September 24th Restless Humanitarian Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 24, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is staying in one place for long enough

☆The way forward is to understand that however many times you move or change direction you take the same personality with you.

The Birthday Of The Restless Humanitarian, The Day Of The Wanderer

September 24th Restless Humanitarian Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 24th Birthdays

Sun signs: Libra/Virgo

Ruling planets: Venus, the lover/Mercury, the communicator

Symbols: The Scales/The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover

Tarot card: The Lovers (choices)

Favorable number: 6

Lucky days: Friday, especially when it falls on 6 and 15 of the month

Lucky colors: Pink, blue, lavender

Birthstone: Opal

People born on September 24 tend to be hard to catch or pin down because they are nomads at heart. If their restlessness doesn’t manifest externally in a love of travel or movement, they will be travelers in their minds, constantly reading, thinking and jumping to original conclusions.

Their desire to seek out the new will be a dominant theme in their lives, alongside their powerful desire to love and to be loved. Although they will naturally express themselves in different ways, they often tend to be orientated by an urge to discover and an urge to help others with their resourceful and creative efforts. Considerate and empathetic, they have the almost psychic ability to detect unhappiness in others, even if that unhappiness is unspoken, and this is followed up by a desire to relieve feelings of distress.

Despite their concern for the well-being of others, they also find it hard to commit to a settled existence. A part of them longs to feel secure but another part of them is always wondering whether the grass really is greener on the other side. As a result they vacillate a great deal. The key to their psychological growth will be when they are able not just to choose goals that inspire them, but to stick to them.

Before the age of twenty-eight they are likely to experiment in their social life, forming friendships and relationships with people from a wide variety of different backgrounds. There may also be numerous career changes or a spell of professional uncertainty. After the age of twenty-nine there is a turning point which highlights issues concerning emotional change, creating a desire to find deeper meaning to their lives. This is an extremely powerful and positive influence for them, because once they learn that discipline, perseverance and commitment can be liberating rather than restrictive, these versatile, progressive, humanitarian, and multi-talented people will discover within themselves the potential for tremendous power, which can both move and inspire others.

☆ On the dark side:Unsettled, detached, unfocused

☆ At your best:Concerned, giving, creative

Those born on September 24 are wanderers by nature and therefore either love to travel, or are somehow driven to do so. This theme of wandering or travel in their lives usually takes a real form, but can also be a metaphor for mental and emotional adventures as well. Indeed the literal and figurative are not mutually exclusive here. Reading, thinking, dreaming, traveling—both physically and psychically wandering—these are the kinds of activities which interest those born on this day.

Some September 24 people travel when young and later commit themselves to what appears to be a settled existence. Others get bitten by the bug in their middle years and are capable of dropping everything for the call of the road. Most September 24 people never completely settle down, even though it may be what they think they want most. Often they move on to the next place, person or project each time thinking that this is finally it—where they want to be for a long time. The more aware individuals born on this day usually come to realize that there is no real permanence for them and that their wanderings are due to continue for yet a while.

The happiest of those born on September 24 may reach a kind of compromise with themselves where they establish a relatively permanent living situation but make small trips whenever they can. Even when tied down, such September 24 people find an outlet for their restlessness in reading, films and TV, and also a rich fantasy life.

In relationships and family matters, September 24 people may well be difficult to please.

They are not at all easygoing people to live with and demand lots of time to themselves. Their mates must be understanding of their need for change and variety, and their often open flirtations and sexual attractions of all sorts. As to this latter area, September 24 people can seek out highly unusual forms of sexual expression, if not in their daily life then in their reading and mental imaginings. Indeed, those born on this day have little interest in mundane activities or in ordinary people for that matter.

September 24 people clearly have a need for greater stability. They must beware of overly intense emotional and mental stimuli that can push them off the deep end. The problem is that their minds are so active and their tastes so out of the ordinary that they have real difficulty embracing any kind of normal lifestyle. Some of them can be space cases with their heads in the stars; others can be surprisingly together in technical areas. Often they are a combination of the two. Though they may be known as oddballs to some, they nonetheless make faithful friends with their hearts in the right place. They also bring their sense of enjoyment to bear on most any situation, and allow others to enjoy themselves too.

Power Thought:There is nothing I cannot do when inspired by self-discipline and integrity,Home can be a state of mind

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 24th day of the month are ruled by the number 6 (2+4=6). and by the planet Venus. Because those ruled by number 6 are magnetic in attracting love and admiration, and since Venus is strongly connected with social interaction, it can be a temptation for September 24 people to give themselves over to exciting romantic experiences. In fact, since Venus is the ruler of their sign. Libra, September 24 people are especially prone to such fevers. Often love becomes the dominant theme in the lives of those ruled by the number 6—also particularly true for September 24 people.

