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September 24th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 24, 2024

September 23 is a pushover for chocolate, especially in smart boxes. Buy one for yourself It may seem somehow sinful, but that's just upbringing. What a simple formula for such a lot of pleasure.

Sun Sign: Libra/Venus

Decanate: Libra/Venus; Numbers: 6, 6

September 24th Birthday Love Astrology

This lovely creature, fair of face, full of grace, looks set for a good life. Blessed with an astute brain and the powerful child of early autumn's sex appeal, their only need is to stay true to themselves. The earthling's compliant nature means that they may sometime abandon their ambition in the face of super persuasion. Young September 23 must listen to his or her heart and not the sensible advice of loving but misguided parents.

Quite a few may find that while they want to be writers, or join a pop group, or be a footballer, mum and dad say go for safety in the local bank or accountancy. But September 23 is not a natural librarian, nor will he or she be happy sitting behind a glass panel serving people money with a smile. And many secretly think accountants are pompous know-alls, living off the backs of other's inspiration. So there may be some early career changing as they switch back to their heart's desire.

Many older people see themselves in the young September 23 and will move heaven and earth to help. They bring out the generous in most people and return that generosity. Many shine out in later life, rising to the top of their chosen path and shed an irridescent light all around. The women may fall out with their parents temporarily, but soon make it up. The men take longer, only because they are less family conscious than their female counterparts.

Most of the girls eventually long to have children. Some may give up ambition to raise them, happy that at least they tried. Most men continue. Both sexes can find fame and fortune, and live in grand houses, often in other countries. Only some may suffer from delicate health, which could interfere with conception for the females. Successful help is at hand, but if no children come along, September 23 woman manages without looking back.

In Love

Sensitivity and romantic idealism make you extremely vulnerable in your intimate relationships. Disloyalty or disaffection upsets your emotional equilibrium. If you are let down by your lover, you could become seriously distressed. When you enter into a permanent alliance, you mean to stay around for the long haul. However, like other members of your Sun sign, you tend to fall out of love as easily as you fall in love. Because you respond more readily to ideas than feelings, when your life partner no longer fits your idealized version of the perfect lover, the romance begins to lose its luster.

In Bed

Your refined nature wants lovemaking to be serene and beautiful. In the bedroom, romance is as important to you as passion. Selfless devotion comes easily to you. Thoughtful and considerate by nature, you put your bedmate’s happiness and satisfaction ahead of your own. However, in your willingness to compromise, you tend to lose sight of your own needs and desires. Although you may not admit it, you expect to be granted similar consideration in return. If you don’t receive it, you experience feelings of disappointment and disillusion.


These people have lustrous hair and it's nice to keep it that way. For an incredible shine, take some sweet almond or other nut oil, add jojoba and the essential oils of your choice, then massage through your hair, paying particular attention to your scalp and hair ends, especially if your hair is long. Pile hair on top of the head, cover with a towel and leave on for 30 minutes to one hour. Wash with very mild shampoo. Try this once weekly and you will get a lustre that ordinary conditioners don't manage, because aromatherapy benefits the roots of the hair.


Imagining yourself in the starring role in your own romantic epic is a genuine turn-on. Your ideal lover swoops in and sweeps you off your feet with finesse, sophistication, and admiring romantic patter. You long to be courted, wooed, coaxed, pampered, and seduced with loving words and affectionate gestures in a harmonious, romantic setting.


September 23 is a pushover for chocolate, especially in smart boxes. Buy one for yourself It may seem somehow sinful, but that's just upbringing. What a simple formula for such a lot of pleasure.

Reality Check

Your shadow side emerges when the desire to please prompts you to con-sign your power to others. If, in your need for approval, you become more concerned with what others think than what you feel, you may fall into a pattern of reacting to influences outside yourself instead of acting on your own initiative.

September 24 Date Share

Romy Schneider, Viennese film star, actress. Bruce Springsteen, rock star, film songwriter. Ray Charles, singer, songwriter, blind, beloved. Julio Iglesias, singer, hearthrob, supposed womaniser, bit of a disappointment John Coftrane, jazz guitarist, saxophonist, composer. Frank Cupka, Czech abstract painter.

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