beauty can very well be tinged or even characterized by unusual desires and indeed may be less a function of balance, harmony and proportidn. than of something rather wild, asymmetric and provocative. September 21 people do have a way of imbuing the commonplace with an unusual air and of making mundane subjects more interesting. They should, however, avoid sensationalism for its own sake and beware of superficiality in all forms.

Power Thought:I know who I am and where I am going,Beauty is not always something you must search for

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 21th day of the month are ailed by the number 3 (2+1=3 >. and by the expansive planet Jupiter. Those ruled by the number 3 are often ambitious, sometimes dictatorial. Due to the optimistic influence of Jupiter. September 21 people may be t(x> easy with their money, which can lead to debt, overdrafts or losses from get-rich-quick schemes. People born on September 21 must also be particularly mindful of their social nature dominating their personality. Those ruled by the number 3 can sometimes arouse jealousy in others, and should therefore keep their antennae tuned to any emotional static that may be arising in their environment.

September 21st Birthday Tarot Card

The 21st card of the Major Arcana is The World, which depicts a goddess running with energygiving rods in her hands. She surmounts the world and displays the truth: she has unlimited power. This card symbolizes all that is attainable on the earthly plane. Although reward and integrity are assured, traditionally the card can also indicate monumental obstacles and setbacks of fortune, as well as negative traits of distraction and self-pity. This card reveals the primary task of September 21 people—to make their way in the world in a constructive fashion.

☆Luck maker:(Stop comparing yourself with others)Lucky people never compare themselves with other people because they know that jealousy blocks their luck. They also know that comparisons are futile because everyone is unique, with their own special gifts.

Love Erratic behavior

You’re drawn to people born on November 22 to December 21:You both share a love of the unusual and this relationship has great creative potential.

People born on this day tend to be attracted to individuals who are difficult or different in some way. They are witty and fun to be around, and generally don’t have problems making friends or attracting admirers. They can, however, suddenly run cold or become uncaring in relationships for no apparent reason. Only a partner as unpredictable as they are will be able to relate to and accept that.

Health You can’t do it alone

Research has shown that the more people cut themselves off or alienate themselves from others, the unhappier they are likely to be. People born on this day therefore need to make sure that their love of the strange and unusual does not alienate friends and loved ones. If they find it hard to open up, they would also benefit enormously from therapy or counseling because getting in touch with their feelings, rather than trying to project their feelings onto others, is vital for their psychological growth. As far as diet is concerned, they need once more to steer clear of the bizarre and unusual as their health would benefit most from a diet that is simple, balanced and nutritious. Regular exercise, such as daily walking, is highly recommended for both physical and psychological reasons, as many people find walking conducive to constructive thinking. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will give them the courage to express themselves freely and creatively.

Those born on September 21 will want to be in nine with the times. Because the age in which we live is so health-oriented, they will be open and eager to put together diet and exercise programs to fit both established and advanced norms. Thus they may be interested in macrobiotic, vegetarian, fruitarian and weight-loss diets as well as aerobics, callinetics. yoga, tai-chi and other forms of physical fitness. They should beware of forcing an unsuitable regimen on themselves, and instead make an effort to discover diet and exercise plans best suited to their wellbeing. It is essential that September 21 people regularly consult their family doctor or health advisor to monitor their progress and make sure they are not headed in a wrong direction.

Career Born songwriters

These people may be drawn to careers in music, art or the media, as well as more technical and administrative careers, such as computing, technology or accountancy. Other careers that might appeal include writing, sales, acting, politics, publishing, commerce, counseling, or teaching.

Destiny To share and develop their original ideas with others

The life path of people born on this day is to discover a sense of wonder and mystery from within, rather than seeking it outside themselves. Once they have a clearer sense of their identity, their destiny is to share and develop their original and progressive ideas with others.

Find your tme values within. Don't get carried away by the latest and greatest. Try to keep to one path. Feel free to flaunt your differences if you wish, but don't be obsessed by them—it doesn't matter so much what your neighbor thinks

Celebrities Born On September 21st

Bill Murray(American actor and comedian), Stephen King(American writer), Leonard Cohen(Canadian singer-songwriter),

H.G. Wells (British visionary, historian, economist, novelist, War ofthe Worlds), Stephen King (horror writer, The Shining), Bill Murray (comedian, film, TV actor, Saturday Night Live member), Gustav Hoist (British composer), Leonard Cohen (Canadian singer, songwriter, poet). Hamilton Jordan (Jimmy Carter, Ross Perot campaign manager, senior presidential aide), Shirley Conran (British journalist, textile designer, writer, Down with Superwoman), Francis Hopkinson (American revolutionary, judge, writer), Chico Hamilton (jazz drummer, bandleader), Donald A. Glaser (Nobel Pnze-winnmg physicist. Weak Interactions, work on DNA and RNA). John London Macadam (Scottish engineer, road surface inventor), Larry Hagman (TV actor. J.R. of Dallas, director), Robert Fisher (comedy writer for Groucho Marx, Amos and Andy), Girolamo Savonarola (Italian prophet, fanatic, excommunicated, executed), Sir Allen Lane (Bntish publisher, Penguin Books, paperback pioneer), Slam Stewart (jazz bassist), Faber Birran (color consultant, pioneer of functional color, Color Perception in Art), Marsha Norman (playwright), Cecil Fielder (baseball first baseman, Al 2x RBI champ), Hans Hartung (German-French abstract painting pioneer)

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