September 28th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onSeptember 28, 2024

As important as having a single challenge can be, you also need smaller challenges for each day and week, and a few that are long-term. It may seem strange, but if you come up with a range of challenges that will keep you busy, instead of complaining about life’s twists and turns, you will actually learn to savor them.

Even the most difficult individuals will always respond to charm

September 28th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on September 28th

As a Libra, you are often seduced by the side of your nature that’s ruled by Venus, the planet of balance, charm, and grace. And you believe that if you can manage to organize things in such a way that your own life and the lives of those around you are harmonious, then things will run smoothly and fall into place. While that might actually be the case for a little while, with the world around you changing as it does, and with individuals changing as they do, that balance is unlikely to last for long.

And this takes us to the symbol for your sign: the scales. They are designed to shift, a reflection of the way in which the world shifts. There is day and there is night, and there are the seasons. And, as those shifts take place, they influence the people in the world. And so, quite naturally, you need to shift as well. This means that, instead of the eternal balance that you’re always seeking, as a lasting goal, there is a secret. And that is to recognize that contrast is key, in your own life, in relationships, and in the world around you.

When you’re able to embrace that, then instead of struggling to ensure things are perfect, you’ll enjoy every contrast, from those that occur suddenly to those you expect, between day and night, between winter and summer. Whatever their nature, you will embrace them wholeheartedly.

You and others

There is a secret to living happily with those around you, and it is to discover the joy, not in harmony but in intention, the joy in the dramas between you and others—even the joy in the clashes. Once you embrace those, then instead of worrying when someone is upset, you will treat it as if you were at an opera, where people turn dramas into beautiful music.

Health and well-being

While one side of your nature thrives on a routine, from exercise or eating, there is another side that enjoys change, so much that if you are too strict, you’ll rebel. There’s a trick to dealing with this: to go for the contrast in each, a week doing one, a week doing another, a day doing one or another, or even one meal changing, and then the next.

Goals and challenges

As important as having a single challenge can be, you also need smaller challenges for each day and week, and a few that are long-term. It may seem strange, but if you come up with a range of challenges that will keep you busy, instead of complaining about life’s twists and turns, you will actually learn to savor them.


For weeks you’ve sensed you’d soon have to alter or rethink certain unchanging elements of your life. While these once flowed without a hitch, problems are more frequent—so much that you’d rather wrestle with the necessary changes and deal with them now than wonder what will go wrong next.

Zodiac Sign


Ruler: Venus

Symbol: The Scales

Element: Air

Flower: Rose

Being ruled by Venus, the goddess of elegance, beauty, and love, you as a Libra have an instinctive elegance and talent for making others—everybody you meet—feel special. This talent often becomes your career, and those personal links develop into a lifelong passion. Your flower is the rose; your herbs are redolent mint and sorrel; and ash and poplar are your trees. Jade, in its infinite shades, is your stone.

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