September 26th Perfection Seeker Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 26, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is coping when mistakes are made

☆The way forward is to understand that sometimes mistakes are important, even necessary, because they point you in a different, sometimes better direction.

The Birthday Of The Perfection Seeker, The Day Of Patient Practice

September 26th Perfection Seeker Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 26th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher

Tarot card: Strength (passion)

Favorable number: 8

Lucky days: Friday and Saturday, especially when these days fall on 8 and 17 of the month

Lucky colors: Lavender, burgundy, dark pink

Birthstone: Opal

Tenacity is the first name of people born on September 26 and discipline the second, but their last name is perfectionist. They demand nothing short of excellence from themselves and others, and simply cannot understand those with less drive.

The careers of these goal-orientated people are of supreme importance to them and, as a result, they often take on far too much. They possess, nevertheless, the ability to thrive under pressure and to inspire the admiration of others when they achieve what seemed to have been impossible. Not surprisingly, with such inspired ambition, determination, self-discipline, and focus, their career potential is of the highest order and more often than not they can and do rise to the very top. The downside is that their absorption in their work can become obsessive and compulsive; this is damaging to their psychological growth because it makes them ignore not only their own emotional needs, but those of their loved ones.

Before the age of twenty-six they are likely to be concerned with issues regarding money, but there will also be opportunities for them to develop strong relationships with others. They should take advantage of these opportunities because the support and company of others will help them keep a much-needed sense of perspective. After the age of twenty-seven the focus shifts to emotional change and intensity, and these are the years when they are most likely to become devoted or committed to their careers. During these years their potential for success is outstanding but for their psychological growth they need to make sure they take regular time out to ensure they nurture their relationships and find time for outside interests.

These people will always be driven, focused and occasionally bossy, but once they are able to moderate their obsession with work their tenacity and superior powers of concentration will yield results that can not only benefit others considerably but are also the subject of awed, if somewhat bemused, admiration.

☆ On the dark side:Compulsive, workaholic, controlling

☆ At your best:Disciplined, driven, influential

Those born on September 26 are perfectionists who know that there is only one way to get something right, i.e., by doing it over and over again. Like the man who was asked the way to Carnegie Hall and replied—"Practice!"—these are indeed people who believe that practice makes perfect. Technically oriented, always striving to perfect the art of their craft, the highly critical individuals born on this day know how to achieve their goals, but also have a gift for teaching others, if not by precept then by example. They can be a tremendous inspiration to those who admire them.

Nor does this attitude stop with their work. In their private lives September 26 people tend to be either obsessive, compulsive or both. This can lead to some rather neurotic behavior at home, as if they are afraid that the sky will fall in if daily activities are not handled properly.

Thus September 26 people run the risk of making their family and friends, and ultimately themselves, absolutely miserable. Needless to say, they can also be very trying bosses or supervisors.

Characteristically, September 26 people put their faith in logic and value its application in everyday life. They also feel that few technical problems in their field cannot be solved through the application of rational principles. Yet, paradoxically, their own behavior can be extremely willful and irrational. Thus, September 26 people tend to be complex personalities, somewhat difficult to fathom.

Quite often those born on this day have a second or even third occupation, avocation or hobby that they keep to themselves. This pursuit can be quite at variance with the image most people have of them. Indeed, hidden and secret activities hold a fascination for some September 26 people, and they can delight in keeping a part of their life private.

Those born on this day are intense, well-directed and hard-driving. They may be idealistic, but rarely stray far from practical considerations, and though they enjoy theorizing, it is the ultimate success or failure of ideas that concerns them.

Most September 26 people have a wonderful sense of humor, but one that can be overlooked, due to its subtle irony. Their caustic criticism, however, rarely goes unnoticed and can make them enemies if they're not careful. The more highly evolved individuals bom on this day, however, make their influence felt strongly—it can reverberate like ripples in a pond that reach out far beyond them and even survive well after their own lifetime. Even those who do not like such September 26 people personally will usually admit to the brilliance and thoroughness of their work.

Power Thought:Whenever I stop and sit in silence, my intuition is nourished and energized,Our revered teachers can bite, too

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 26th day of the month are ruled by the number 8 (2+6=8). and by the planet Saturn. Since Saturn posits responsibility and a sense of limitation, caution and fatalism, the traditional nature of September 26 people is emphasized. Those ruled by the number 8 generally build their careers slowly and carefully, and for September 26 people this is also true for finance and personal affairs. Although they may be actually quite warmhearted, encouraged by Venus influences (Venus rules Libra), the saturnian influences of those ruled by the number 8 often lend those born on this day a cold or detached appearance.

