September 27th Paradox Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 27, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is being true to yourself

☆The way forward is to understand that until you are true to who you are, life will forever feel confusing and overwhelming.

The Birthday Of Paradox, The Day Of The Ambiguous Hero

September 27th Paradox Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 27th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Aries, the warrior

Tarot card: The Hermit (inner strength)

Favorable number: 9

Lucky days: Friday and Tuesday, especially when these days fall on 9 and 18 of the month

Lucky colors: Lavender, red, orange

Birthstone: Opal

Although people born on September 27 often fail to recognize it, they have the ability to make a lasting and positive impression on all those they meet. This is because they are extremely versatile and sensitive to the feelings of others, and like nothing better than to bring harmony to any situation. Paradoxically, however, underneath their sociable and relatively normal persona they may often be riddled with doubts, insecurities, contradictions, and hidden fears. Learning to develop faith in their abilities, which are considerable, is crucial to their success and happiness in life.

These people are far deeper and complex than anyone, themselves included, realizes. This may be due to the fact that they set very high standards for themselves—failure simply isn’t an option for them—but also because professional success tends to take priority in their lives over fulfillment. As a result they may find themselves mixing with groups of people or working in careers that are wholly unsuitable for them, although few would notice their discomfort. Until they get in touch with their feelings and find a path in life that is fulfilling, nagging feelings of depression and despondency will haunt them.

Before the age of twenty-six people born on this day are likely to be preoccupied with fine-tuning their people skills and carving themselves opportunities for career success. After the age of twenty-seven there is a shift in emphasis when issues concerning emotional change and transformation come to the fore; these are the years when they need to be alert to the way that their choice of career shapes their character.

As long as people born on this day believe that professional or material success is the only option, happiness and fulfillment will be elusive. However, once they understand that their hidden feelings and insecurities are not their enemies but their teachers trying to lead them to a fuller awareness of their potential, there is nothing these determined, driven, multi-talented, and vigorous individuals cannot achieve, if they set their inquisitive and highly creative minds to it.

☆ On the dark side:Conflicted, insecure, frustrated

☆ At your best:Charismatic, ambitious, successful

September 27 people are taken up with the puzzling and paradoxical nature of life. At first glance they would seem to be outgoing and generally normal enough, but the deeper one digs into their personalities the more hidden foibles one uncovers.

September 27 people usually function very well in real terms or in the eyes of others but may nonetheless be plagued by doubts or insecurities. Perhaps this comes as a result of expecting too much of themselves, and in their quest for perfection (they have a tendency to play the hero or martyr) may grow depressed over their inability to completely live up to the impossibly high goals they have set. If those born on this day could lower their standards a bit. or be more accepting of their human failings, they would indeed be much happier, but perhaps also less exceptional.

Failure and success are constant and alternating themes in the lives of September 27 people.

Because of their fear of failure, and insecurity at a deep level about their natural abilities they are driven to succeed. Unfortunately, they are not driven to success because they desire it or believe it would suit them but because they allow themselves no other option. For this reason, it would not do to call them ambitious at all, though such might well appear to be the case.

Similarly. September 27 people often live an emotionally closed life, not due to coldness or love of isolation, but simply because the direction their life or work takes leaves them no other choice. Highly sensitive individuals, those born on this day would like nothing better than to work in peace and sharpen their skills, but often find themselves in walks of life peopled by harder, less forgiving souls. Consequently, they can have ambiguous feelings toward their career and the direction they have chosen, regardless of their degree of success. Slumps and depressions are not at all uncommon. During these times September 27 people may need the support of a good friend, family member or counselor to remind them of how they are valued and help them to be more at peace with themselves.

Those born on this day generally possess great versatility and enjoy exploring all aspects of their work and related pursuits. They are highly appreciative by nature and like to be appreciated themselves. Hard workers, they operate well under pressure and usually possess a large measure of professional cool. Too often this detachment which they practice never-endingly in their professional life becomes an obstruction to their private life. Those born on September 27 would thus do well to examine how their career may be shaping their nature.

Power Thought:It is safe for me to look within,A Navajo blanket traditionally contains an imperfection

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 27th day of the month are ruled by the number 9 (2+7=9), and by the planet Mars. The number 9 is powerful in its influence on other numbers (any number added to 9 yields that number: e.g.. 5+9=14, 4+1=5, and any number multiplied by 9 yields a 9: e.g., 9x5= n. 4+5=9), and the ability of September 27 people to influence those around them is similarly enhanced. The planet Mars is forceful and aggressive, embodying male energy; however this energy is offset by the more social and receptive venusian energy granted by the sign of Libra. Thus, the masculine and feminine sides of September 27 people can be quite well balanced. Such a combination also lends a large measure of sex appeal.

