September 3rd Iron Butterfly Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 03, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is to overcome your fear of failure

☆The way forward is to understand that failure is a vital ingredient for success because it shows you what works, and what doesn’t.

The Birthday Of The Iron Butterfly, The Day Of The Mold Breakers

September 3rd Iron Butterfly Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 3rd Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury th communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher

Tarot card: The Empress (creativity)

Favorable number: 3

Lucky days: Wednesday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 12 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, jade green, silver

Birthstone: Sapphire

Those born on September 3 are remarkably determined individuals, a quality that those who do not know them well may not appreciate until a situation arises to encourage them to be more confrontational. Generally, they prefer a gentler, conciliatory approach, believing that more can be achieved through communication than combat. This personal style can be highly effective but it can cause others to underestimate them or misjudge their iron will.

They are blessed with a sharp and independent mind, and a highly developed sense of justice and fair play, as well as great technical and organizational skills. Their desire for excellence will drive them to succeed personally and professionally and, although everything about them reflects this drive for perfection, their easy-going style and unassuming personality make it hard for others to resent them.

After the age of nineteen and for the next thirty years, they will become gradually more aware of the importance of relationships and partnerships. Their creative abilities will be enhanced too during this period, and some of these highly developed people may produce work that is way ahead of its time. Unfortunately, they are not always very good at demystifying their ideas and visions, sometimes taking it for granted that others are on the same wavelength when they clearly are not. Taking the time to simplify and explain their thoughts or methods to others will make all the difference. After the age of forty-nine there is a turning point which brings a strong emphasis on a deeper need for change, transformation and personal power.

Throughout their lives, however, if they can develop their self-confidence and overcome their fear of failure by understanding that no failure is a failure if you learn from it, they may just find that their novel ideas—combined with the iron will so artfully hidden behind their easy-going appeal—will not only help them outshine others, but make them influential agents of advancement and true progress.

☆ On the dark side:Procrastinating, passive, self-doubting

☆ At your best:Determined, socially adept, original

People born on September 3 are not always what they seem. Because others so often misread their nature and potentials, those born on this day may be forced to play roles in life which, although not always disagreeable, are not exactly what they want either.

Though September 3 people are generally multi-talented, often one of their attributes is appreciated at the expense of the rest. Physical beauty in September 3 females is a case in point; because of good looks, their other fine qualities may go unrecognized. Men born on this day tend to be mistaken by others for an easy touch, or pigeonholed by career or family status.

Although they can impress others as quiet and tractable, no one who has ever tried to take advantage of a September 3 person will forget the result. Those born on this day have a steel-like armor that seals them off from all forms of flattery and vampirism. They may appear gentle, even a bit soft, but they will insist on being treated honorably and fairly, and vigorously resist efforts to push them around.

Because their work is often of a visionary nature, exceptional people born on this day can be way ahead of their time, and must understand if others are sometimes slow to approve of their methods. Fortunately, most of these mold breakers display great patience, as well as confidence in the value of their work. Thus they are well-equipped to endure years without recognition while continuing on with their endeavors. Their path to wider acceptance can be made a bit smoother, however, if they take time to explain to others in everyday language what their objectives are and how they intend to get there.

September 3 people of all abilities gravitate to action and controversy. They are often quite rebellious against the systems in which they must operate, particularly when they feel misunderstood. Both their buoyant optimism and their temperamental nature have to be kept under control. Developing emotional consistency and strong willpower is essential for their success in life.

In regard to matters of love and friendship. September 3 people often display a markedly stoic attitude. Here they run two dangers: first, giving those close to them the impression that they don't care and. second, procrastinating when decisive action is needed. By being too accepting they may compromise themselves in romantic affairs and let certain important life choices slip away.

The greatest challenge for September 3 people is in being more open with others and fearlessly confronting self-doubts. They should put their high moral code and sense of justice to work in defense of those who need help, rather than being defensive about what they perceive as criticism directed against themselves. If those born on this day can discover and cultivate the best in themselves and diplomatically but firmly insist on the world taking notice of it. they will be better able tp gain acceptance for their novel ideas and efforts.

Power Thought:I am now willing to see my own creativity, originality and magnificence,Hear what others say to you, but remain in tune with your own inner voice

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 3rd day of the month are ruled by the number 3 and by the planet Jupiter. Those ruled by the number 3 generally seek to rise to the highest position in their sphere. Number 3 people also love their independence, so those born on September 3 in particular must avoid playing a pan for others which they would rather not play. Jupiter lends an optimistic and expansive social outlook to September 3 people; combined with Mercury (Virgo's ruler) it grants honor and dignity.

