September 28th Seducer Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 28, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is to tolerate boredom

☆The way forward is to understand that boredom is not necessarily something you should try to avoid; your need for constant stimulation may be holding back your personal development.

The Birthday Of The Seducer, The Day Of The Heartbreakers

September 28th Seducer Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 28th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Sun, the individual

Tarot card: The Magician (will-power)

Favorable number: 1

Lucky days: Friday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 1 and 10 of the month

Lucky colors: Pink, orange, yellow

Birthstone: Opal

Other people are often drawn to the magnetic and highly seductive people born on September 28. Whether they are attractive or not, they have the ability to wrap almost anyone they want around their little finger.

Many of them seek and find personal fulfillment through affairs of the heart, indulgence of the senses and the pursuit of beauty in all its forms. They are also highly imaginative and sensitive, with a strong desire to bring harmony and beauty to the world. However, they run the risk of believing that their ability to seduce others with their interesting and enlivening aura is enough to bring good fortune their way. They should understand that although charm will get them far, if they want to go all the way they need discipline, insight and hard work.

Until the age of twenty-four they are likely to be concerned with issues regarding relationships, but after the age of twenty-five there is an important turning point that emphasizes a need for emotional change, personal power and transformation in their lives. How they respond to the opportunities life presents them to back up their charm with substance will determine how successful they are personally and professionally. If they can move away from complacency, making practical decisions about how to realize their goals and backing these decisions up with hard work, they have the potential for success. If, however, the thrill of the chase becomes a dominant force, their potential creativity will be blocked by game playing, power struggles and procrastination.

These people will always have the ability to charm the birds off the trees but the key to their success and happiness, whatever age they are, will never be their seductive warmth but their will-power. This is because when they can take control of their passions and steer their energies in a clear direction, not only will they continue to seduce everyone who crosses their path, they will also be able to realize the ideals of beauty and harmony that are powerfully linked to their emotional fulfillment.

☆ On the dark side:Manipulative, impulsive, destructive

☆ At your best:Charming, magnetic, exciting

Those born on September 28 are highly capable of winning and keeping the affections of those whom they desire. This does not necessarily mean that they are physically more beautiful than others, but rather that they have a kind of seductive charm which can melt a cold heart and send one's blood rushing. Sometimes they can be extremely exasperating and upsetting, but this again is part of their stimulative power.

September 28 people display a talent for inflicting pain which matches their ability to please. Which they effect depends on the mood they are in, or sometimes on their occupation or primary interest. In all fairness to them, their scorecard usually shows that they suffer at least as much as those with whom they are involved. In this respect they can appear disarmingly simple and human.

Those born on this day often have many lovers over the years, at least in their younger days, and are rarely fully satisfied by any of them. Saying they are difficult to please is not exactly true, but rather that over the long haul they tend to bore easily or allow personal differences to get on their nerves. It is fortunate that they are not by nature calculating people, at least in terms of grand schemes, otherwise they would be quite deadly. Taken up with love, seduction and sex (usually in that order) for their own sake, their motives are rarely underhanded and although they could easily take advantage of others consciously or unconsciously, they rarely permit themselves to do so.

Destruction can be an important theme in the lives of September 28 people, running the gamut from romantic heartbreaking to intellectual brain-bashing to physical pounding. This, again, does not imply sadistic intent at all. It is simply that their role seems to be to break down the defenses of others, which they accomplish with a varied array of weapons. As irresistible forces they may meet their match when they encounter immovable objects. But those born on this day are drawn toward challenges of all types and do not consider a struggle even worth their time unless enacted with a powerful adversary. Lovers of beauty, as well as strength, they are helpless when confronted with highly sensual people, art or natural phenomena. They might even be said to worship beauty, and in this respect must beware of elevating their love object or even themselves to a godlike position.

Although those born on this day do not sound as if they are at all suited to family life, they can make dependable family members. Loyal to the extreme, they will rarely if ever forsake a friend in need. Yet those who live with or are involved with them must understand their particular attractive powers as well as their weaknesses. Often September 28 people do not have a lot of willpower; in the face of their passions, they are like a leaf blown in the wind.

Nonetheless, when they sin it is usually with a full awareness of what they are doing.

Power Thought:I am powerful and inspired and enjoy getting my life in order,Nietzsche was fond ofsaying that acts of love take place beyond good and evil

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 28th day of the month are ailed by the number 1 (2+8=10. 1+0=1 ), and by the Sun. Those ruled by the number 1 are typically individual, highly opinionated, and eager to rise to the top. Because September 28 people tend to be romantic types (emphasized by Venus s rulership of their astrological sign Libra), they must beware of being distracted from their life's purpose by their propensity to charm and seduce. The Sun symbolizes strong creative energy and fire, which is best kept flowing steadily rather than allowed to sporadically flare out of control.