September 26th Birthday Tarot Card

The 8th card of the Major Arcana is Strength or Courage, which depicts a graceful queen taming a furious lion. The queen symbolizes the female Magician who can master rebellious energies and stands for moral as well as physical strength. This card's positive attributes include charisma and determination to succeed; the negative qualities include complacency and the misuse of power.

☆Luck maker:(Relax your standards a little)Lucky people don’t chase perfection because they know it is not human and is unattainable. Instead they work toward what they understand to be realistic and achievable.

Love Struggle for power

You’re drawn to people born on December 22 to January 19:If you can open up to each other emotionally, this can be an excellent and long-lasting partnership.

Although they are attractive and popular, people born on September 26 don’t tend to fall in love easily, and anyone who tries to win them over quickly will be in for a struggle. This is because they like to be in charge of a situation. They need a partner who is as tough and uncompromising as they are, because the struggle for power that will result will keep them enthralled.

Health Chill out more

It’s no surprise, given their perfectionist and workaholic tendencies, that people born on this day are prone to stress-related disorders such as aches and pains, headaches, fatigue, and anxiety. To counteract this they need to relax their expectations of perfection slightly and stop beating themselves up when they make mistakes. Taking time to relax a little more and ensuring that they have regular vacations are essential, as is spending time with loved ones and cultivating a hobby or interest outside work, however bizarre or unusual that interest might be. As far as diet is concerned, shopping for and cooking food from scratch will boost their nutrient intake, while chewing their food carefully before they swallow will boost their digestive health. Regular exercise is important, especially long walks in the fresh air where they can organize their thoughts and take their mind off work. Chamomile tea is extremely good for easing stress at the end of a busy day, as is relaxing in a rose oil aromatherapy bath. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color green will encourage them to relax.

Those born on September 26 must be careful of all types of internal difficulties. Nicotine and caffeine should only be indulged in moderation, if at all. but unfortunately smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee tend to be just the kind of compulsive behavior to which September 26 people are particularly prone. Those born on this day seem to handle stress well, when in fact they internalize it. ultimately causing bodily and psychological harm. Much of the neurotic behavior described earlier is adopted in order to allay fears and anxieties. Regular doses of warmth and affection are perhaps the best medicine for stability, but psychological counseling may also be helpful. Those born on this day should make a determined effort to pursue a balanced diet. In some cases, particularly for those over age forty, a strict vegetarian menu may lx- adopted. Refined sugars should be avoided as much as possible.

Career Born academics

These people may be attracted to careers in science, research or academia, but the arts, in particular drama, literature, media, and music, may also appeal to their creativity. Other career options include sales, public relations, catering, education, and corporate business.

Destiny To benefit others with the products of their efforts

The life path of people born on this day is to learn that perfection is neither attainable nor desirable. Once they have learned to moderate their compulsion to work, their destiny is to benefit and inspire others with the products of their efforts.

Let up a bit in your intensity—it can really put other people off. Be the student as well as the teacher. Sometimes mistakes are necessary; perfection may not be the highest goal Develop a more relaxed side. Occasionally allow yourself to vegetate.

Celebrities Born On September 26th

Serena Williams(American tennis player), T.S. Eliot(American poet), Olivia Newton-John(Australian singer and actress),

George Gershwin (composer, songwriter, pianist, forged new identity for Amencan music, died of brain tumor at age thirty-eight), Ivan Pavlov (Russian physiologist, pioneer experimental psychology, namesake of Pavlovian response), T.S. Eliot (American Nobel Prize-winning poet, The Waste Land, essayist, playwright), "Johnny Appleseed" Chapman (legendary tree planter, frontiersman, Swedenborgian missionary), Edith Abbott (social reformer, writer, Women in Industry, co-founder first US graduate school of social work; U. of Chicago), Jane Smiley (writer, At Paradise Gate), Michael Weller (playwright, screenwnter), Martin Heidegger (German existentialist philosopher, Nazi Party member, Being and Time), Brian Ferry (British singer, pianist, composer, Roxy Music), Olivia Newton-John (British singer, songwriter, film actress), Gary Bartz (jazz alto, soprano saxophonist), George Raft (film actor, dancer), Julie London (British jazz singer, actress), Robert S. Lynd (sociologist), Romano Mussolini (Italian jazz pianist, youngest son of Benito), Alfred Cortot (French pianist pedagogue, A Rational Approach to Pianoforte Technique), Pope Paul VI, Fritz Wunderhch (German operatic tenor), Kent McCord (film actor). Lynn Anderson (country singer)

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