September 26th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onSeptember 26, 2024

As somebody who is acutely aware of the need to create balance in your life, putting yourself and your interests first can be difficult. In fact, you may even feel you must explain why you’re doing it to others. Actually, those closest know how important that is, and they may even have been encouraging you to do exactly that. Put yourself first, and not only will you enjoy it, they will be delighted as well.

Sharing others’ joys is wonderful, but having different interests is great, too

September 26th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on September 26th

As a Libra, you have a well-earned reputation for being a charmer. Yet, deep down within every Libra lies a troublemaker—a part of your nature you may be aware of, but one that can provoke clashes. Some you battle within yourself, but some are with others, even those with whom you’re friendly and comfortable.

There are all sorts of reasons this occurs. Sometimes it is because things are a little dull. However, you’ll also use this technique—sometimes unwittingly—to provoke others, to wake them up and get them talking about things they need to discuss, possibly about you and them. But at times, the focus is on them as individuals and their issues: often those they refuse even to acknowledge.

This is a skill, but as a Libra, it’s difficult for you to acknowledge this provocative side of your nature. If it is mentioned, you may deny that you ever provoke anybody. Yet the fact is, many Libras are powerful negotiators, and because they know exactly how to throw others off-balance. Whether it’s in the realms of law or in government, in counseling—or at home, or even with friends—it’s a valuable asset. But it’s made all the more worthwhile not only by acknowledging it, but by embracing it as well. Do that, and you will not only understand yourself better, you will appreciate who you are all the more.

You and others

A good debate is always healthy, but actually engaging in one isn’t just important; doing so reminds you of the questions you have, of what’s most significant to you, and what you admire in others. Most of all, it is about the zest that comes from standing up to those around you.

Health and well-being

There are all kinds of workouts. There is a workout in the gym. There is a brisk walk. But there is another kind of workout, and that has to do with being willing to stand up to others. Not that you’ll be boxing with them, but that in standing up to them, you will be using the muscle of the mind, a very powerful muscle in your life and in your world.

Goals and challenges

As somebody who is acutely aware of the need to create balance in your life, putting yourself and your interests first can be difficult. In fact, you may even feel you must explain why you’re doing it to others. Actually, those closest know how important that is, and they may even have been encouraging you to do exactly that. Put yourself first, and not only will you enjoy it, they will be delighted as well.


When you took a tough line with one tricky individual, you feared they’d only become more troublesome, but bizarrely, they’re calmer and their attitude is far more cooperative. If you’re thinking that all they needed was for somebody to draw the line, that’s true. The fact is, you did them a favor.

Zodiac Sign


Ruler: Venus

Symbol: The Scales

Element: Air

Flower: Rose

Being ruled by Venus, the goddess of elegance, beauty, and love, you as a Libra have an instinctive elegance and talent for making others—everybody you meet—feel special. This talent often becomes your career, and those personal links develop into a lifelong passion. Your flower is the rose; your herbs are redolent mint and sorrel; and ash and poplar are your trees. Jade, in its infinite shades, is your stone.

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