September 23rd Unassuming Warrior Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 23, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is communicating the strength of your convictions

☆The way forward is to understand that abandoning your personal beliefs if they might create conflict is counterproductive because it causes conflict within you.

The Birthday Of The Unassuming Warrior, The Day Of The Breakthrough

September 23rd Unassuming Warrior Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 23rd Birthdays

Sun signs: Libra/Virgo

Ruling planets: Venus, the lover/Mercury, the communicator

Symbols: The Scales/The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator

Tarot card: The Hierophant (guidance)

Favorable number: 5

Lucky days: Friday and Wednesday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 14 of the month

Lucky colors: Sky blue, lavender, orange

Birthstone: Opal

People born on September 23 tend to be charming but unassuming individuals with an appreciation of beauty, and a great deal of personal integrity and reliability. Behind all this, however, is a character of steely determination. They may appear gentle on the outside but from early in life they will have faced a series of challenges, setbacks and conflicts, most of which they have overcome and gained spiritual strength from.

Many of these people will be unaware of just how evolved, inspirational and creative they really are; as a result they may underplay their talents. For example, because they are often people of few words, others may step in to speak their part and take the credit; because they treat everyone with generosity and loyalty, they can become a target for those who are manipulative or simply lazy.

Most of the time, they approach daily life with pure, almost childlike pleasure, and if something or someone captivates their attention, their enthusiasm and zeal can become infectious. However, there will also be times when they don’t feel that enthusiasm and run the risk of slipping into despondency or, in extreme cases, depression. This is because they are such honest people that they find it hard to pretend an interest. The key to their happiness, therefore, is to find a vocation, lifestyle or relationship that inspires and fulfills them.

Before the age of thirty they are likely to be concerned with relationship issues, but after the age of thirty there is a turning point that highlights a growing emphasis on deep emotional change. They may also be involved in joint finances or dealing with other people’s money. After the age of sixty they may become more freedom loving and adventurous. Whatever age they are, however, once they figure out what works for them and what stops them moving forward, they have the inquisitive minds, the creativity and, above all, the fighting spirit to realize their cherished dreams and command not just the attention but the respect of all those with whom they come into contact.

☆ On the dark side:Unassertive, unmotivated, addicted

☆ At your best:Charming, honest, passionate

Arecurring theme in the lives of September 23 people is that of breaking through restrictions.

The expansive individuals born on this day are not free to develop and unfold their personalities until they have struggled with and overcome either physical or formal difficulties. This struggle is usually extremely intense, and in fact goes on even after successive breakthroughs. Indeed life for those born on this day is a series of ongoing challenges which must each be met and conquered. In this respect September 23 people may well be described as spiritual warriors.

The more highly evolved of September 23 people use the fruits of their struggle to benefit all those around them, if only as a living symbol of determination to overcome adversity. Less highly evolved individuals born on this day may get bogged down in personal conflicts (often a result of their substantial egos) in which they succeed in stirring up a lot of trouble but not necessarily yielding positive results. It would be advantageous for them to retire for a while from life's fray, get their heads screwed on straight and put their considerable energy at the service of a worthwhile cause.

September 23 people are capable of moving mountains. Yet there are times when they sink into depressions or low energy periods where they can't seem to summon the feeblest of energy.

Certainly there is nothing lazy or slack about those born on this day—it is just that they can't fake enthusiasm and when they don't feel inspired would rather do nothing at all than produce shoddy work.

September 23 people are drawn to happenings of all sorts. Whether they are mentally, emotionally or physically oriented, they are action people, for whom words are only a means to an end. As a matter of course, most September 23 people are not particularly verbal, and communicate what they have to say directly, sometimes with no words at all. For those who do possess the gift of speech, theirs is an elegantly simple, precise and economical style, carrying little excess verbiage.

Those born on this day can be extremely seductive and charming, though many appear forbidding or aloof on first meeting. Others should not, however, make the mistake of thinking that September 23 charm is an invitation to get personally involved, particularly on a sexual level. For the most part September 23 people put their work first and pleasure second. Despite any image they might project, their real friends are very few and they do not value small talk.

Often it is better to admire them from a distance than to force an approach. On the other hand, September 23 people themselves should beware of isolating themselves at a deep emotional level and concentrating on universal or worldly concerns to the exclusion of personal matters.

In this, they may be neglecting the trees for the forest.

