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September 23rd Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 23, 2024

In Tarot, the 22nd card of the Major Arcana, is The Fool. On some cards hes stepping over a cliff. He represents instinct and will freely followed. This is a spiritual card, indicating enthusiasm untainted by greed.

Sun Sign: Libra/Venus

Decanate: Libra/Venus; Numbers: 5, 5

September 23rd Birthday Love Astrology

While September 22 doh-se-dohs about the sky, Rome burns. This person is dance mad in youth, in middle and old age. They're good at it and may win sparkly medals. The main concern is who'll be their partner and what to wear. And why not? Most of them, spurred by the puritan work ethic, slave all day at their studies or over a computer or maybe doing what many do best, keeping customers happy at the supermarket checkout point.

If dancing takes over as a lifelong hobby, they work hard at the day job, because what they do at night is expensive and extremely competitive as well as pleasurable. What they don't have much time left for is whether the ozone layer is thinning, and anyway if they were to worry, it would mean giving up mass hair spraying with the aerosol can, vital to professional dancers and so conducive to more ozone layer thinning. There are more sequins in female September 22's life than stars in the firmament and this creature is convinced that like each grain of sand, God has counted every one.

All born under this sign have this capacity to throw themselves into a passion, but September 22 is more singleminded than most. It may just as well be fishing, where the male dreams all day of river banks. Or flying aeroplanes, driving fast cars, or stock car racing. Or even gardening.

It's a good life for both sexes. They may turn their interest into a terrifically successful and enjoyable career. There's always a demand for specialist shops, new books to be written, clubs to be run. The social life is usually excellent, full of like minds. You can meet a future spouse here knowing you'll have interests in common. The elderly always have friends to meet and somewhere to go. And children join in, playing with everybody else's kids. Just don't expect a coherent conversation about politics.

In Love

More than anything you need love and companionship. If you are like other Libra natives, you probably can’t truly be happy without a partner to share your life. Even so, your tendency to think in terms of “we” and “us” is somewhat diminished by a longing for freedom and independence. Although you rarely admit to being fickle, there is a definite fear of intimacy in your makeup. You are affectionate and caring, yet even in a romantic union you project an airy detachment that your mate may find off-putting. Your ideal lover is someone capable of merging romance and sexuality with friendship and intellectual rapport.

In Bed

A genuine romantic, at times you actually seem to prefer the courtly rituals of romance to the unbridled passion of earthy sexual encounters. However, when the mood strikes you, you can be as ardent and innovative a lover as any in the zodiac. An idealist and uncompromising dreamer, you want your sexual encounters to be as close to perfect as you can make them. Gratifying your bedmate is important to you, and few other lovers are as adept at making a partner feel cherished and adored.


Many September 22 people have to travel long distances and look good within hours of arriving. Wash hair before travelling and to stay fresh keep cleaning your teeth, perhaps each time you go to the loo. On arrival, wash hair again, one shampoo. If its to look natural, towel-dry it, then run fingers through the hair in one direction, twisting the hands in on the hair, so that it is pulled round the fingers, rather as if they were rollers. Do this until the hair dries naturally with the warmth of your hands. This gives the hair bounce and encourages natural movement.


You have refined tastes and a tendency to recoil from crude or overly aggressive expressions of sexuality. You prefer a slow, seductive approach to sensuality. Creating the proper atmosphere with scented candles and oils appeals to your craving for romance. Your true passion emerges with erotic foreplay that includes lots of kisses and caresses.


In Tarot, the 22nd card of the Major Arcana, is The Fool. On some cards hes stepping over a cliff. He represents instinct and will freely followed. This is a spiritual card, indicating enthusiasm untainted by greed.

Reality Check

Basically an intellectual, you live more in your mind than in your senses.

You have the ability to feel things mentally as well as emotionally. Despite your idealism, you are essentially a reasonable, rational person. You believe that problems are more readily resolved through discussion and compromise than armed warfare.

September 23 Date Share

Fay Weldon, British comic novelist Dame Christabel Pankhurst, suffragette, gaoled for a period and force fed. Erich von Stroheim, Austrian director, Greed, lover of Greta Garbo. Ingemar Johansson, world heavyweight boxing champion. Michael Faraday, physicist, inventor of electricity.

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