September 22nd Master Builder Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 22, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is learning to relax

☆The way forward is to understand that downtime is not time wasted but time gained because you give yourself an opportunity not just to rest but also to recharge.

The Birthday Of The Master Builder, The Day Of Restless Drive

September 22nd Master Builder Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 22nd Birthdays

Sun signs: Virgo/Libra

Ruling planets: Mercury, the communicator/Venus, the lover

Symbols: The Virgin/The Scales

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: The Fool (freedom)

Favorable number: 4

Lucky days: Wednesday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 4 and 13 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, pink, silver

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 22 tend to be multi-talented, hardworking and intelligent individuals with excellent communication skills and their own slightly eccentric but wonderfully endearing personal style. They are at their happiest and their best when they are creating or building, and such is their love of challenge that no sooner have they completed one project than they will jump to the next and then the next and so on, without a hint of a pause in between.

From an early age these people may have felt that they were here for a reason, and this explains their restless urge to constantly challenge themselves and make their mark on the world around them. Whatever it is that they feel called to do, they will follow their vision no matter how disruptive or difficult.

They may sometimes find that their ideals of fairness and equality and their superior intelligence clash with those in authority over them; this is potentially dangerous for them as enemies are not conducive to professional or personal success. Learning to compromise and play the game when necessary will be difficult for them but it will make their transition to success smoother.

Until they reach the age of thirty, relationships for these people are likely to be important, as will the need for harmonious surroundings in both private and professional spheres. Establishing a work-life balance so that they have enough time to spend on themselves and their friendships will be important during these years. After the age of thirty there is a turning point when they start to become more emotionally self-reliant and in control. If they can learn to be more flexible in their thinking, these are the years when they are likely to come into their own. This is because once they have learned to balance their restlessness with plenty of quality time out to recharge and connect with their intuition, amazing opportunities to build a career and a life of great and unique creativity will come their way.

☆ On the dark side:Workaholic, stubborn, isolated

☆ At your best:Progressive, hardworking, individual

Those born on September 22 have a restless drive to begin all sorts of new projects.

Usually they bring the one they are working on to completion but immediately set out on a new one without rest. They are also capable of handling several projects at the same time. Those bom on this day have a low boredom threshold, and consequently demand challenging people and situations. They can be outgoing and dynamic types at one time, and solitary and unapproachable at another. In either case, their strong character is unmistakable.

Often September 22 people oscillate between an offensive and defensive posture. In one sense, such postures may be one and the same since a good offense is the best defense and vice-versa. Whether in a broad social context or on a personal level, the issues and ideas those born on this day are most often concerned with involve fairness and equality—in general, matters pertaining to the delegation and exercise of power. In putting forth their arguments, they can be very ironic, witty and outright funny. Their humor, however, is not for everyone as it is liable to be off-beat, sardonic, perhaps even macabre.

September 22 people can display a disturbing lack of stability. Although they may be involved in quite respectable professions, one often gets the idea that the profession itself, or whatever work they do in general, lends the consistency their lives so desperately need. Those bom on this day can be at risk when their restless nature brings them into conflict with the powers that be. September 22 people think for themselves and will not tolerate others, particularly those of lesser intelligence, trying to tell them what to do. Thus, they must be careful not to arouse enemies and antagonize their colleagues.

Those bom on September 22 can hide a warm heart under a forbidding exterior, but generally will only open up to people whom they deeply trust and value. Even then they may find it difficult to open all the way. however, principally because their orientation is highly realistic and the ironies of life all too visible to them. This day. indeed, carries insight and clarity of vision both literal and figurative. September 22 people are excellent judges of character, and capable of sizing people up very quickly. Those few friends whom they allow into their inner sanctum they value most highly, usually for life. It is quite possible that one or even both parents, in exceptional cases, will fall into this category.

September 22 people can often have a greater effect on those around them than they realize, and indeed can register a high degree of shock value. Because of their often disturbing impact, they should seek to be more aware of their effect on others, both friends and foes alike.

True warriors in the battle of life, they must take stock of their armaments and defenses, using them judiciously and effectively, and avoid isolating and alienating themselves from the daily world of human values.

Power Thought:I act appropriately on my intuition,Buddha just sat under a tree and let the whole world come to him

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 22th day of the month are ruled by the number 4 (2+2=4), and by the planet I ranus. which is both erratic and explosive. The number 4 typically represents rebellion, idiosyncratic beliefs and a desire to change the rules. Because those governed by the number t so often take the opposing point of view and are remarkably self-assured, they sometimes arouse antagonism and make enemies, often secret ones. The explosive, restless qualities mentioned above may only be heightened in September 22 people since, as Yirgos. they come under the influence of the dynamic and speedy planet, Mercury.