Power Thought:I am now willing to see my own beauty and brilliance,Generally we don't figure out what's wrong with us when we are feeling well

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 23th day of the month are ailed by the number 5 (2+3=: >), and by the planet Mercury. Mercury represents quickness of thought, communication and change. Because the cusp of the fall equinox is influenced by both Mercury (Virgo) and Venus (Libra), creativity, idealism, and charm are enhanced in September 23 people. Like many ruled by the number 5 they may find, however, that they are likely to both overreact mentally and to change their minds and physical surroundings with great regularity. Fortunately, whatever hard knocks number 5 people receive from life generally have little lasting effect on them—they recover quickly. The number 23 is often associated with happening, and for September 23 people this further enhances their active and mercurial side.

September 23rd Birthday Tarot Card

The 5th card of the Major Arcana is The Hierophant. an interpreter of sacred mysteries who is symbolic of human understanding and faith. His knowledge is esoteric and he has authority over things unseen. Favorable traits conferred by this card are self-assuredness and insight: unfavorable traits include moralizing, bombast and dogmatism.

☆Luck maker:(Be creative with the rules)Lucky people don’t always start at the beginning or follow what is perceived to be the correct way of doing things. This doesn’t mean they are dishonest or disruptive; it means they use the rules creatively.

Love Indulgent mate

You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 19:This is a classic case of opposites attract; you have much to learn and love about each other.

People born on September 23 tend to be relaxed folk who are extremely loyal in a relationship, because the ideal of the perfect relationship appeals to them and they will work hard to resolve conflicts. Although they can be incredibly charming it is, not always easy to get close to them; many potential suitors will therefore have to settle with admiring them from a distance.

Health Positive energy

People born on this day tend to be athletic in build and will often excel in physical activities although their lack of competitive edge may prevent them from collecting all the trophies they deserve. As far as diet and lifestyle are concerned, they need to steer clear of excessive alcohol consumption, especially during times of low energy when they feel they need a boost. Other addictive substances such as nicotine, caffeine and—in particular—recreational drugs should also be limited or cut out altogether. They may have a sweet tooth and should steer clear of sugary foods low in nutrients and rich in additives and calories. They would benefit greatly from mind-body therapies such as meditation and yoga, and mind-control programs such as cognitive therapy or hypnotherapy which can help them reframe their perceptions about themselves in a more positive light. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color yellow will encourage them to be more expressive and assertive.

Those born on September 23 must be very careful with alcohol consumption and the ingestion of drugs (including nicotine and caffeine) in general. Those born on this day are particularly prone to abusing such substances during periods of depression. It is possible that macrobiotic. vegetarian, ovo-lacto or fruitarian diets and fasting can be helpful in purifying the body for brief or extended periods of time. Physical exercise here stimulates appetites and improves circulation. September 23 people must beware of liver, kidney, stomach and intestinal damage from diet or bodily abuse.

Career Born musicians

These people are often drawn to the arts and may share their talent with the world as an artist, musician, writer, or film-maker. Other career choices that might appeal include promotion, public relations, education, journalism, law, law enforcement, medicine, the healing professions, and charity work.

Destiny To demonstrate their inspirational creative talents

The life path of people born on this day is to stop underplaying their talents and stand up for what they believe in. Once they are able to find their voice, their destiny is to share with others their inspirational creative talent and empathy.

It will lx- most important for you to make use of your downtime. During such periods you can get in touch with what is working and what holds you back. Ready yourself for life's battles beforehand; being prepared is the key.

Celebrities Born On September 23rd

Mickey Rooney(American actor and comedian), Bruce Springsteen(American singer-songwriter), Cherie Blair(British lawyer),

John William Coltrane (jazz giant, tenor, soprano saxophonist, composer), Gaius Octavius Augustus Caesar (first Roman emperor, deified, high point of Roman culture and law), Bruce Springsteen (rock superstar, singer, songwriter, guitarist), Ray Charles (singer, songwriter, pianist, saxophonist), Victoria Woodhull (broker, publisher, feminist, ran for US president in 1 872, lived to age eighty-nine), Julio Iglesias (Spanish singer, songwriter, former professional soccer player), Aldo Moro (Italian premier, kidnapped, murdered by Red Brigade), Armand Hyppolyte (French physicist, first to measure speed of light), Suzanne Valadon (Paris artist's model, painter), Mickey Rooney (film, TV actor), Romy Schneider (Viennese film actress), Frank Kupka (Czech-French abstract painter), Frank Foster (jazz tenor saxophonist, arranger, composer), Walter Pidgeon (film actor), Elliot Roosevelt (son of FDR. author). Walter Lippmann (writer, presidential advisor), Alan Villiers (Australian sailor, writer, Sons of Smbad), Paul Delvaux (Belgian surrealist painter), Robert Brian Clark (astrologer), Michael J. Boskm (economist)

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