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September 5th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 05, 2024

în Tarot, the 5th card of the Major Arcana is The Hierophant. Tis card has good qualities of intuition, human insight, thoughtfulness and appreciation of the beauties in life. Power over things unseen controls the luck factor.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Saturn; Numbers: 5, 5

September 5th Birthday Love Astrology

These people benefit in youth from the companionship of either a dog or a pet pony who gives them affection and instills in any child a sense of responsibility for the care of another living thing. A Welsh cob or Shetland have perfect steady temperaments, although they may nip just like any other horse. There is a sixth sense about these little horses which communicates with the child's own, as yet undimmed sixth sense, and most people who have been lucky enough to keep such a pet never forget the intense pleasure and moments of such deep communication they can never be repeated.

A horse is happy to share its stable, let you lie on its warm body and maybe talks back. A horse makes a child look at the landscape in a way no adult can teach, one that is never forgotten. Some peopled psycheology is so bound up with the horse, that they keep the connection in adulthood, working with them, or at least, winning a lot of money on them.

For this is another birthday where chance dominates, in this case with a stream of lucky breaks. A dull bequest of jewellery turns out to be worth tens of thousands. The house September 5 bought goes against national trends and almost doubles its value. The lottery and bingo seem made for this creature. And the/re the one who wins the new car competition on the back of the cereal packet.

Lucky in money, OK with love, this individual may have some problems with his working life. There is natural talent, but neither sex is pushy and others always seem to slide past and take the bacon. September 5 has to fight a strong sense of being unappreciated, and with it, a tendency to wallow in self-pity. Fortunately, just as everything is getting on top of him, along comes another stroke of luck. And bingo, the sky is clear again.

In Love

People celebrating birthdays on this date are more in need of affection and companionship than they are willing to admit. Because you believe the head should rule the heart, strong emotions make you uncomfortable.

You can be loyal and devoted to your partner, but you also need your own space. Moreover, your demands for perfection create a gap between your romantic dreams and everyday reality. As a result, you can be nurturing and caring one moment, and finding fault the next. Although you cultivate an air of self-sufficiency, you enjoy coming home to the security of a loving relationship.

In Bed

Behind closed doors, you’re warm, witty, and very sexy. However, your partner needs to understand that the best way to inflame your passion is through your intellect. You require a mental connection as well as a physical one; when your mind is engaged, your body follows. Sexual arousal often begins for you when you discuss and examine your erotic feelings and desires together with your lover. You’ll keep trying new things and experimenting until you find something that feels good to both of you.


Some people born on this day suffer from skin rashes, especially in high summer or when it is very cold. Sensitivity to foods like milk, eggs, peanuts and potatoes is common, so try removing these foods. Use non-dairy soya or rice milk, low in saturated fats. Essential fatty acids found in sunflower seeds, linseeds and oily fish are vital for healing. Add two teaspoons of Essential Balance Oil, made from organic linseeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, to food every day. As the oil is organic and unrefined, it must not be heated and is best kept refrigerated. It can also be applied to the skin.


Playful caresses in a shared bath or shower set the mood for an evening of lovemaking. An erotic massage with warm, naturally scented oils relaxes you and creates a liberating sense of intimacy. While whispering words of love and encouragement, you and your lover will shiver with anticipation as you languidly explore each other’s bodies.


în Tarot, the 5th card of the Major Arcana is The Hierophant. Tis card has good qualities of intuition, human insight, thoughtfulness and appreciation of the beauties in life. Power over things unseen controls the luck factor.

Reality Check

While your head may be off somewhere in the stratosphere, your feet are planted firmly on the ground. Even so, you’re one of the most enigmatic members of your Sun sign. Mentally you’re quick witted, and written and spoken words come easily to you. Emotionally you’re a cool customer and have difficulty showing your true feelings.

September 5 Date Share

John Cage, American modern composer, immortalised the dreaming beauty of suburban gardens and children off to early morning school. Raquel Welch, Hollywood star. Freddie Mercury, lead singer, songwriter of Queen, tragically died of AIDS, mourned by the world. Joan Kennedy, long-suffering wife to Edward Kennedy. Christopher Nolan, disabled Irish boy writer, Under the Eye of the Clock. Louis XIV, French Sun King, seventy-three-year reign at the end of which he said with some satisfaction ‘Apres moi, le deluge'.

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