September 23rd Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onSeptember 23, 2024

From the time a child is very young, they’re asked what they want to be when they grow up—as if any child would know. However, as an adult, you may still wonder what you want to do. The answer is not to wrestle with possibilities, but to reach out, to take chances, to have experiences. There is no better way of learning what you enjoy than by doing it.

I can stand up for myself without worrying what others think

September 23rd Birthday Horoscope

You were born on September 23rd

We all go through it, that mission of being on the lookout for a single way of dealing with each day, of dealing with others, and, once that elusive goal has been achieved, trying to maintain it. However, with each breath, life changes, and whether you’re dealing with someone close to you—a family member or partner, or possibly a dear friend or colleague—each breath alters that relationship with the individual in question.

Still, as a Libra, you cling to the idea that if you can just figure out that formula, you will be able to achieve that balance symbolized by the scales. Better yet, you hope that you’ll be able to maintain it forever—and that is your lesson. You are ruled by Venus, which, on one hand, signifies harmony and balance. But you must also remember that Venus is the ruler of earthy Taurus, the sign that’s all about what’s practical and what works.

If you borrow a little energy from practical Taurus, you’ll stop worrying quite so much about figuring things out and will, instead, focus on the joys of the moment. And, even more than that, you’ll allow yourself to enjoy pleasures of many varieties you’d worry about if you were in Libra mode, and will instead embrace them wholeheartedly, as a Taurus would. Learn to combine the two, and you’ll benefit from both, now and in the future.

You and others

The idea of taking chances in relationships is unappealing to most Libras. And, even worse, the idea of allowing things to go wrong, then possibly explode, is really unappealing. Yet once you allow that to happen, and get through one or two explosions, you’ll realize that often those bring you closer than your efforts at harmony would ever have achieved.

Health and well-being

Most Libras have a luxury-loving streak. Even if you don’t, there is a part of you that really doesn’t like the idea of austerity. Yet every once in a while, you may embrace a routine, a diet, or some form of health regimen that is tough. The trick, of course, is to be a Libra, and to find the balance between the two.

Goals and challenges

From the time a child is very young, they’re asked what they want to be when they grow up—as if any child would know. However, as an adult, you may still wonder what you want to do. The answer is not to wrestle with possibilities, but to reach out, to take chances, to have experiences. There is no better way of learning what you enjoy than by doing it.


If ever there were a time to do a lot of listening, it’s now. While you’ve plenty to say about plans currently in place and changes others are suggesting, there is a lot going on behind the scenes, and some of those developments could change things overnight. Knowing that, avoid unnecessary discussions.

Zodiac Sign


Ruler: Venus

Symbol: The Scales

Element: Air

Flower: Rose

Being ruled by Venus, the goddess of elegance, beauty, and love, you as a Libra have an instinctive elegance and talent for making others—everybody you meet—feel special. This talent often becomes your career, and those personal links develop into a lifelong passion. Your flower is the rose; your herbs are redolent mint and sorrel; and ash and poplar are your trees. Jade, in its infinite shades, is your stone.

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