September 5th Extraordinary Mind Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 05, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is to give up self-sabotaging behavior

☆The way forward is to start thinking about what triggers self-sabotaging habits and what you are gaining from them. Remind yourself that you are not your behavior and you can change these habits.

The Birthday Of The Extraordinary Mind, The Day Of The Fanciful Sovereign

September 5th Extraordinary Mind Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 5th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Mercury, the communicator

Tarot card: The Hierophant (guidance)

Favorable number: 5

Lucky days: Wednesday, especially when these days fall on 5 and 14 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, chrome, pale green

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 5 are blessed with an extraordinary imagination, and the fantastic schemes and magical ideas they present to the world are always full of potential. Friends, family and co-workers are inspired by their innovative problem-solving skills, contagious wit, affectionate generosity, and infectious enthusiasm.

Magnetic, fast-moving and fast-thinking, these people are fueled by their desire to realize their own individual dreams, which are not just for their own benefit but for the benefit of humanity. However, despite their genuine desire to help others, their righteous energy may fail to realistically assess their chances of success and thereby unintentionally sabotage their best plans and efforts. It is important for them to learn how to improve their judgment so that they minimize the chances of failure, as well as actively taking steps to reduce the number of mistakes they make. One way they can do this is to learn to distinguish between what is realistically attainable and what is fantasy. If they stay with reality and strive to make things better, not perfect, they are likely to succeed in most of what they put their minds to.

From an early age they may have been rather reclusive and solitary figures, but around the age of seventeen, and for the next thirty years, there is a turning point when they grow more socially orientated with a strong need to be popular and appreciated. Professional and personal relationships will also start to play a more important part in their lives, and these are the years when their extraordinarily creative potential is likely to come to the fore. If they can learn to harness that creativity so that it is grounded in reality rather than in unattainable fantasy, their potential for success, fulfillment and recognition is outstanding. Whatever age they are, however, these people are blessed with positive, expansive energy and magical sparkle and—if a bit of good judgment is added to the mix—they are likely to get most, if not all, of what they most desire.

☆ On the dark side:Irresponsible, self-destructive, over the top

☆ At your best:Energetic, creative, fun

Those bom on September 5 like to use their active and alert minds to dream up the most imaginative and romantic plans. They are very adept indeed at making such ideal notions real, but unfortunately can be highly unrealistic about their degree of success. Prone to excessive pride or indulgence, they may lose touch with reality and hence be afflicted with all kinds of maladies when they least expect them.

A recurrent theme in the lives of some September 5 people is that of working against themselves in a self-defeating pattern. Those born on this day can really get caught up in their regal egos and burv- themselves in what they are doing. Consequently they may not only lose sight of w hat others think of them but also what is actually going on in their heart and subconscious.

On the other hand, September 5 people are capable of wonderful fantasies of all sorts.

Although their personal lives may appear quite ordinary to some, what they surround themselves with, their creations or acquisitions, are often truly amazing. Thus they can feel like a king or queen in a fairytale palace. This magical world they create can hold the deepest meaning for them; unfortunately, their personal human values can get lost in the shuffle. At times it may seem that no one knows what September 5 people are really like away from their romantic image, least of all September 5 people themselves.

Obviously what is needed, if those born on this day are to proceed further in their psychological and spiritual evolution, is that they distinguish between fancy and reality. They would do well to invest more time in themselves, and give sober thought to the state of their lives. Painfully, they may have to strip themselves down and start building a more realistic ego all over again.

September 5 people can make entertaining and enjoyable friends. Although they also have a serious side, having fun is important to them; they tend to do everything with a twinkle in their eye. They are most often of a giving and considerate nature, but can sometimes withdraw their affection without warning. Their motivations can thus be easily misunderstood.

One criticism of September 5 people is that they only associate with certain individuals because of their attractiveness at a given time. Really, only the least highly evolved of those bom on this day are so superficial or calculating; most September 5 people are remarkably innocent and childlike, and therefore gravitate to those who they feel care about them and offer true friendship.

Power Thought:I take full responsibility for my life,To the sleeper; the waking life is a dream

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 5th day of the month are ruled by the number 5 and by the planet Mercury. Since Mercury represents quickness of thought and change, September 5 people (whose sign Virgo is also ruled by Mercury) may find themselves likely to both overreact mentally and to change their minds and physical surroundings with great regularity. September 5 people must rein in their impulsive nature, a quality which enhances their naturalness but can drive others to distraction. On the other hand, the hard knocks that those ruled by the number 5 receive from life traditionally have little lasting effect on them; they recover quickly.

