September 25th Complexity Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 25, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is overcoming your cynicism

☆The way forward is to understand that the cynic’s view of the world is just as unrealistic as the optimist’s; try to strike a happy medium between the two.

The Birthday Of Complexity, The Day Of The Symbiotic Satirist

September 25th Complexity Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 25th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator

Tarot card: The Chariot (resilience)

Favorable number: 7

Lucky days: Friday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 7 and 16 of the month

Lucky colors: Lavender, sea green, pink

Birthstone: Opal

People born on September 25 are among the most complex individuals of the year. On the one hand they are extremely empathetic and can easily identify with others, but on the other they are fiercely independent and critical of what they see going on around them, being keen to set themselves apart from others.

One of the reasons they are often so complex is that they have a fairly black-and-white view of the world, but a part of them longs to live in a world of color. They tend to achieve great success in life, but more often than not this is because they work hard for it and they expect others to do the same. They can therefore become openly resentful of those who seem to attain success without putting in as much effort as they believe is necessary. It is important for them to learn to manage this tendency to criticize or judge because their words can wound others deeply.

Until the age of twenty-seven people born on this day are likely to be concerned with developing their social skills, creative talents and opportunities for material or financial success. After the age of twenty-eight there is a powerful turning point that emphasizes a growing need for personal transformation, change and power. After the age of fifty-eight there is another turning point, which indicates that they are likely to become more adventurous and freedom loving.

Whatever age they are, behind their soberness these people possess an amazing imagination, dynamic creativity and ability to shine or stand out in the crowd, because other people are always drawn toward complexity. The key to their psychological growth is to embrace and acknowledge their wonderful complexity. This is because when they learn to trust their intuition, think universally and acknowledge that life can never be explained in black and white, they have the potential to be not just the most complex but the most progressive, visionary and truly inspired individuals of the year.

☆ On the dark side:Negative, hurtful, resentful

☆ At your best:Interesting, caring, progressive

Those born on September 25 live in a curious relationship with their society. On the one hand they are dependent on it for their sustenance, and ultimately their success. On the other hand they are often openly critical of it and capable of ironically exposing its faults.

In doing so they may actually show how the social fabric around them can be improved and strengthened. Thus their apparent negativity or probing evaluations can lead to positive results.

Oddly enough, outside of their local sphere, those born on this day may be seen as living symbols of the area from which they come, so closely are they identified with it in the minds of others. Yet no one will be more keenly aware and critical of their neighborhood, town, city, state or country than they. Their relationship, then, with their homeplace is interestingly symbiotic, a kind of sharing that can be at once advantageous and disadvantageous for both parties.

September 25 people can also be highly representative of their family or social circle. In addition, it is possible that they may embody the values and aspirations of their company or peers, but nonetheless stand aloof due to their critical and questioning attitude.

September 25 people often have difficulty opening up and expressing their emotions honestly in personal relationships. They can also appear cool and distant on first meeting. They do, however, have a tremendous need for affection and it may only be that a history of emotional hurt has closed them off a bit to the world. Indeed, living an isolated life emotionally and/or being quite introverted away from the social contact demanded by their careers can be a characteristic of those born on this day.

September 25 people are imaginative but at the same time very precise and exacting.

Perfectionists, they generally go over their work repeatedly in order to catch mistakes and shore up weaknesses. The demands they make on others are no different from what they ask of themselves.

Interestingly enough, although they so often indulge in criticism of their social group they do not react well to the criticism of that group by outsiders; in fact they can become defensive and curiously chauvinistic at times.

Often September 25 people are able to form a deeper relationship with their society, social circle, and/or career than they ever could with an individual. Consequently those who are involved with them personally, on an emotional level, may feel as if there is something already spoken for of which they can never be a part. September 25 people must beware that their children in particular do not grow up feeling deprived in this respect.

Power Thought:I improve the quality of my life and world with every positive word,People hide more than money in books

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 25th day of the month are ailed by the number 7 (2+5=7), and by the planet Neptune. The connection between Neptune and Venus (ruler of Libra) can produce an artistic, graceful and ethereal personality. However, there is more present than meets the eye. The Neptune-Venus connection can also tempt September 25 people to indulge in drug-taking, particularly alcohol. Most ailed by the number 7 enjoy change and travel, but September 25 people generally prefer staying closer to home; ambivalent feelings toward their lifestyle can thus be the result.

