September 2nd Egalitarian Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 02, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is putting yourself first

☆The way forward is to understand that, just like everyone else, you have a right to be noticed for your accomplishments.

The Birthday Of The Egalitarian, The Day Of The Businesslike Attitude

September 2nd Egalitarian Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 2nd Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Moon, the intuitive

Tarot card: The High Priestess (intuition)

Favorable numbers: 2, 9

Lucky days: Wednesday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 2 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, silver, indigo

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 2 are idealistic and lively individuals with an egalitarian view of the world. They are usually the first to defend the rights of everyone, and when presenting their opinions they make sure they are understood by everyone, no matter what their background or level of education.

They cannot tolerate pretension or unnecessary complications of any kind, placing a high value on simplicity of language, behavior and action. Other people always know where they stand with them and they also know that, whatever the circumstances or situation, they will be given a fair hearing and a fair chance to prove themselves. In fact, these people place such a high value on egalitarianism and fair play that when in direct competition with others they will quite happily take a step back and allow others to race ahead, even if they are well qualified for the job or due for advancement. It is important for them to understand that pushing ahead when their talents merit it does not mean they are becoming pretentious or ego-centered; it simply means that they are placing a value on themselves.

After the age of twenty they will have an increased need for partnership and relating to others for the next thirty years, and again it is important for them not to undervalue themselves and realize that equal relationships with others can be indispensable to achieving their high ideals of fairness, honesty, inclusion, and respect. There are also opportunities during this time for them to develop their creativity; they should take advantage of these to inject some inspiration into their working life. After the age of fifty-one there is a turning point when they are more likely to get in touch with their personal power.

Whatever age they are, the sooner they realize that they don’t live to work but work to live, the more fulfilling their lives will be, and the greater their chances of discovering their outstanding potential for exerting a beneficial and inspirational influence on others.

☆ On the dark side:Workaholic, passive, uninspired

☆ At your best:Fair, direct, vital

Those born on September 2 are not big on frills. They hate phoniness and despise all forms of affectation. Rarely will they make excuses for their work or behavior. They also have little time for probing analytic explanations of their motives, preferring to let their actions speak for themselves. September 2 people just want to get on with the job, and indeed can become workaholics.

Unfortunately, in the case of failure or breakdown, those born on this day may not have the inner resources to cope with what has happened to them or to change course. They also tend to react explosively when they are subject to undue criticism. Because of this weakness, they generally come to depend heavily on a trusted associate or family member whose opinion they respect.

Most September 2 people present an unassuming exterior, and do not go out of their way to draw attention to themselves. If blessed with moderate talents, they generally choose a tried and true career path with a low risk factor. The more unusual people born on this day may seek some degree of danger and excitement, but usually prefer to generate it themselves rather than just go along for the ride.

The September 2 view of the world tends to be egalitarian and those born on this day can be quick to defend the rights of the average person. When presenting their opinions, September 2 people speak plainly in order to be understood by all and avoid any hint of pretense.

They are likewise averse to egocentrism, flakiness or unnecessary complication in the language or thought of others. September 2 people do, however, display great sympathy for those in genuine need or stricken by misfortune or calamity. Unfortunately, they themselves may refuse to seek help when they truly need it, suppressing fears and insecurities which can later erupt in sudden displays of temper and anger.

September 2 people are usually good at handling money and finances, particularly their own, even if they don't have that much to manage. Materially oriented, many September 2 people are also strongly physical types. They are attuned to the usefulness and beauty of objects and materials, recognizing their value and handling them accordingly, In matters of love, September 2 people can be pretty particular about what they want, and choose to settle for nothing rather than compromise their expectations. To say they are rather demanding of mates and lovers may well be an understatement.

In whatever walk of life they find themselves, September 2 people will conduct themselves according to a fairly fixed code of honor. To them, when a deal is done and one's word given, there is no room for wavering, conniving or the breaking of promises. In this respect they are good people to deal with, although their strictness and accompanying lack of sympathy or nuance can sgmetimes warn others off. They should remember to keep it light, have fun and enjoy life.

Power Thought:I am not the person I was yesterday but a more enlightened being,Our world is only one of many

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 2nd day of the month are ruled by the number 2 and by the Moon. Number 2 people often make good co-workers and partners, rather than leaders, and this influence may aid September 2 people in adjusting to jobs or relationships. However, it may also act as a brake on individual initiative and action, producing frustration. This is further enhanced by the Moon having strongly reflective and passive tendencies, and by Mercury (Virgo's ruler) encouraging rumination and also verbal complaints. Those ruled by the number 2 who were also born a second child may be particularly supportive partners, especially if they grew up in a symbiotic relationship with their older siblings.

