September 4th Master Planner Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 04, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is valuing tradition

☆The way forward is to understand that the past is not just something to be torn down; it is also there to be learned from and understood.

The Birthday Of The Master Planner, The Day Of The Builder

September 4th Master Planner Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 4th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Uranus, the visionary

Tarot card: The Emperor (authority)

Favorable number: 4

Lucky days: Wednesday and Sunday, especially when these days fall on 4 and 13 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, white, green

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 4 are the master planners of the year. They bring process and precision to everything they do, and are forever planning, organizing, designing, and putting systems in place for a more productive future. Others will typically look to them not only for the last word on due process, but also for the first word on planning ahead.

With a natural understanding of how systems, procedures, buildings, establishments and just about everything else work, efficiency is very important to them and they are brilliant at finding short cuts or better ways of doing things. They can delight in exposing, criticizing or tearing down the Achilles’ heel or fatal flaw in a project to make their point. Their knowledge is so great that they should ensure they put it to good use and do not divert their focus to unworthy causes. Unfortunately, the less highly developed and luckily very rare individuals born on this day can make formidable conmen or women.

After the age of eighteen there is an increased need for partnership and relating for these people; their sense of harmony and beauty is likely to be enhanced during this period. It is important during these years that their focus on planning for the future does not close their eyes to the possibility of happiness in the present. After the age of forty-nine there is a significant turning point which will highlight a growing emphasis on emotional and spiritual regeneration, as well as joint finances or corporate business activity.

Throughout their lives, the key to their success and happiness will not necessarily lie in material gain or career advancement, but in developing their spirituality, a goal that may confuse or frighten them. Once they understand, however, that spiritual growth—rather like material progress—is something that needs their concentration, dedication and passion, they will be able to realize their perceptive and inspirational hopes for the future in the most powerful way possible—in the present.

☆ On the dark side:Disrespectful, demanding, fussy

☆ At your best:Responsible, thorough, constructive

The dominant theme in the lives of September 4 people is that of building. No matter what their career, family situation or social circle is, they are taken up with matters of structure, form, organization and putting things together to make them work.

Although many September 4 people possess technical ability, it is more in envisioning and planning that those born on this day shine. Building systems, for example, that produce goods or supply services, in material or theoretical terms, is their forte. Pragmatic to the extreme, September 4 people believe that the true measure of methods is in results.

Because of their understanding of how systems function, those born on this day are also able to criticize, analyze and sometimes tear constructs apart to show when and where they do not work. Furthermore, September 4 people can often suggest practical solutions or improvements that really make a difference. Those less highly evolved September 4 people who have no desire to contribute to society can make excellent criminals, or at the very least people who know how to get around the system, since their knowledge of how the establishment works is generally thorough.

September 4 people are not fond of taking the long way around. They are most concerned with efficiency, and if in business to provide a product or service, they will make sure that their clients get their money's worth. That life in general be successful and prosperous is important to them, as they could not view an enterprise which was run at a loss as anything but a disaster.

Of course, not all September 4 people are involved with building tangible structures or entities—but mostly all of the people born on this day are at work amassing, collecting or cultivating something. Whether September 4 people are building a career, reputation or a family "dynasty," they generally establish themselves slowly and proceed measuredly, brick by brick.

Those born on this day believe that the old must be cleared to make way for the new; if faced with a structure based on an unfirm foundation, their impulse is generally to raze it and rebuild, not just to patch and paste. Others may not be so understanding of this attitude, themselves preferring to leave things be, no matter how rotten. But bad teeth, bad friends, bad marriages, bad buildings, bad ideas, even bad cars will all eventually suffer the same fate in the hands of September 4 people; indeed those born on this day are merciless when cutting away what they consider unhealthy for the entire organism, whether that organism be a human body, family or company.

Power Thought:I remind myself that there will never be another day like this one,Even a rabbit can twist an ankle

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 4th day of the month are ailed by the number 4 and by the planet Uranus. Those ruled by the number 4 tend to be difficult and argumentative, since they so often see things differently from everyone else. Indeed these traits can be magnified in September 4 people, who may find themselves misunderstood or rejected, and generally take such rejection very hard. The influence of Uranus contributes to quick and explosive changes of mood. Speedy and mutable qualities are emphasized for September 4 people by the strong influence of Mercury. Virgo's ruler; a Mercury-Uranus connection here points to an ability to understand things quickly.