September 3rd Birthday Tarot Card

The 3rd card of the Major Arcana is The Empress, who symbolizes creative intelligence. She is the perfect woman: the ultra-feminine. Mother Earth nurturer. who embodies our dreams, hopes and aspirations. Her steadfast qualities should serve as a positive example of stability for September 3 people. This card represents positive traits of charm, grace and unconditional love, but also negative traits of vanity and affectation, as well as intolerance for imperfection.

☆Luck maker:(Turn rejection into a challenge)Although it is important for you to accept the part you played when setbacks occur, rejection spells failure only if you don’t believe in yourself.

Love Deal with your self-doubts

You’re drawn to people born on October 23 to November 21:You both having inquiring and agile minds; if you can open up emotionally you can bring out the best in each other.

Just as people born on September 3 excel professionally, they also seek excellence in their personal life. This can make them set such high standards that it alienates them from others or makes them unwilling to compromise. Both approaches can give others the impression that affairs of the heart are not their first priority, which is just not the case. It is therefore important for them to be more open with others and to deal with their self-doubts.

Health Too sedentary

People born on this day like to lose themselves in work and if this work is sedentary or desk bound it can have a negative impact on their weight, mood and health in general. It is therefore important for them to make sure that they get plenty of fresh air and exercise every day, and to take regular breaks from work so that they return to it refreshed and energized. As far as diet is concerned, they should limit their intake of sugar, saturated fat and alcohol. Smoking will also have a damaging effect on them and interfere with their digestive health. Cultivating an interest or hobby outside work could be beneficial as it will help them put their own interests first; in fact, developing their self-esteem by learning to like themselves more will contribute much to their physical and emotional health. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color green will boost their self-confidence.

Those born on September 3 must beware of becoming inactive. Once they are established in their chosen field they have a tendency to become sedentary, which can spell problems with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and gall bladder trouble. Therefore they should severely limit their fat and sugar intake while at the same time putting themselves on a regular exercise program. More athletically inclined September 3 people, for whom inactivity is not a problem, should endeavor to get enough sleep and rest, avoiding tobacco and alcohol particularly. In order to keep healthy psychologically. September 3 people must allow themselves a life which they really enjoy and resist the impulse to please others in order to be accepted, liked or loved. Developing a positive self-image and accompanying self-esteem is very important in this respect.

Career Born judges

These people are committed to finding practical or workable solutions that can benefit humanity, and may gravitate toward professions where they can make tangible progress such as sport, scientific research, engineering, or the arts. They also make great managers, organizers and executives, so careers in law, writing, education, or politics may appeal.

Destiny To inspire others to make tangible progress

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to take risks every now and again. Once they have the self-confidence to put themselves on the line and make their intentions clear, their destiny is to help and inspire others make tangible progress.

Actively seek to do what you really want to do. Develop your self-confidence and assertiveness.Don't be afraid to fail. Try not to cultivate too much mystery around what you do; take the time to explain your methods and motives to others

Celebrities Born On September 3rd

Charlie Sheen(American actor), Ferdinand Porsche(Austrian-German car engineer and founder of Porsche), Alan Ladd(American actor),

Louis H. Sullivan (architect, Chicago Stock Exchange, early skyscraper designer, dictum, "form follows function"), Carl D. Anderson (US Nobel Prize-winning physicist positron discoverer). Dixie Lee Ray (marine biologist, Washington gover- nor), Marguerite Higgins (journalist, Korean War correspondent, first woman to win Pulitzer Prize for foreign coverage), Jeffrey Goldstone (Bntish-US physicist, director MIT Center for Theoretical Physics), Charlie Sheen (film actor), Pierre Troisgros (French chef, hotelier, restaurateur, Les Freres Troisgros. nouvelle cuisine innovator), Urho Kekkonen (Finnish president), Loren Eiseley (anthropologist, writer. The Immense Journey), Alison Lune (novelist, Foreign Affairs), Frank MacFarlane Burnet (Australian virologist). Memphis Slim (blues musician), Alan Ladd (film actor), Eduard van Beinum (Dutch conductor), General Zme Al-Abidine Benali (Tunisian coup leader, president), Valerie Pernne (film actress, Las Vegas showgirl), Kitty Carlisle (singer, film actress). Mort Walker (cartoonist. 8eet/e Bailey). Geraldme Saunders (novelist, Love Boat). Pietro Locatelli (Italian Baroque composer)

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