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September 30th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 30, 2024

But for a healthy mind and body you can eat the following: horseradish and safe mushrooms, including morel, puffballs, field mushroom, cep, chanterelle, wood hedgehog, oyster mushroom. Make a horseradish sauce and dip the mushrooms in it. Delicious.

Sun Sign: Libra/Venus

Decanate: Libra/Venus; Numbers: 3, 3

September 30th Birthday Love Astrology

This is another extreme day. September 30's undoing will most likely be either food or drink. In youth they are excellent sportsmen, Librunners who burn every calorie, eat what they like and stay slim. The aprés sport bit usually includes lots to drink and fortifying plates of chips. Then the running stops and speed of acceleration switches to the waistline.

The women cotton on faster than the men, not a statement of sexism, but women are usually more weight-conscious and young male sportsmen usually need greater quantities of food and drink to stoke their performance. Accept that the rest of your life will be a lifelong struggle with indulgences of too much flesh. Better, however, than not struggling and the cosdy business of having to book two seats every time you get on an aeroplane. Very fat people also find that the ladder to social and career success very often won't bear their weight.

The other problem with September 30 is a heightened sense of indignation which frequendy turns them into women's or men's lib-rettes. Pushed, they can even grow into ornery full time fattists. It's a good idea to get hold of this urge and squash it because people born on this day tend to make such issues highly personal, misinterpreting others' intentions and generally turning what may be innocent into mayhem.

If these individuals can keep extremes at bay, channel the energy elsewhere, they will find success in whatever field they choose. Blessed with portable talent they will hop from one big job to another, often in the financial area. Redundancy holds no fear for September 30. They flourish by themselves, earning more money than ever before and achieving greater happiness.

Nor will they have, where love is concerned, the old psycheological dichotomy common to September. Little sex bombs they may be, but they generally keep the explosive nature of their feelings confined to one person, seriously serially monogamous.

In Love

Those celebrating birthdays on this date long for a permanent relationship yet tend to be rather fickle in their attachments. One part of you wants freedom, and the other wants commitment. As a result, you may go through a long string of romances before deciding to settle down with one person.

Friendship and intellectual companionship are as vital to you as love and romance, and a spirited debate can be as stimulating as a passionate sexual encounter. Nevertheless, you’re an incurable romantic and prone to falling in love with the idea of love. Once involved, you make a tender, considerate lover.

In Bed

Your clever mind and fluency with language make you a master of verbal seduction. Spoken and written sexual enticements have a major impact on you as well. Your natural curiosity and diverse interests prompt you to keep trying new things in bed. Your approach to lovemaking is typically lighthearted and playful. Drama has no place on your sexual agenda. You avoid intense emotional scenes whenever possible. If faced with a choice, you’d rather leave than stay and fight.


It's OK to eat fresh veg and fruit grown in the garden and some wild plants. Here's a list of what you shouldn't eat because they are poisonous. Autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale), foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), ivy, laburnam (Laburnam anagyroides), lily of the valley fConvallaria majalis), lupins (LupinusJ, bulbs, daffodils (Narcissus,), hyacinths (HyacinthusJ, cut flowers, monkshood (AconitumJ, seeds, castor oil plant (Ricinus communist rue, (Ruta graveolensj yew (Taxus baccataj, horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), and hemlock (Conium maculatumj - obviously.


The smart lover garners your interest with a combination of wit and charm.

Easily bored by empty glamour, you long to establish a loving relationship that is based as much on friendship and mutual respect as on love. You respond to spontaneous gestures of romance. A provocative look or a few whispered words of desire speak volumes to you.


But for a healthy mind and body you can eat the following: horseradish and safe mushrooms, including morel, puffballs, field mushroom, cep, chanterelle, wood hedgehog, oyster mushroom. Make a horseradish sauce and dip the mushrooms in it. Delicious.

Reality Check

Self-expression is your forte. Although you actually know a little about a lot of things, you manage to give the impression of being deeply knowledgeable. You’re one of those people who could sell ice to Eskimos. Your agile mind makes it possible for you to field most questions with fast answers and clever off-the-cuff remarks.

September 30 Date Share

Died: James Dean, Hollywood actor, died in a car crash at the age of 24. Simone Signoret, French actress. Orson Welles, Hollywood great, Citizen Kane. Roy Kinnear, British comedian, in riding accident on location. Born: Euripides, Greek ancient philosopher. Truman Capote, social observer, writer, In Cold Blood. Deborah Kerr, British film star. Angie Dickinson, TV star. Victoria Tennant, stage, TV film star, married Steve Martin.

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