September 22nd Birthday Tarot Card

The 22nd card of the Major Arcana is The Fool, who in several versions of the Tarot is shown blithely stepping over the edge of a cliff. Some interpretations picture him as a foolish man who has given up his reason, others a highly spiritualized being free of material considerations. Positive meanings include renouncing resistance and following instincts freely; foolish acts, impulsiveness and annihilation are the negative aspects. The highly evolved Fool has followed life's path, experienced its lessons and become one with his her own vision.

☆Luck maker:(Don’t have enemies)Lucky people try not to make enemies for one simple reason: enemies attract bad luck your way.

Love Lasting unions

You’re drawn to people born on August 23 to September 22:As long as you both learn to balance logic with intuition, this relationship has the potential to be intense and rewarding.

People born on September 22 are outgoing and attractive, with plenty of acquaintances, but they can be slow to make close friends. Because they tend to avoid social situations, they may also find it hard to meet people they are attracted to outside of work. They believe in lasting unions and can be very affectionate and loyal in a relationship, but if they don’t get the attention they feel they deserve, they can become insecure or anxious.

Health Too busy

Social isolation is the biggest health risk for people born on this day because it will make them prone to stress, anxiety and depression. Making an effort to stay in touch with friends is therefore recommended. It is important for them to make sure that they don’t carry their work around with them at all times, having clear cut-off points when they leave work behind and get on with living. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea when they get home, chatting with friends, going to the movies, reading a book, relaxing in a aromatherapy bath are all great ways for them to switch off. As far as diet is concerned, they need to avoid food that is too spicy or rich as digestive problems may be an issue. A regular exercise program will encourage them to have a more balanced and focused approach to their lives. Carrying a citrine crystal around with them will help them deal with anger and stress, and wearing the color green will encourage them to find a balance between work, stress and play.

Those born on September 22 must beware of the depressive- effects of isolation. Also they should avoid attracting the animosity- of others, whether in the form of bad vibes or physical violence. Because of their restless nature, they may be accident-prone and inflict all kinds of minor hurts unwittingly on themselves and others. Paradoxically they may also display a talent for healing. Since their taste in food tends to the exotic, they must be attentive to the effects of spicy, unusual or rich foods on their body. If they can eat from a balanced menu it will help control restless and possibly destructive impulses. Only mild to moderate exercise is recommended for those born on this day.

Career Born architects

These people are well suited to scientific, public service or humanitarian work, as well as the healing or caring professions, although they may also be drawn to writing or research. Other possible career choices include editing, teaching, sales, promotion, public relations, commerce, social reform, design, or architecture.

Destiny To build progressive structures

The life path of people born on this day is to find a balance between their need to push the boundaries and their need to be happy, fulfilled human beings. Once they have learned to be less self- or work-absorbed, their destiny is to build progressive structures from which others might learn.

Don't despise those who are more open and gullible than yourself. Get in touch with your own innocent nature. Try not to box yourself into one kind of outlook. Give yourself time to dream and to recharge.

Celebrities Born On September 22nd

Nick Cave(Australian singer-songwriter), Michael Faraday(British scientist), Billie Piper(British singer and actress),

Erich von Stroheim (Austrian- American film actor, director, Greed). Paul Muni (stage, film actor), John Houseman (theatre director, TV, film producer, actor, co-founder Mercury theater), Michael Faraday (British physicist chemist, electrical unit name- sake, discovered Faraday effect), Anna Karina (Danish-French film, TV, theater actress), Fay Weldon (British comic novelist The Cloning ofJoanna May), Tommy Lasorda (LA Dodger's baseball manager, 2x World Series winner), Yang Chen Ning (Chinese-US Nobel Prizewinning physicist elementary particles), Ingemar Johansson (world heavyweight boxing champion), Wilhelm Keitel (chief of Supreme Command of German Armed Forces WWII, sentenced to death at Nuremberg, executed), Joan Jett (rock singer, film actress), David J. Stern (NBA [basketball] commissioner, internationalized game), Charles B. Huggins (US Nobel Pnze-winning cancer researcher, surgeon), Ladislav Fialka (mime director), Dame Chnstabel Pankhurst (Bntish suffragist), Paul Baum (German pain 4 Antonio Saura (Spanish informal painter), Tai Babilonia (US figure skater), Roger Bissiere (French painter, writer), Fritz Winter (German abstract painter)

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