September 27th Birthday Tarot Card

The 9th card of the Major Arcana is The Hermit, who is usually depicted walking with a lantern and a stick; he represents meditation, isolation and quietude. The card also signifies crystallized wisdom and practiced discipline. The Hermit is a taskmaster who motivates conscience and guides others on their path. The positive aspects of this card are stick-to-it-iveness. purpose, profundity and concentration; negative qualities include dogmatism, intolerance, mistrust and discouragement. September 27 people should also beware of the Hermit's isolationist tendencies.

☆Luck maker:(Visualize what you desire)Visualize with positive expectation the way you want to be and your behavior will catch up with the mental image of yourself, attracting good luck in the process.

Love Injection of self-confidence

You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 19:You are very different characters but at the same time beautifully complementary.

Although they are charismatic and attractive, when it comes to affairs of the heart people born on September 27 may lack confidence and self-belief. Until they gain self-confidence, their chances of success in relationships will be limited. They are attracted to powerful and determined individuals who know what they want and where they are going, and although they can learn much from them, they need to be careful not to become dependent.

Health Pump iron

It has been proved many times that exercise does not just boost immunity and manage weight, it also boosts confidence; more recent research has shown that lifting weights or muscle-toning exercises also has a positive effect on mood. Therefore, if they aren’t already exercising their muscles, regular toning exercise or weight training—two or three sessions a week maximum—is highly recommended for people born on this day, as long as they don’t take it to extremes. They also need to complement this toning work with plenty of aerobic exercise such as walking or running which can be performed every day. As far as their health goes, they need to take care of their liver, kidneys and reproductive organs, and a healthy, balanced diet rich in nutrients will help them do that. Learning the techniques taught by cognitive therapy and hypnotherapy will help them challenge negative thinking. Yellow is the color of optimism and self-confidence, and meditating on it will encourage them to have more faith in themselves.

Those born on September 27 usually take an active interest in exercise, diet and health concerns, and are therefore open to suggestions for improving their health even if they do not literally adopt them. A wide variety of activities may appeal to them, from aerobics to competitive sports to martial arts or yoga. A little companionship in these activities helps a great deal. Swimming and walking are also highly recommended. September 27 people must generally be careful of all types of internal difficulties with the kidneys, as well as reproductive and eliminative organs.

Career Born freelancers

These people may be drawn toward politics or social and legal campaigning, or alternatively freelance artistic, technical or design projects. Other possible career choices include management, self-employment, entertainment, education, science, writing, music, and the caring professions.

Destiny To point the way toward progress

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to believe in themselves and their talents. Once they have accepted that to be human is to be complex, their destiny is to point the way toward progress through the most unlikely of approaches.

Try not to withdraw into your shell so much; learn to be more trusting and accepting. I lave faith in your natural abilities. We all make mistakes—that's why we're human. What are you afraid of' Happiness is available, even for you, too—if you can stand it

Celebrities Born On September 27th

Gwyneth Paltrow(American actress), Meat Loaf(American singer), Barbara Dickson(Scottish singer),

Samuel Adams (American revolutionary, Boston Tea Party leader, Stamp Act agitator, Massachusetts governor), Bud Powell (jazz pianist, be-bop innovator, composer, died in Pans at age fortytwo), Arthur Penn (TV, stage, film director, Bonnie and Clyde, Little Big Man), Louis Botha (South African prime minister), Mike Schmidt (Philadelphia Phillies third baseman, 8x NL HR leader, 3x MVP, perennial Gold Glover, seventh all-time HRs), Kathy Whitworth (golf champion, 7x LPGA Player of Year, six Major Tournament wins), William Conrad (TV actor, Cannon, Jake and the Fat Man, director, producer), Joel Shapiro (sculptor), Red Rodney (jazz bebop trumpeter, bandleader), Vittorio Mussolini (Italian jazz critic, older son of Benito Mussolini), Miklos Jansko (theater, film director, The Roundup), Barbara Howar (TV journalist), Louis Auchincloss (short-story writer, critic, novelist, Powers of Attorney, pseudonym: Andrew Lee, The House of the Prophet), Heather Watts (ballet dancer), Meat Loaf (singer, songwriter), Samuel S. Stratton (US congressman, New York). Vincent Youmans (songwriter), Cleo de Merode (French dancer), Jacques Thibaud (French violinist), Cyril Scott (composer, writer, occultist, health and medicine writer)

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