September 6th Destiny Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 06, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is coping with the unforeseen

☆The way forward is to understand that since there will always be aspects of your life out of your control, you should always allow room in your plans for the unexpected.

The Birthday Of Destiny, The Day Of Unpredictable Fate

September 6th Destiny Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 6th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Venus, the lover

Tarot card: The Lovers (choices)

Favorable number: 6

Lucky days: Wednesday and Friday, especially when these days fall on 6 and 15 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, pink, green

Birthstone: Sapphire

Despite their best efforts to plan and organize their lives, people born on September 6 seem destined to be confronted by the unexpected. Nothing ever seems to settle into a comfortable routine for them and, although they this can make them feel anxious and fill them with self-doubt, deep down they would have it no other way.

After the age of sixteen until the age of forty-six these people will feel a strong need for partnership; after the age of forty-seven there is a turning point when the evaluation of their own personal power comes to the fore, and these are the years when they are likely to feel less anxious and more confident. The older they get, the more they are likely to believe that destiny plays a hand in shaping their lives, the situations in which they find themselves and the people they meet.

The upside of their belief in destiny is that they soon develop the ability to focus their creativity and intensity on the details of the present moment, which is the recipe for a happy life. They can also be incredibly supportive and appreciative not just of the present moment but of all the people in their lives, making those around them feel good about themselves. The downside is that not enough thought or energy is put into planning or preparing for what might lie ahead; they can forget that their thoughts, actions and behavior today also create their future.

With their energy focused on the present moment and their belief that no person, word, action, or situation is trivial or unimportant, these people are both compassionate and fatalistic. As long as they make sure that their tendency to think negatively does not attract misfortune, that their belief in destiny does not make them over-cautious and that their giving nature does not prevent them taking from others as well, they have the potential to become highly developed, expressive, progressive, and truly inspirational souls.

☆ On the dark side:Self-doubting, passive, fatalistic

☆ At your best:Sympathetic, committed, passionate

Those born on September 6 are extremely vulnerable to the hidden workings of chance. More than others, their lives seem guided by the hand of fate, for better or worse. For many born on this day. life may be proceeding predictably when seemingly for no reason at all—WHAMMO! When September 6 people try to direct and in a sense restrict the course of their lives, things often just seem to work against them. They can make highly detailed plans, preparing for every contingency and still find that events are not unfolding at all as they had expected.

Experiences like this can be very trying, and can deeply frustrate the less hardy souls born on this day.

Sometimes September 6 people impress others as being a bit shortsighted. They may seem so involved in the moment and their immediate success or lack of it, that others feel they do not put enough energy into preparing for future, and perhaps more trying, times.

Such a perception is largely unfair, as those born on this day have probably learned through experience to focus on the present, take things one step at a time and go with life's rhythms.

Though their lives may be quite uneven, September 6 people themselves are remarkably constant and faithful. Friends and family are extremely important to them and can serve as a protective buffer between them and the harsher side of life. When betrayal (as those born on this day see it) comes at the hands of someone close to them, it can be particularly devastating.

Most September 6 people are concerned with appearing attractive to the world and pride themselves on their good looks. They value beauty highly, as well as romantic love, and some born on this day may mistakenly believe that such things can shield them from the slings and arrows of the world. Those who discover that this is not the case become a good bit more philosophical about love and life in general.

Often those born on September 6 will lead fairly uneventful, placid lives until their early thirties, when fate's workings seem to take hold. Once unexpected events start to shape their lives, however, many born on this day can themselves grow quite fatalistic. These September 6 people, who have perhaps railed against fate for years, may finally turn around and accept it wholeheartedly. By doing so, they empower fate—again, for better or worse. Such September 6 people are particularly prone to self-fulfilling prophecies of all kinds, and must be awrare of the power of their words not only over their own lives but over those of others. as well.

Power Thought:I always have a choice,Thinking and speaking are powerfully predictive actions

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 6th day of the month are ruled by the number 6 and by the planet Venus. Because those ruled by the number 6 are magnetic in attracting love and admiration, and since Venus is strongly connected with social interaction, it can be a struggle at times for September 6 people to get the privacy and seclusion which they need. The influence of Mercury (ruler of Virgo) on Venus emphasizes the good taste, idealism and love of beauty displayed by September 6 people. Often love becomes the dominant theme in the life of those ailed by the number 6. certainly true for those born on this day.