September 5th Birthday Tarot Card

The 5th card of the Major Arcana is The Hierophant, an interpreter of sacred mysteries who is symbolic of human understanding and faith. His knowledge is esoteric and he has authority over things unseen. Favorable traits conferred by this card are self-assuredness and insight; unfavorable traits include moralizing, bombast and dogmatism.

☆Luck maker:(Recognize your power to change)Lucky people realize that they are in charge of their thoughts, behavior and lives. Remind yourself daily that you are the one who sets the goals.

Love Party loving

You’re drawn to people born on August 23 to September 22:You have a great deal in common, and this can create a fulfilling and intense relationship.

Because they have the ability to make friends effortlessly, people born on September 5 are often surrounded by admirers. It is important for them to employ discretion with this enviable capacity otherwise they could find themselves being too popular for their own good and unable to commit to anyone. It is important for them to slow down to ensure that they do not blindly speed past their ideal partner.

Health Life in the fast lane

Everything about people born on this day tends to be fast; they think fast, speak fast, move fast and live fast. Although this suits their personality it does not always suit their body, which occasionally needs a slower pace. They also need to make sure that they don’t fall victim to self-destructive behavior. The loving support of a few close friends who can gently point out when they are heading off-track would be extremely helpful. As far as diet is concerned, they need to go easy on mood-boosting foods such as chocolate, cakes and sweets, as well as caffeine. Stocking their cupboards with healthy food will help them take control of their diet. Regular exercise is recommended, especially the kind they can perform alone such as walking or jogging; this will help them gather their thoughts and center themselves. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will encourage them to feel calmer and more in control.

Those born on September 5 must avoid undermining themselves, both physically and psychically. Such elf-destructive patterns are difficult for them to recognize or acknowledge, so it can be crucial that family, friends or psychological counselors offer realistic advice. An everpresent danger is that those born on this day develop the mistaken notion that they can get away w ith anything. They will eventually learn that there is a limit to what the body can withstand, though the capacity of some September 5 people to abuse their health for long periods admittedly is amazing. Regular physical examinations (at least once a year) are recommended. As far as diet is concerned, a broad and well-balanced choice of foods is suggested.

Career Born fashion designers

Their technical potential may draw these people to careers in science, engineering or computers, but their communication skills could help them in writing, promotion, sales, and law. They may also find success in gardening, property speculation and education. This birthday also indicates success for composers, songwriters, fashion designers, and performers.

Destiny To formulate strategies for improvement

The life path of people born on this day is to try to keep both their feet on the ground so their magical plans have a solid foundation. Once they have learned to improve their judgment, their destiny is to formulate innovative strategies for improvement.

Without losing your romantic sparkle, keep a firm grip on reality. You can t get away w ith breaking the rules forever—sooner or later the reckoning w ill come. Get to know yourself better, and like yourself more.

Celebrities Born On September 5th

Michael Keaton(American actor), Freddie Mercury(British singer-songwriter), Rose McGowan(American actress and activist),

Lou'S XIV (French Sun King, longest reigning European monarch [sev'enty- three years], extravagant сои1! at Versailles, bloodv supDression of Huguenots), Farda (Egypt an cuee'i), S. Radhakrishnan (Indian pres cent), John Cage (composer, writer, photographer), Werner Herzog (German visionary film director, Aguirre: The Wrath of God, Fitzcarraldo— dragged steamboat over jungle mountain at cost of lives), Susuna Tonegawa (Japanese Nobel Prize-winning molecular biologist, immune system), Victonen Sarcou (French p’aywright, wrote Fedora, Tosco), F. Darry Zanuck (film producer', Raque Welch (film actress), Freddy Mercury (lead singer, songwriteg of Queen), Bob Newhart (comedian, TV acto'-), William Devane (film actor), Joan Kennedy (wife to Ted Kennedy), Cathy Guisewite (cartoonist, Cathy), Arthur Koest e ' (Hunganan-bom write, Darkness at Noon). John Dalton (Brrtish chemist, philosopher, un t of me. e cular mass namesake), W erne’- Erhard (EST founder, teacher, writer), Morns Camovsky (actor, theater director), John M M tchell (Nixon attorney general, convicted Watergate felon), Christoper Nolan (handicapped Irish writer, Under the Eye of the Clock, overcame disabilities)

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