September 6th Birthday Horoscope

Last updated onSeptember 06, 2024

It’s important that you set your own goals. It may seem obvious, but sometimes you allow those around you to influence your thinking. You then set goals that you think will impress them. Make sure those goals are a part of your heart and your mind, and then everything else will go well.

To a Virgo, indulgence must be earned. Once it is, those luxuries will be the finest

September 6th Birthday Horoscope

You were born on September 6th

As a Virgo, you were born knowing what is best in any setting. That may sound like an extreme statement, but it is true. Even from your youngest days, you had an instinct about what was appropriate, what was wise to do. About how a room should look. About who was trustworthy, and who wasn’t. About who was fun, and who might not be.

And you still have that, but what’s tricky for you is being in situations where other people not only are unaware of such matters, but actually don’t care. Tempting as it is to give them advice, the trick is actually not to offer it.

This may seem unwise and uncaring, because if you suggest something, they could avoid having problems. But the fact is, they might enjoy the idea of running into difficulties and then having to solve them, because they aren’t Virgos. And in your case, it is also important that you have a few things you can devote yourself to that satisfy your need for beauty and perfection in life.

This may have to do with activities on your own, or involving others. It may have to do with something new, or it may even have to do with keeping an eye open for an encounter: a place, or an individual, that will give you an opportunity to exercise that muscle of perfection in a way that gratifies you, which is so important.

You and others

There have been times when you have been critical of others, and it seemed natural. It seemed important that they also know about that, but as years have passed, you have begun to understand that not only was it unimportant for you to say anything about it, actually the individuals in question would have no intention of making any changes.

Health and well-being

Tempting as it is to get a routine going that you know is in your best interest, it is more important to take chances—and even more than that, to find something that isn’t as good for you, but that you adore, that makes you feel like a million.

Goals and challenges

It’s important that you set your own goals. It may seem obvious, but sometimes you allow those around you to influence your thinking. You then set goals that you think will impress them. Make sure those goals are a part of your heart and your mind, and then everything else will go well.


As the saying goes, never say never, and rarely was such advice more apt than now. In the past, you may have said there were certain things you wouldn’t consider, or even certain individuals you’d do anything to avoid. But that was then, and times have changed—and so have you.

Zodiac Sign


Ruler: Mercury

Symbol: The Maiden

Element: Earth

Flower: Buttercup

As a Virgo, you combine an earthy sensuality with the sharp cleverness of your ruler, Mercury. The pleasure you derive in beauty, nature, living, and eating well is genuine, yet being the sign of early fall, you have an instinctive awareness of the wise use of resources. Your flower is forget-me-not; your spice, redolent cardamom; and the mighty oak and the hazel are your trees. Your jewels have earthy colors, from topaz to sardonyx.

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