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September 22nd Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 22, 2024

You frequently dream of falling. There are two interpretations. The one you pick says it indicates fear of failure at work or some inadequacy. The other is an omen for sexual excitement and falling in love. Choose the second.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Venus; Numbers: 4, 4

September 22nd Birthday Love Astrology

September 21 is a worrier. In childhood he and she heard parents despairing about bills and, like most children, took it more dramatically than the situation deserved. The frightened child becomes an adult who never wants to experience this. Unfortunately, unless your name is Lord Borace Bleepfurgle and you inherited snoodles of money - and some September 21 people are and do - then, along with everybody else, money worries come.

It's just that this creature has to fight bigger bogeys when it comes to unpaid bills and carnivorous bank managers. Others regard Mr B M as Mr Piggy Bank. September 21 thinks he's the headmaster. Fortunately the strong side to their psycheology means that they usually get over this, mostly because everybody else is having to.

The women worry about not being promoted and general unfairness at the office until they understand that much of management has spinach for brains and what gets you up the ladder is quite often straightforward brown-nosing. Men's noses are bigger than women's so they are better at it. Then, when they have a big desk, they worry about why the staff don't like them and sing a lot of karaoke at staff Christmas parties in order to curry favour.

These lovely creatures, because September 21 mostly are, should try to master this tendency, partly because it wearies companions. And frankly, blessed with humour, brains and a natural capacity to attract the opposite sex, be grateful. Thank the kind fairies who delivered the good bits and ignore the bad fairy's gift.

Those who can't might try therapy, usually extremely helpful in this area. And they must savour the pleasure of what they have, maybe a loving relationship and parents they adore. September 21 is happy working in areas which benefit mankind, when she can forget herself in the efforts to create greater good. Or else seek a passionately involving hobby such as gardening, walking or amateur dramatics.

In Love

Individuals born on the Virgo/Libra cusp are exceedingly sensitive to their surroundings and require a serene environment in which to live and work.

You create and maintain a sense of balance and harmony between yourself and other people. Imaginative, free spirited, and fun loving, you bring life to all your relationships. Warmhearted and sincere in affairs of the heart, you are happiest when involved in a permanent union. Skilled at seeing all sides of a situation, you’re invariably fair and equitable in your dealings with your significant other. Because you abhor conflict, you are generally the first to make up after an argument.

In Bed

Thoughtful and attentive to small details, you pick up on little things that most others miss. As a result, you know most of your partner’s likes and dislikes and can act accordingly. You want a relationship with your lover that provides an escape from the mundane. In each other’s arms, you two are able to forget about the responsibilities and stresses of the world outside your bedroom door. Your ideal lover is sweet natured and loving, yet also bright enough to engage in intelligent conversation.


Far too many people blame their problems on dyslexia. Just because they get a little letter-muddled, they think they have been at a disadvantage since childhood and this undiscovered, vague worry haunts them, sometimes giving them an excuse, other times causing genuine fears that they will let themselves down. Try reading the following sentences quickly. Iff yue scowned owt thess scentans teuw yoreselph, uoo weilll komppriehuenned eit. Moas peepul sieemm twoo beye eybuell tooe herr thuh wirrdz effen wan thay rrr serpprressng rrtickuleyshin. Practically everybody can understand them. If you are dyslexic then they'll put you in tdisczsarreay.


In your romantic dreams, love and sex are always intertwined. The bed partner who showers you with TLC is the one who truly knows the way to your heart. You enjoy all the accoutrements of a real courtship, including flowers, champagne, and chocolates. A romantic ambiance, with scented candles and soft music, puts you in the mood for loving.


You frequently dream of falling. There are two interpretations. The one you pick says it indicates fear of failure at work or some inadequacy. The other is an omen for sexual excitement and falling in love. Choose the second.

Reality Check

There is nothing superficial about you; you think and feel very deeply. Your sensitive nature makes you extremely receptive to others, and you pick up on the ideas, thoughts, and feelings of those around you. However, this psychic gift opens you up to the possibility of falling under the influence of conditions outside yourself.

September 22 Date Share

Died: Walter Brennan, Hollywood classic comic and actor. Born: Stephen King, horror writer, The Shining. Shirley Conran, novelist, mother to clothes designer Jasper. Larry Hagman, JR from Dallas, director. Girolamo Savonarola, Italian philosopher, excommunicated, executed. Sir Allen Lane, founder of Penguin publishing empire. H G Wells, novelist, high liver, The Invisible Man.

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