September 29th Maverick Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 29, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is coping with feeling like you don’t fit in

☆The way forward is to celebrate rather than feel ashamed of your uniqueness—going your own way is your destiny.

The Birthday Of The Maverick, The Day Of The Charged Reactor

September 29th Maverick Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 29th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive

Tarot card: The High Priestess (intuition)

Favorable number: 2

Lucky days: Friday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 11 of the month

Lucky colors: Pink, silver, milky white

Birthstone: Opal

People born on September 29 are mavericks at heart. At every possible opportunity they will question authority and convention, and if they find themselves disagreeing with rules and regulations they are not afraid to spark a rebellion.

Real livewires, life is never dull when these people are around. They are rebellious by nature, but this isn’t because they lack discipline or selfcontrol. Quite the opposite; they are capable individuals with the ability to startle others with their talents but, despite their intelligence and talents, they can also be rather unpredictable at times. They may, for example, suffer from bouts of low confidence because, however many followers they have, a part of them never really feels accepted. This sense of not belonging can make them swing between extroversion and introversion with confusing speed.

Until the age of twenty-three their emphasis will be on relationships, and during these years their incessant need to be on the cutting edge of things may earn them more enemies than friends. The friends they do have, however, will remain loyal for life. Their intense desire to be of service to others during these years, and indeed throughout their lives, may also make them subordinate their personal needs; but it is important for them to strike a more even balance between their different emotional drives because if they don’t they may end up feeling unsatisfied, however great their success and popularity.

After the age of twenty-four there is a turning point which places the emphasis on emotional change. In the years that follow they will gradually begin to realize that, although they can compromise and work productively with others, they are not—and never will be—team players. The sooner they learn to listen to their intuition, go their own way and use their own methods, the sooner they will realize their outstanding potential for success and fulfillment. By the same token, others will celebrate rather than criticize the tenacity and originality of these inspirational leaders and talented organizers, together with the contributions they can make to society.

☆ On the dark side:Rebellious, insecure, disruptive

☆ At your best:Exciting, capable, bold

Those bom on September 29 fight an ongoing battle to maintain stability in their lives.

At times they can feel that they are masters of the universe and at other moments not worthwhile at all. Such swings in their mood and self-image are most often due to an underlying lack of self-confidence. Many born on this day gravitate toward family situations where they can find stability for a period of time, but eventually move on, sometimes to a more isolated existence.

September 29 people are generally highly attractive and capable. Yet wherever they go, whatever they do. uncertainty and instability swirl around them. (They may, for example, have great difficulty staying with either the right career or partner for long.) Often they are like the eye of a hurricane, which although itself is calm, is surrounded by violence and turmoil. Though September 29 people can appear dispassionate to the world, they nonetheless arouse strong reactions in others, both good and bad. They must beware of accidents and antagonism which can come their way. In order to get a handle on this danger, September 29 people must sooner or later face the fact that it may be their own repressed emotions which call forth such disturbances.

Thus self-understanding is an important commodity7 for them to cultivate as early in life as possible.

When September 29 people commit wholeheartedly to an organization, company or family situation, they can be invaluable to the success of the group's endeavors. They have a talent for managing, which not only means structuring and coordinating activities but also handling finances in a prudent and farsighted fashion.

Those born on this day. however, can oscillate between very intense and very relaxed behavior. They may also appear to be quiet and unassuming when all the while their crying need is to come out and reveal their talents and personality to the world in a truly extroverted fashion. In fact, unlocking their energies at a deep level can make for a splendid personal dynamism and rewarding financial endeavors if only this energy can be well directed.

September 29 people often manifest a technical interest in how things work. Usually their practical abilities are very high, yet they seem to have difficulty getting it together to start or complete a project. This is due to both their need to make extensive plans before beginning anything in the former case and their intense perfectionism, which ties them up in the execution of small details, in the latter. Others often wonder in amazement at how such naturally gifted and highly capable individuals manage to get sidetracked from their true goals and allow success to elude them. If, however, the unusual people born on this day can take the reigns of their career firmly in hand, without foundering or getting sidetracked, they are indeed capable of extraordinarv achievements.

Power Thought:I appreciate and place the highest value on all that I am,What do you see when you live at the center of the cyclone?

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 29th day of the month are ruled by the number 2 (2+9=11, 1+1=2), and by the Moon. Since number 2 people often make good co-workers and paflners. rather than leaders, more introverted September 29 people may find their way by embodying the ideals of their family or work group. However, the urge to bond with others may also act as a brake on individual initiative and action, producing frustration. This may be further enhanced by the Moon having strongly reflective and passive tendencies. The secondary number 11 (2+9=11) gives emphasis to the physical plane (complementing the sensuous tendencies of the Venus-ruled sign of Libra).