September 28th Birthday Tarot Card

The 1st card of the Major Arcana is The Magician, who symbolizes intellect, communication, information and magic. Over his head is an infinity symbol, which in some Tarot decks takes the form of a hat, in others a halo. Many interpretations may be drawn, one of which is that the Magician recognizes the cyclical and unending nature of life and is empowered by this understanding. The positive traits suggested by this first card include diplomatic skill and shrewdness but. negatively, lack of scruples and opportunism. The choice rests with the September 28 person whether to exercise his/her seductive power with honesty, kindness and restraint.

☆Luck maker:(Stop making excuses)Inaction and procrastination are the enemies of luck. Have you noticed how motivated people can become when told they may not have long to live? Start doing the things you have always wanted to, now.

Love Master flirts

You’re drawn to people born on July 23 to August 22:You are both charismatic and flirtatious and as long as you share the spotlight this can be a very passionate combination indeed.

People born on September 28 are masters at the art of flirtation and seduction and will often be surrounded by admirers. In a relationship they can also be masters of the art of manipulation, and are as capable of inflicting pain as they are of giving pleasure. Having said that, when they meet someone with whom they don’t feel the need to play power games they can be loyal and dependable partners.

Health Healthy libido

People born on this day are often blessed with a sensual, passionate nature, but when life threatens to overwhelm them they may suffer from loss of libido. This can be extremely distressing for them but they should take it as a warning sign that something in their life isn’t working. Talking to their doctor to rule out medical causes and possibly a therapist to highlight emotional burdens will all prove helpful, as will making sure they eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in libido-boosting fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and oily fish. Regular mild to moderate exercise will also help balance their hormones and boost their libido. Looking good is important for people born on this day, and if they drink and smoke they need to question why they indulge in activities that will damage their looks as well as their health. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with cooling shades of blue will help them feel more in control of their emotions and their lives.

Those born on September 28 will want to look good. However, their passions may tend to undermine their health. Therefore they should make an effort to keep their diet in bounds, which can be difficult for them because their craving for rich and aesthetically beautiful or exotic dishes is strong. Drinking and smoking come all too naturally to many September 28 people, and these can cause great damage to their health over the long am. Birth control methods of all types should be used with great care by September 28 women. Both sexes must be particularly careful about sexually transmitted diseases.

Career Born opera singers

These people generally flourish in careers in which they can indulge their passionate inclinations and inspire others at the same time, such as writing, art, acting, music, or even sport. Other work choices might include advertising, the media, publishing, the leisure and beauty industries, and public relations.

Destiny To inspire others with their passionate inclinations

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to manage their emotions instead of having their emotions control them. Once they are able to get into the driving seat of their lives, their destiny is to entertain and inspire others with their passionate and individualistic inclinations.

At some point in your life you will have to make hard decisions concerning your actions. Fight the impulse to procrastinate; pain can be minimized by making choices earlier in life rather than later. Do periodic assessments of your progress

Celebrities Born On September 28th

Brigitte Bardot(French actress and animal rights campaigner), Helen Shapiro(British singer and actress), Jennifer Rush(American singer),

Merisi da Caravaggio (Italian early Baroque painter), Brigitte Bardot (French film actress, animal rights champion), Marcello Mastroianni (Italian film actor), Peter Finch (British stage, film actor), Ethel Rosenberg (alleged atomic secrets spy, convicted with husband Julius in sensational trial, main- tained innocence, executed), Georges Clemenceau (French prime minister, Dreyfus defender, WWI), Ben E. King (rock & roll, soul singer, The Drifters), Carlos I (Portugese king), Amelio (Portugese Queen), Steve Largent (Seattle Seahawks football widereceiver, all-time NFL pass reception, TD passes caught leader), Ed Sullivan (TV host), John Sayles (film director, Matewan, Eight Men Out). Max Schmeling (German world heavyweight champion boxer, two famous bouts with Joe Louis), Gentleman John Jackson (Bntish 1 8- 1 9 th c. boxing champion), Antonio Jacinto (Angolan poet, imprisoned Marxist), Frances Willard (social reformer, women's temperance movement organizer), Alice Marble (4x US tennis champion, Wimbledon winner), Haywood Hansell (US Air Force commander, director strategic bombing of Japan, Germany, WWII), William S. Paley (CBS president), Al Capp (cartoonist, Li'l Abner)

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