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September 28th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 28, 2024

Lapis lazuli is the precious stone favoured by late September and its good to have this exquisite blue/green mineral around with its golden flashes because it is thought to be one of the stones which bring happiness and fortune.

Sun Sign: Libra/Venus

Decanate: Libra/Venus; Numbers: 1, 1

September 28th Birthday Love Astrology

September 27 usually has strikingly good manners which, as we know, maketh man and wo-man too. Like most Librans they are also blessed with open faced good looks which attract many to their side. Unfortunately, most people born on this day have a psycheological duality, on the one hand they enjoy striking success, on the other they usually do something to mess it all up.

Both sexes enjoy early promotion. They have all the characteristics of a high flier, swooping through the universe like a Damon Hill-manned space capsule. Excess is their enemy. Perhaps it's alcohol for which they have an extraordinary liking. Maybe early sexcess goes to their heads, choosing partners for lust who are so deeply awful they badly affect September 27's career prospects. Or perhaps it's unreliability. Whatever it is, just when the limelight is full on them, they blot their copy-book.

None of this is ever written in the stars in such permanent black ink it can't be unwritten by those who heed the warning. Some quell the temptation to throw themselves into an abyss of self-indulgence. Others have powerful and indulgent bosses.

In private, the story is much the same. In college or at school, they are just about to be made captain of cricket or netball, or head girl/boy, when temptation comes roaring out of the black hole and they're caught smoking, insulting the headmaster's grandmother or wandering too far into the undergrowth with a sexual partner.

Later in life both sexes suffer from premarital dementia. When the ring is given, the date is set, for both sexes the brain goes blank and proper behaviour eludes their grasp. They are suddenly, irresistibly drawn to a completely different constellation, and, unable to resist temptation will return home reeking of strange perfume or with their tights in shreds. Fortunately they are blessed with the gift of the gab. September 27 can and does talk him/herself out of most sticky situations.

In Love

This is a romantic position, and relationships are central to your life.

Passionate and more strongly sexed than most other members of your Sun sign, you rarely lack for romantic partners. You are a dichotomy of independence vs. dependence. However, partnership invariably wins out, because your need to be loved is stronger than your desire for freedom.

You’re a model mate with a penchant for doing the right thing at the right time. You never forget birthdays, anniversaries, or other special dates. Yet even though you’re loyal and caring, once the romantic spark dies you may begin looking elsewhere.

In Bed

Pleasing your partner is your main objective. You will not hesitate to explore wild sex if you think that is what he or she wants. Left to your druthers, you are more romantic than ardent. Not only do you expect lovemaking to feel good, you also think it should be a beautiful, harmonious experience for both participants. However, there’s also a lighthearted, playful side to your sexuality. You enjoy laughing, talking, and swapping erotic stories in bed.


Honey is a booster for the immune system, spinach boosts energy and is full of beta-carotene, being tested for its anti-cancer properties. And strawberries contain disease fighting anti-oxidants. Try this delicious Spinach with Strawberries and Honey Dressing. Take 170g fresh spinach, torn into bite size pieces, 170g hulled strawberries, sliced, Itbsp sesame seeds, 1 small red onion thinly sliced. For the dressing: 2tbsp balsamic vinegar, 2tbsp rice vinegar, 4tbsp honey, 2tbsp Dijon mustard, salt and black pepper. Wash and dry spinach. Whisk dressing ingredients. Add to spinach and toss. Dress with strawberries.


Your sexual responses tend to heat up as your relationship with your lover grows and deepens. A part of you wants to let go and break all the rules.

However, with your sophisticated tastes and delicate sensibilities, you usually opt for a more refined approach to lovemaking. You entice your bedmate with subtle moves and provocative suggestions.


Lapis lazuli is the precious stone favoured by late September and its good to have this exquisite blue/green mineral around with its golden flashes because it is thought to be one of the stones which bring happiness and fortune.

Reality Check

Libra is often referred to as the sign of “the iron hand in the velvet glove,”

because a steely willpower lurks beneath your smiling face and amiable disposition. While you may be peace loving and agreeable, you’re not a pushover. You think carefully before you say yes and rarely do anything that you don’t want to do.

September 28 Date Share

Died: Grade Fields, British movie star and singer. Born: Louis Auchindoss, short story writer, novelist. Meat Loaf, rock singer, biker. Jacques Thibaud, French violinist

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