September 29th Birthday Tarot Card

The 2nd card of the Major Arcana is The Priestess, shown seated on her throne, calm and impenetrable. She is a spiritual woman who reveals hidden forces and secrets, empowering those of us who heed her with that knowledge. Favorable qualities of this card are silence, intuition. reserve and discretion; negative values are secretiveness, mistrust, indifference and inertia.

☆Luck maker:(You’re luckier than you think)If you start focusing more on the good than on the bad in your life, you will automatically feel happier. And whenever you feel happy, luck is never far behind.

Love Passionate and romantic

You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 19:You are both passionate and fiercely individualistic, and this can be a match made in heaven—or hell!

The exciting and interesting people born on September 29 often attract many admirers, but their need to constantly challenge, question and shine can cause great tension in personal relationships. However, as they are also passionate and romantic, loving heartfelt gestures such as flowers, hearts and poems, partners tend to forgive them. Because their lives tend to be unpredictable, they thrive best with a partner who can offer them stability and security.

Health Just say Om!

People born on this day can be impulsive and prone to accidents and injuries, so it is important for them to exercise more caution when it comes to their physical well-being. As far as their emotional well-being is concerned, meditation or quiet time thinking will help them get in touch with their feelings and figure out where they want their life to be heading. Because they tend to be very opinionated, they may have certain theories about their diet and health which are worth getting checked out with a doctor to ensure that they are of maximum benefit to long-term health. Typically, people born on this day love exercise, especially running and swimming, and if they aren’t already exercising regularly they are strongly advised to do so, as it will benefit them both physically and emotionally. Learning not to take things so personally will help them deal with rejection, and cultivating an attitude of positive expectancy will help them cope with bouts of negativity. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to celebrate their brilliant uniqueness.

Accidents of all types are an ever-present danger for September 29 people until they begin a process of self-introspection and self-knowledge. They must learn to be more trusting and to open up emotionally at a deep level. Not uncommonly, those born on this day manifest strange food habits. Their diets are often extreme, and based on either certain strong tastes or ideas they have about what is good for the human body. They would benefit from eating a more balanced diet of simple vegetables, grains, fruits, dairy products and fish and eschewing any kind of extreme menu. Usually fond of physical exercise, dancing and sex, they will not have to be reminded to keep active

Career Born dramatists

These people will be naturally attracted to all careers that are creative, dramatic or artistic, such as acting, writing, music, dance, and painting. Other choices include politics, social reform, the media, entertainment, business, self-employment, education, teaching, and lecturing.

Destiny To inject excitement into the lives of others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn not just to accept but to be proud of their uniqueness. Once they have gained self-confidence, their destiny is to inject a sense of excitement and possibility into the lives of others.

Sit down and figure yourself out (even if it takes years). Put your considerable talents to good use. Gain self-confidence. Organize your life but retain your spontaneity. Tear down internal barriers and obstructions.

Celebrities Born On September 29th

Silvio Berlusconi(Italian media tycoon and politician), Jerry Lee Lewis(American singer and pianist), Anita Ekberg(Swedish actress),

J.B. Rhine (psychologist, parapsychology pioneer), Enrico Fermi (Italian-American nuclear physicist, inventor atomic reactor), Admiral Horatio Nelson (British naval commander, defeated Napoleonic fleet at Battle of Trafalgar), Jerry Lee Lewis (rock & roll singer, pianist), Lech Walesa (Polish president, Solidarity leader), Michelangelo Antonioni (Italian film director, L'Awentura, Blow Up), Tintoretto (Venetian 16th c. painter), Robert Lord Clive (founder of British empire in India, military conqueror), Madeleine Kahn (comic film actress), Bryant Gumbel (TV sports anchor, Today Show host), Sebastian Coe (British mile runner, Olympic gold medalist world 800 and 1 ,000 meter record holder), Stanley Kramer (film director, High Noon, The Defiant Ones), Robert Benton (film director, Kramer vs. Kramer, Places in the Heart), Gene Autry (cowboy star. entrepreneur), Greer Garson (film actress), Jean-Luc Ponty (French jazz violinist), Anita Ekberg (film actress, sex symbol). Steve Tesich (screenplay writer, playwnght), Walter Rathenau (German politician, foreign minister, murdered by nght-wmgers). John Tower (US senator, Texas, died in plane crash)

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