September 2nd Birthday Tarot Card

The 2nd card of the Major Arcana is The Priestess, shown seated on her throne, calm and impenetrable. She is a spiritual woman who reveals hidden forces and secrets, empowering those of us who heed her with that knowledge. Favorable qualities of this card are silence, intuition, reserve and discretion; negative values are secretiveness, mistnist, indifference and inertia.

☆Luck maker:(Get carried away)If you want to attract luck you need to ignore any advice you may have been given about not going overboard and allow yourself to get carried away with passion and excitement for what you want because this is what encourages others to want to help you.

Love Loyal and loving

You’re drawn to people born on June 21 to July 22:This is a complementary and passionate match as long as you respect each other’s need for freedom of emotional expression.

Whether they realize it or not, people born on September 2 can either subordinate themselves completely to the needs of their partner or exercise a subtle control in their relationship. Both approaches are a direct contradiction to their egalitarian approach to life. At times hidden insecurities may indicate that instead of being their usual diplomatic self they can become argumentative and restless; but in general, when they learn to place a value on themselves they are loyal, loving and supportive partners.

Health Weight training

Although people born on this day are often bursting with vitality and energy, they need to make sure they don’t push themselves too hard. They are particularly prone to stress-related digestive disorders, and a healthy, balanced diet along with stress-management techniques such as making sure they have plenty of time for rest and relaxation or simply laughing more often will help counteract these. They would benefit from learning the basics of good nutrition and cooking, not only because it will ensure they get all the nutrients they need, but also because it will also take their mind off work. Regular daily exercise that is moderate to vigorous is recommended, as are regular weight training or toning sessions. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color green will encourage them to find a better balance between their professional and emotional life.

Those born on September 2 too often work themselves to death and get overstressed. They must beware of ailments related to a kind of inner negativity and complaining. Particularly vulnerable are their stomachs and intestines, so they have to guard against ulcers and hyperacidity. Somehow September 2 people must find a middle way between emotional outbursts and suppressed aggression. A healthy diet is a major stabilizing factor. Those born on this day should seek the advice of a culinary expert or nutritionist who can suggest a menu right for their particular needs; an interest in cooking is of great benefit in realizing such a plan. Regular and fairly strenuous physical exercise is recommended.

Career Born educators

These people are great team players and enjoy work that has plenty of variety. They may be drawn to careers in the media, music, sport, social work, or public relations, or toward banking, the stock market and accountancy. Their analytical skills may suggest a career in education, writing or science, and their egalitarian spirit a career in health care.

Destiny To exert a powerful and positive influence on others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to balance their own needs with those of others. Once they have understood that being fair does not have to mean being happy with second best, their destiny is to exert a powerful and positive influence on others.

Learn to balance your feelings. Do not be satisfied with second best. If you believe you can do it. get on with it. However, allow for inspiration—don't jusl work for work's sake Share affection with others

Celebrities Born On September 2nd

Keanu Reeves(Canadian actor), Jimmy Conners(American tennis player), Christa McAuliffe(American astronaut),

Jimmy Connors (tennis star, 5x US Open, 2x Wimbledon, most alltime pro singles titles winner), Eric Dickenson (football running back, 5x All-Pro, third all-time rushing leader, single season rushing record), Terry Bradshaw (Steelers football quarterback, led Pittsburgh to four Super Bowl wins, commentator), Horace Silver (jazz pianist, composer, bandleader), Clifford Jordan (jazz tenor saxophonist, composer), Peter Ueberroth (baseball commissioner, organizer of Los Angeles summer Olympics), John Thompson (Georgetown University basketball coach), Glen Sather (Edmonton hockey coach, general manager, five Stanley Cup titles), Christa McAuliffe (teacher, civilian US astronaut, killed in Challenger disaster), Henry George (social reformer, political economist, gold prospector, newspaper editor), Marge Champion (stage, film dancer), Alan K. Simpson (US senator, Wyoming), Jacques Lang (French culture minister), Regis Debray (political writer), Alan Drury (writer, Advise and Consent), Fnednch Wilhelm Ostwald (German physical chemist, philosopher), Don Wilson (radio, TV personality, Jack Benny's straightman), Cleveland Amory (writer), Russ Conway (pop pianist), G.R. Simms (British columnist, pen name: Dagonet, Memoirs of a Landlady)

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