September 25th Birthday Tarot Card

The 7th card of the Major Arcana is The Chariot, which shows a triumphant figure moving through the world, manifesting his physical presence in a dynamic way. The card may be interpreted to mean that no matter how narrow or precarious the correct path, one must continue on. The good side of this card posits success, talent and efficiency; the bad side suggests a dictatorial attitude and a poor sense of direction.

☆Luck maker:(Choose your words wisely)Lucky people understand how damaging cutting words or comments can be to others, and how negativity of any kind can block their luck-making potential.

Love Power and determination

You’re drawn to people born on November 22 to December 21:The differences between you fascinate each other, with the potential to keep you fascinated in the long term.

People born on September 25 have a sharp tongue and, until they learn to be less judgmental and sarcastic, they will feel lonely and misunderstood. However, once they have learned to relax and be more forgiving, they can be a warm, loyal and loving partner. They are particularly drawn to people, like themselves, who project power and determination.

Health Highly sensual

People born on this day are often highly sensual and their appetite for physical pleasure is strong, sometimes so strong that it can cross over into addiction. However, getting them to exercise can be a tough assignment. A regular exercise program will not only help them lose weight, tone up and feel good, it can also help them manage their strong sexual energy positively. As far as diet is concerned, they need to make sure they avoid fad diets or any diet that excludes a certain food group, as balance is key. Alcohol should be avoided, as should foods high in saturated fat, sugar, salt, additives, and preservatives, and drinks high in caffeine that can lead to nutrient loss, and liver and kidney problems. Massage is definitely on the menu for people born on this day, especially those who regularly suffer from leg or back problems. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color green will encourage them to balance the conflicting aspects of their personality.

September 25 people must push themselves to exercise. Those less athletically inclined tend to be lazy in this respect and may be difficult to get to the sports field or training room. An excellent form of exercise for them is to take long daily walks, during which they are free to let their minds roam and their plans take shape. As far as diet is concerned, many September 25 people are satisfied with standard fare, but should, however, make an effort to eat from a more balanced menu if their usual meals overemphasize certain proteins, fats or carbohydrates at the expense of others. If their work is sedentary, those born on this day must beware of lower back problems. September 25 people should avoid alcohol and make an effort to drink one to two quarts of ftlijd (preferably water) every day to keep their kidneys active and avoid bladder or urinary infections.

Career Born journalists

These people are not afraid to articulate the truth and can make excellent journalists and political and social campaigners, although they may also be drawn to the world of art or the media. Other career choices that might appeal include politics, advertising, publishing, museums, antiques, curating, the healing and caring professions, and lecturing in subjects such as literature, art, music, or theater.

Destiny To become agents of progress

The life path of people born on this day is to become more flexible in their thinking and their approach to life. When they can be as open and honest with themselves as they are with others, their destiny is to share their conclusions and by so doing become agents of progress.

Your tendency to be sharp or critical can get you in trouble. Remember that words can hurt worse than blows. Try to be open about what you are feeling. Don't cut yourself off from life.

Celebrities Born On September 25th

Will Smith(American actor), Christopher Reeve(American actor), Catherine Zeta-Jones(Welsh actress),

William Faulkner (American Nobel Prize-winning short-story wnter, A Rose for Emily, novelist, Absalom, Absalom!), Dmitri Shostakovich (Russian composer, wrote Leningrad Symphony under German siege— W W I I ) , Mark Rothko (color field painter), Glenn Gould (Canadian pianist, composer, revolutionary interpreter of Bach), M'chael Douglas (film actor, producer, son of Kirk), Barbara Walters (TV journalist, interviewer, host, 20/20), Robert Bresson (French master film director, The Trial ofoan of Arc, Pickpocket), Sam Rivers (jazz saxophonist, multiinstrumentalist), Francesco Borromini (Italran Baroque architect), Jean Philippe Rameau (French Baroque composer), Pedro Almodovar (Spanish satirical film director, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown), Christopher Reeve (film actor, Superman), Mark Hamill (film actor, Luke Skywalker in Star Wars), Wendell Philiips (explorer, founder American Foundation for the Study of Man), Cheryl Tiegs (supenmodel), Bob McAdoo (basketball forward, center, 3x NBA scoring leader), Scottie Pippin (Chicago Bulls basketball forward, Olympic "Dream Feam" gold medalist), Norman O. Brown (historian, wnter, Life Againsf Death), Sir Conn Davis (British conductor), Heather Locklear (actress, model)

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