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September 2nd Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 02, 2024

Because natural beauty brings great pleasure to September 2, it's good to have flowers in the home. Pots of growing lilies or any other sweetly scented plant bring more joy and visual reassurance than you can possibly imagine.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Saturn; Numbers: 2, 2

September 2nd Birthday Love Astrology

September 2 people are gifted with special powers of concentration common to Virgo. Like mice, information technology enthusiasts are never happier than when they are procreating new IT crackshots exactly like themselves. The girls are as talented as the boys and both make a very good living, either in one company's project development, or as trouble-shooting freelances hired to retrain the workforce, and then depart after a few weeks.

The latter's ability to make a great deal of money, while flitting like a bee from one corporate flower to another, underlines the loner side of September 2, the desire to be independent, neither beholden to nor admiring of conventional authority structures. They dislike hierarchies, mostly because their personal experience of top executives is on the pathetic side as they try with gentle desperation to instruct a man or woman in charge of millions of pounds worth of company and staff, and thousands of pounds worth of personal equipment, how to turn on the computer. And then the basics of how to use it without shouting for an underling every few minutes.

It's hard for these whiz-kids to retain any IT (Inner Tranquility) skills in the face of such challenges, and indeed you can often hear the rising emotion in the instructor's voice. Miss Technosqueak is usually beautifully dressed, the leather trousers, white silk shirt type. She is so full of nervous energy, she doesn't come in fat sizes, and always has love on the other part of her mind. She can't fall for any man who is unable to match her skills and so she lusts after a fellow computer nerd, squeakily offering to get his coffee and sandwiches and discuss his latest, brilliant theory. Sadly, this gentleman is so unwordly he's more the sort to blush when ‘tools' flash up on screen than give in to the urge to caress her microsoft skin.

In Love

You are a person who needs to love and be loved. In a close relationship, you’re tender, caring, and affectionate. The urge to merge with your soul mate is one of your main motivators. In an intimate union, you consider intellectual rapport as important as passion and romance. However, you also need beauty and order in your life, and you especially enjoy creating a pleasant atmosphere for yourself and your loved one. Romantic and faithful yourself, you expect fidelity and devotion in return. You dislike discord, and you are usually the first to make up after a disagreement.

In Bed

Innately kindhearted and sentimental, you notice the things that make your partner happy, and then you try to provide them. Communication is your forte, and sharing thoughts and feelings brings you closer to your lover.

When problems arise, you attempt to nip them in the bud by talking things through to a satisfactory conclusion. Of course, physical pleasures matter a great deal as well. When words don’t do the trick, you rely on your earthy sensuality and heightened sensory perception to calm troubled waters.


Pets are excellent for September 2ys physical health, mental balance and as a source of vital affection. Canaries reduce high blood pressure in their owners as do goldfish. The cat is good, but doesn't give enough. Medical experts recommend a dog to promote balance and healthy well-being. It's important to pick the dog to suit your lifestyle. Cocker spaniels like country life and bring enormous pleasure with what The Kennel Club describes as a ‘merry nature, with ever-wagging tail Jack Russells are good for towns. Anything small with bows on its head, will only make you feel shih-tzuphrenic.


Aggressive sexuality just doesn’t do it for you. You prefer a slow, languid seduction leading to a deeper, more meaningful sensual exploration. You view the pleasures of lovemaking as an erotic feast for the senses. Massaging each other with flavored oils, or sharing exotic edible delicacies, can enhance your mutual satisfaction.


Because natural beauty brings great pleasure to September 2, it's good to have flowers in the home. Pots of growing lilies or any other sweetly scented plant bring more joy and visual reassurance than you can possibly imagine.

Reality Check

Naturally self-restrained, you refuse to be rushed or pushed into anything.

You particularly like to take your time when making important decisions.

As a result, some people may get the impression that you are not overly ambitious, but that is definitely not the case. It’s just that you don’t like starting anything new unless you’re sure you can finish it.

September 2 Date Share

Director Joseph von Sternberg, discovered and cast Marlene Dietrich in his hit film The Blue Angel. Keanu Reeves, Hollywood star bom in Lebanon. Russ Conway, pianist, songwriter. Alan Drury, writer, Advise and Consent.

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