September 30th Revelation Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 30, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is accepting that you might be wrong

☆The way forward is to understand that without an awareness of your own fallibility, you will never be able to uncover the truth in yourself or any situation.

The Birthday Of Revelation, The Day Of Glaring Truth

September 30th Revelation Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 30th Birthdays

Sun sign: Libra

Ruling planet: Venus, the lover

Symbol: The Scales

Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the speculator

Tarot card: The Empress (creativity)

Favorable number: 3

Lucky days: Friday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 12 of the month

Lucky colors: Royal blue, purple, pink

Birthstone: Opal

People born on September 30 tend to be focused and knowledgeable individuals with a strong desire to champion or reveal the truth. They have an uncanny ability for identifying intellectual or social rights and wrongs and suggesting progressive alternatives to bring about change or improvement.

These people are driven by the urge to expose injustice or unfairness in any form and, because they understand that revealing the truth as they see it can put them in the line of fire, they tend to create a tough and courageous exterior for themselves which inspires both respect and apprehension in those around them: respect, because others know that once these highly attractive and persuasive people are on the scene, they have the insight and star quality to attract support and success; apprehension, because their uncompromising sense of fairness and strong need to expose those who do not live up to their high moral standards can easily flip into judgmental or aggressive behavior. It is important, therefore, for them to understand that although pointing out the failings of those around them can clear the air, it can also have an uncomfortable effect on all concerned.

After the age of twenty-three there is a turning point that highlights issues of emotional intensity, change and transformation for these people; but whatever age they are, their challenge is not just to be more open and accepting in their beliefs, but to express as much interest in discovering the truth of their own lives as they do in uncovering the truth in others and in the world around them.

This is because once they are able to acknowledge their own vulnerabilities they can move beyond self-righteousness to greater tolerance of human weaknesses. When their tolerance is combined with their remarkable courage and impressive resourcefulness, not only can they ensure that justice is done and falsehood is exposed, they can also discover within themselves the ability to motivate and inspire others to work alongside them to create progressive and inspirational solutions for a fairer and better world.

☆ On the dark side:Self-righteous, critical, smug

☆ At your best:Knowledgeable, fair, influential

Those born on September 30 are adept at ferreting out the truth and bringing it to light.

Their perfectionist nature is manifest in their work habits. These are people who really do their homework before opening their mouths, and although they can be impulsive, usually have some heavy ammunition to support their opinions. In bringing the truth to light some born on this day see themselves as representing a cause, and as such are idealists, no matter how negative the material they are revealing.

September 30 people are highly attractive, if not physically then in their personality. Their appearance is important to them in public, as far as dress, speech and demeanor are concerned.

Perhaps this is because they want to appear invulnerable—it is often true that September 30 people are concealing some truths about themselves that they do not wish to have revealed.

For the most part those born on this day are not schooled or scholarly trained individuals but rather people who have learned through the hard lessons of experience. September 30 people can also assume scholarly status through their own form of thorough study and in their field can come to be regarded as experts. It is usually very difficult to disagree with their arguments since they are able to amass such an impressive body of knowledge to back up what they say.

Whether conventional or unconventional, September 30 people often use their appearance to attract attention; they can be masterful in presenting a public image and in holding the attention of family and friends. Highly attuned to the human condition, those born on this day understand people and their motives very well. They must beware of becoming manipulative in this respect and of using others to further their own ends.

There is certainly a good chance that September 30 people will grow overly accusatory, judgmental or fond of pointing a righteous finger at those they believe compromise the truth in some way. This tendency to be an accusing angel can really get out of hand, and can even make others adopt an instinctively defensive posture in their presence. September 30 people must thus work on being more accepting and less condemning.

On the other hand, those born on this day are usually quite capable of defending themselves, and although sensitive, can shrug off many an attack (due to their innate self-confidence).

Since they are largely self-taught at what they do, and have graduated from "The School of Hard Knocks," they have an essential toughness which will always protect them. September 30 people should try to remain sympathetic to others, however, by displaying this toughness in defense rather than offense, since they inevitably turn people off when they get too aggressive.

Those born on September 30 are generally good with money, and can make shrewd investments which guarantee their financial stability.