September 24th Birthday Tarot Card

Emphasizing this last point is the fact that the 6th card of the Major Arcana is The Lovers, symbolizing the love that unites all of humanity through integration of masculine and feminine polarities. On the good side this card indicates affections and desires on a high moral, aesthetic and physical plane; on the bad side, unfulfilled desires, sentimentality and indecisiveness.

☆Luck maker:(Stop trying and start doing)When you have chosen meaningful goals for yourself, go after them with all your heart. Lucky people don’t just dream about their goals; they take active steps toward reaching them.

Love Intimacy is a challenge

You’re drawn to people born on September 23 to October 22:You are both charming and attractive, and this can be a passionate and intense relationship.

Although people born on September 24 love to be admired, and their company is much sought after, few people get close enough to them to become really intimate. This is because they often have a fear of commitment and may find it hard to feel comfortable with intimacy. However, once they do find an intelligent partner who can teach them about intimacy, they blossom into passionate, supportive, generous, and loyal lovers.

Health Comfort eating

People born on this day need to be careful that their tendency to comfort eat when feeling low or bored does not lead to weight problems, especially as being overweight is linked to high blood pressure and other disorders. When they are feeling restless they need to find healthier ways to satisfy their “hunger,” such as phoning a friend, writing in a journal, exercising, and so on. If emotional intimacy is a problem they may benefit from counseling or therapy to get to the root cause of their discomfort. If they are unable to open up they may be prone to stress, anxiety and depression, so taking this step could be very important. They also need to avoid any dependency on alcohol or recreational drugs, and should aim for a healthy, balanced diet with regular snacks and mealtimes, regular mild to moderate exercise, and plenty of quality sleep. Finding a creative outlet for their wonderful imagination, such as art, writing or design, will also be extremely therapeutic. Wearing, surrounding themselves with and meditating on the color gold will encourage them to commit to and persevere with their dreams.

Those born on September 24 can experience rather serious psychological difficulties at various points in their lives. For this reason, it is recommended that they begin some form of therapy or counseling earlier rather than later. They may benefit tremendously from this process, gaining insight into their unusual unconscious processes and learning to deal with their restlessness and overly active imaginations. Medications may be helpful, but should only be used for short periods of time. Rather than becoming dependent on drugs (alcohol should, by the way, be strictly avoided), September 24 people should actively work on seeking a healthier lifestyle, perhaps even going so far as to move to a healthier environment. Gardening, raising their own food, changing their diets to cut out preservative-filled, packaged foods in favor of fresh grown fruits and vegetables is strongly recommended. Only moderate exercise is suggested for most September 24 people.

Career Born networkers

These people will often be drawn to social, political or humanitarian causes but they may also excel in artistic endeavors. Career choices might include events organization, diplomacy, networking or fund raising, law, social reform, writing, drama, music, photography, or the arts.

Destiny To take action to realize their progressive ideals

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to focus their energies in one direction. Once they have learned to commit, their destiny is to realize their progressive ideals by means of direct action.

Get your act together. Your unsettled life may be charming for a while but tan grow tiresome.Perhaps there are those who would like to depend on you more. Don't be afraid to use your talents. Stick to one thing and take it all the w

Celebrities Born On September 24th

F. Scott Fitzgerald(American writer), Jim Henson(American animator and puppeteer), Nanda Costa(Brazilian actress),

F. Scott Fitzgerald (Jazz Age shortstory writer, novelist, The Great Gatsby, Tender Is the Night), John Marshall (US Supreme Court chief justice, statesman, helped establish judicial review, Liberty Bell cracked tolling his death), Jim Henson (puppeteer, Muppet creator, film, TV director, producer), Linda McCartney (photographer, musician, wife to Paul McCartney, heir to Eastman fortune), "Mean" Joe Greene (Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle, 5x All-Pro), Jim McKay (radio, TV sportscaster, host of Wide World of Sports, 1 2x Emmy Award winner), Fats Navarro (jazz trumpet player, died at age twentyseven), Phil Hartman (comedian, TV actor, Saturday Night Live), Joseph P. Kennedy II (US congressman, Massachusetts, second oldest of Robert's eleven children), Anthony Newley (British actor, author, lyricist), Manfred Worner (NATO secretary general), Svetlana Benosova (Russian prima ballerina), Mark A. Hanna (industrialist, financier, Republican campaign chairman, US senator), Cheryl Crawford (New York producer, director), John Mackey (football tight end. made famous Super Bowl catch), Patrick Kelley (fashion designer), Charlotte M. Sitterly (astrophysicist), John W. Young (US astronaut), Germain Bazin (French art histonan), Stephen Bechtel (executive, construction engineer)

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