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September 4th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 04, 2024

Feed the mind and increase sexuality with this delicious meal. Cook butter, shallots and garlic for 3 minutes. Add potato and cook 5 minutes. Add lettuce, 2 fennel, chervil, cook for a further 5 minutes. Add stock, sugar, nutmeg, salt, pepper, bring to boil. Lower heat, continue to cook for 20 minutes. Cool, liquidise, return to heat. Serve with cream, fennel garnish and chervil.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Saturn; Numbers: 4, 4

September 4th Birthday Love Astrology

There's no urge here to grasp money, babies or fame from fate. Many September 4 people just like to look around a tableful of friends, for whom they have cooked a delicious meal. It's not that this individual isn't clever or ambitious, they're certainly the former, although more rarely the latter. It's just that both sexes learn early to savour the moment. Many have experienced childhood bereavement of some kind, or seen money problems destroy people they love. What's important to our steady wren is the peacefulness of passing days.

Ms September 4 is often a brilliant student. She chooses to work from home, earning quite frequently a great deal of money from writing, painting, maybe music or sewing. She does this to help in the care of children or elderly relatives, bat even without these, she'd mostly think the office environment was unpleasant. These are often in the over a hundred thousand pounds a year category, so don't sniff at the home-worker. The men feel the same. Conventional jobs structures seem irrelevant.

Because September 4 appears to be so strong, people are drawn to his house, to discuss ideas, to eat, to party and just absorb some of the affectionate atmosphere. There's no curb on drinking alcohol, red meat or cigarettes, but visitors will find that this person abhors drugs so don't even consider importing anything. If anybody does persist, there will be a dangerous, forceful flash of temper, shocking, unpleasant but effective.

Rooms which belong to this birthdate are nearly always decorated by their own hand and very idiosyncratic. The Virgo dark colours will be there, indigo, blackest violet underpinned with dark-green, or sensational burnt-orange. There will be beautifully embroidered cloths on the wall, some made by September 4. The silvery mirrors reflect smoking perfume. Favourite scents include geranium (Pelargonium odorantissimum) which enhances balanced joy, and orange sweet {Citrus aurantium) which makes you feel frivolous.

In Love

In an intimate union, you need a partner who makes you feel cherished and appreciated. When you are feeling insecure, you become critical and overprotective of your beloved. Very much your own person, sometimes you exude an air of cool detachment. Yet even when your outer demeanor is reserved and undemonstrative, beneath the surface you’re warm and caring.

Once you enter into a relationship, you stick with it through good times and bad. In public, you keep your emotions under control. However, in your private moments, you are as loving and sensual as any other member of the zodiac.

In Bed

Inherently cautious, you are not one to leap into love or romance with reckless abandon. You prefer getting to know a potential lover first through sharing common interests outside the boudoir. However, with trust established and the vagaries of courtship out of the way, the complex layers of your earthy sensuality soon begin to unfold. You actually have very few sexual hang-ups, and you will do most anything that feels good to you and your partner.


Given their love for giving pleasure, here is a recipe using lettuce, both a delicious soup and reputedly aphrodisiac, too. In ancient Egypt, the god Min was responsible for procreation and his sacred white bull was fed copiously on lettuce to increase sexual potency. In the Nile today, the men still believe lettuce promotes fertility. Cream of Lettuce and Fennel Soup: Take 55g butter, 4 chopped shallots, 1 clove garlic (chopped), potato (peeled, chopped), 3 heads fennel (chopped), ltbsp chopped chervil, 1.11 chicken stock, l A tsp sugar, pinch ground nutmeg, salt, black pepper, 90ml double cream, chervil sprigs.


When you perform a slow, seductive striptease for your lover, you reveal the true eroticism behind your apparent reserve. You build delicious sexual tension with sultry teasing movements that heighten desire in both of you.

Playful flirtation and provocative verbal suggestions intrigue your bedmate and add to the mood of delightful decadence.


Feed the mind and increase sexuality with this delicious meal. Cook butter, shallots and garlic for 3 minutes. Add potato and cook 5 minutes. Add lettuce, 2 fennel, chervil, cook for a further 5 minutes. Add stock, sugar, nutmeg, salt, pepper, bring to boil. Lower heat, continue to cook for 20 minutes. Cool, liquidise, return to heat. Serve with cream, fennel garnish and chervil.

Reality Check

You possess an instinctive understanding of what makes other people tick, a compassionate nature, and a desire to help anyone who requires assistance. You truly enjoy nurturing and caring for others, especially those who aren’t able to take care of themselves. When a problem arises, you’re often the first one to offer aid and comfort, especially if the difficulty involves children or animals.

September 4 Date Share

Jesse James, western outlaw, shot by own gang. Anton Bruckner, Austrian composer. Mitzi Gaynor, singer, dancer, film star. Dawn Frazier, Australian Olympic swimmer.

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