September 4th Birthday Tarot Card

The 4th card of the Major Arcana is The Emperor, who rules over concrete and worldly things by wisdom, the primary source of his power. The Emperor is stable and wise; the force of his authority cannot be questioned. The positive associations of this card are strong will power and steadfast energy; unfavorable qualities include stubbornness, tyranny, even brutality.

☆Luck maker:(Count your blessings)What you pay attention to how much you have to be grateful for, the more good fortune you will attract. Gratitude will make you feel happier, and happy people are the luckiest people.

Love Serious business

You’re drawn to people born on September 23 to October 22:You both have thoughtful and enquiring minds, and this can be an intense and rewarding union.

People born on September 4 are often charming, with the ability to captivate others. They take their relationships seriously—a little too seriously at times—and are very committed. Their ideal partner will be someone intelligent and creative like themselves, who can help them loosen up and who is willing to appreciate, without taking for it granted, their willingness to commit.

Health Fussy eaters

There is a tendency for people born on this day to drive themselves into the ground with responsibilities and work. Unless they learn to take time out and pace themselves they could be heading for burnout. It is also important that they don’t become so critical of what they see around them that they earn a reputation for grumpiness or cynicism. As far as diet is concerned, they may be extremely picky eaters with a small appetite, and they would benefit from experimenting more with their diet by eating more foods that are nutritious and wholesome such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes, as well as oily fish to boost their brain function. Good quality sleep and plenty of mild to moderate exercise are also highly recommended to rejuvenate their bodies and minds. A warm bath with lavender essential oil is the ideal way for them to unwind, and wearing the color orange will induce feelings of warmth, security and enjoyment.

Those born on September 4 must try to lessen all forms of mental strain. Because they so often work too hard and take on too much responsibility, they may be headed for a breakdown unless they are careful. Scheduling regular vacations, limiting their work hours, and taking short rest periods are suggested precautions. Those born on this day sometimes drive those around them crazy with their sharply critical natures, so they had also better learn to let up in this respect. Grounding themselves in activities, preferably more restful and creative ones, is highly recommended. An interest in food and cooking, for example, will do wonders for them. In this ease they should allow themselves free reign to enjoy and experiment without worrying over health foods and special diets. Regular sleep is essential to their mental stability.

Career Born property managers

Being multi-talented, these people can achieve excellence in many careers but they are particularly well suited to the freedom offered by artistic and academic pursuits. Good at combining business with pleasure, they can be excellent diplomats but may also be drawn to careers such as teaching, counseling, sales, commerce, property management, manufacturing, engineering, and the medical profession.

Destiny To realize their progressive and constructive aims

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to value the past. Once they have found a way to balance work and relaxation, their destiny is to realize their constructive and progressive aims to benefit both themselves and others.

Try to put your knowledge of how things work to a morally sound end. Follow your desire to serve, but don't neglect your own needs. Let up on your demands where you can. while still maintaining high standards.

Celebrities Born On September 4th

Liz Greene(American astrologer and psychologist), Beyoncé(American singer and actress), François-René de Chateaubriand(French politician and writer),

Daniel H. Bumham (architect, skyscraper pioneer, city planner, rebuilt Chicago), Kenzo Tange (Japanese architect), Henry Ford II (industrialist, Ford manufacturer), Donald E. Petersen (corporation executive, Ford Motor Company chairman), George H. Love (industrialist, Chrysler Company chairman, Consolidated Coal head), Cornells Verolme (Dutch ship builder), Richard Wright (novelist, Native Son), Vicomte Francois Rene de Chateaubriand (French poet, travel writer, medieval and Chnstianity revisionist), Jesse James (Western outlaw, shot in back by own gang), Anton Bruckner (Austrian composer), Darius Milhaud (French composer), Antonin Artaud (French writer, playwright), Oskar Schlemmer (German painter, choreographer, designer), Mitzi Gaynor (singer, dancer, film actress), Mickey Cohen (mobster, racketeer), Tom Watson (US golfer, 6x Player of Year, Ix US, 5x British Open. 2x Masters winner), Dawn Frazier (Australian Olympic three gold medal-winning swimmer), Liz Greene (astrologer, psychoanalyst, writer, The Astrology of Fate), Craig- Claiborne (food wnter, The New York Tuples Cookbook), Ivan llhch (Russian education authonty, Deschoolmg Society)

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