September 6th Birthday Tarot Card

As if to emphasize this last point, the 6th card of the Major Arcana is The Lovers, symbolizing the love that unites all of humanity through integration of masculine and feminine polarities. On the good side this card indicates affections and desires on a high moral, aesthetic and physical plane: on the bad side, unfulfilled desires, sentimentality and indecisix eness.

☆Luck maker:(Release what you cannot change)If you are worrying about something you can’t do anything about, it’s up to you to let go. Worrying about things you cannot change will block your luck-making potential.

Love Assert your needs

You’re drawn to people born on September 23 to October 22:You both having inquiring and agile minds, and this can be a stimulating and intense union.

People born on September 6 are at their happiest and best when they are giving, but they also need to understand that a successful relationship is based on a balance between give and take. They have no problems falling in love, but accepting that someone else can fall in love with them as well may be more problematic. Their ideal partner is someone intelligent, entertaining and intuitive, just like themselves.

Health Youthful energy

People born on this day have a wonderful youthful quality, even in old age. However, their focus on present gratification, although endearing, may set them up for potential health problems. As far as diet and lifestyle are concerned, planning and delayed gratification are required. Good nutrition, regular exercise and plenty of quality sleep are the foundations of good health. They might have problems with their digestive system as well as catarrh and coughs; a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement might be a good insurance policy to boost their immune systems, and a glass of lemon juice with water first thing in the morning will boost their digestion. Vigorous exercise is recommended, preferably of the kind where they can record and monitor their progress, such as running, cycling and athletics. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color blue will help boost their self-confidence, encouraging them to enjoy today but also to plan for tomorrow.

Those born on September 6 must not take their health for granted or become overconfident about their physical strength. Repressed emotions can have particularly bad effects on their abdominal organs and thus regular checkups are a good idea. Most important however is that those born on this day develop a positive frame of mind built on a realistic view of the world. This is one birthday which certainly does not favor spoiling by parents or having every need met in childhood. September 6 people will be stronger psychologically and less prone to illnesses if they have to fight to fulfill their needs and wants in their early years. Vigorous exercise and a healthy appetite both for food and life in general should be developed when September (> people are young, and continued into later years, il they are to remain vital.

Career Born doctors

These people may combine their talents to great effect as doctors, lawyers or social campaigners. Naturally analytical, they may also find fulfillment in science and psychology, as well as image making, advertising, the media, graphics, and photography. Careers involving sport, leisure, or the healing or caring professions may also appeal.

Destiny To inspire others with their creativity and passion for life

The life path of people born on this day is to conquer their self-doubt and occasional bouts of complacency, and take the initiative with their lives. Once they choose to be proactive their destiny is to inspire and invigorate others with their empathy, creativity and passion for life.

Learn to work with late. It is neither your enemy nor your friend, but it can become an accepted companion. Don't be afraid to take the initiative. Build solidly and let go of some ol your cherished illusions Don't believe that you are misfortune-prone.

Celebrities Born On September 6th

Dolores O’Riordan(Irish singer-songwriter), Macy Gray(American singer-songwriter), Idris Elba(British actor),

Jane Addams (American Nobel Peace Prize-winning social reformer, pacifist, founder Hull House [center for the poor] and International Women's Movement for Peace and Freedom), Joseph P. Kennedy (financier, youngest bank president at age twenty-five, shipbuilder. Pathe, RKO head, SEC chairman, ambassador to UK. father JFK. RFK), Marquis de Lafayette (French general, during American Revolution served on Washington's staff), Jane Curtin (TV comedienne, Saturday Night Live member), Johnny Kelley (distance runner, 2x Boston Marathon winner, 7x runner-up, completed sixty-first marathon at age eightyone), Andrew White (jazz multiinstrumentalist, transcriber), Clancy Sigal (journalist, novelist, Going Away), Fntz Kunkel (German character analyst, Adler follower). Prince Claus (German prince of Holland), Billy Rose (entrepreneur, showman, songwriter, clubowner), Page Smith (historian), Karen Baldwin (Miss Universe), Franz Jozef Strauss (German president), Florence Goodenough (developmental psychologist, Handbook of Child Psychology), Roger Law (British TV caricaturist, Spitting Image), Margaret Millard (ptcian), Anton Diabelli (Austnan-born composer), Harold Scott (actor), T.H. Tackaberry (US Army major general), Robert Whytt (Scottish 18th c. medical writer)

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