Power Thought:I feel tolerance and consideration for everyone, myself included,Each of us confronts our own truth on our own path

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 30th day of the month are ruled by the number 3 (3+0=3). and by the planet Jupiter. Those ruled by the number 3 often rise to the highest position in their sphere, and September 30lh people may well be driven toward the top in their search for financial and material success, as well as independence. Jupiter lends an optimistic and expansive social outlook to those born on September 30, and combined with the influence of Venus (ruler of Libra) accentuates their idealism.

September 30th Birthday Tarot Card

The 3rd card of the Major Arcana is The Empress, who symbolizes creative intelligence. She is the perfect woman: the ultra-feminine Mother Earth nurturer. who embodies our dreams, hopes and aspirations. This card represents positive traits of charm, grace and unconditional love, but also negative traits of vanity and affectation, as well as intolerance for imperfection.

☆Luck maker:(Believe the impossible)When you are able to open your mind to believe that what may appear impossible is really possible, you open the door to luck.

Love Fairness and openness

You’re drawn to people born on November 22 to December 21:You are both charming and insightful individuals, with enough differences and similarities to endlessly fascinate each other.

Friends and loved ones of people born on September 30 will often find their words and actions put under the spotlight. Although September 30 people have the ability to make others laugh at their weaknesses, they need to be careful that they don’t become overly critical. They demand absolute fairness and openness from their partners, and need to make sure they offer their partners the same in return.

Health Love of food and drink

People born on this day will often have excelled or been heavily involved in sporting activity when they were young; but once they leave school or college, there is a tendency for them to ease up on physical activity. Their love of food and drink may lead to a sedentary lifestyle and weight gain, especially around the middle. It is extremely important therefore for them to increase their activity levels and eat plenty of fresh, nutritious food to boost their metabolism. Fortunately, physical appearance matters greatly for them and the mirror is usually the only incentive they need to take control of their diet and exercise routine. Rose or jasmine are excellent essential oils for them if they feel lethargic and need a boost; wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color orange will encourage them to be more open, warm and accepting in their relationships with others.

Since their physical appearance is important to them, September 30 people can usually be prevailed on to eat sensibly and exercise, though they may not be naturally inclined in this direction. In fact those born on this day must usually make a great effort to avoid alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, coffee drinking or indulging a sweet tooth. September 30 people are encouraged to apply their love of investigation to ways of improving their own personal health. Those born on this day often show great talent for the kitchen, where they may learn firsthand the value of fresh food both for enjoyment and health.

Career Born judges

These people are clearly suited to careers in law, law enforcement, politics, social campaigning, and medicine, but they may also have a natural affinity for the arts and seek to help others by providing inspiration through writing, music, art, or song. Other careers that might appeal include publishing, journalism, education, and the catering industry.

Destiny To be a dynamic force for progress, justice and reform

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to be more tolerant of their own weaknesses and those of others. Once they understand that everyone has their own interpretation of the truth, their destiny is to be a dynamic force for progress, justice and reform.

Despite your impressive knowledge and arguments you are not always right. Become aware of manipulative tendencies. Dont browbeat others; be more open and accepting in your thought.Put your house in order.

Celebrities Born On September 30th

Deborah Kerr(Scottish actress), Marc Bolan(British singer-songwriter), Buddy Rich(American jazz drummer),

Euripides (Greek ancient playwright, tragedian, wrote Medea, The Trojan Women), Ellie Wiesel (Jewish Nobel Prizewinning holocaust writer, Souls on Fire), Truman Capote (selfeducated novelist, wnter, In Cold Blood), Jean-Mane Lehn (French Nobel Prizewinning chemist, synthetic molecules), Lewis Milestone (Russian- American film director, All Quiet on the Western Front A Walk in the Sun, screenwriter, editor, producer), Deborah Kerr (film actress), Johnny Mathis (singer), Angie Dickinson (film, TV actress, Policewoman), Michael Powell (British film director, The Red Shoes), Pompey the Great (Roman ruler), Anne H. Martin (suffragist, feminist, first woman to run for US senate), Frankie Lyman (rock & roll singer, legendary falsetto), Oscar Pettiford (jazz bassist), Robin Roberts (Philadelphia Phillies baseball pitcher, 2x NL stnkeout leader, Hall of Famer), Lester Maddox (Georgia governor), W.S. Merwm (poet, translator), Pieter Lieftinck (Dutch post- WWII finance minister), Victoria Tennant (Bntish stage. TV, film actress, married Steve Martin), Michel Aoun (Lebanese Christian general), Yun Lyubtmov (Soviet expatriate theatrical director, actor)

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