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September 6th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 06, 2024

Relieve the unhappiness of ill luck by turning to gardening, a great soother of the soul. Try clematis, which famously symbolises endurance. Loveliest is the double lavender ballet skirt Clematis Belle of Woking.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Saturn; Numbers: 6, 6

September 6th Birthday Love Astrology

Those born on September 6 are usually blessed with extreme good looks, wit, charm and sexiness. The women have the delicate rounded legs characteristic of Virgoan pins, with excellent ankles, small feet, but full thighs big enough to plague their owner. They have good waists, shining hair and excellent hands. The men have strong silky hair, but beware - some may start to disappear in the late twenties.

A few are athletically proportioned, still on the slim side, with square shoulders. But, sadly, most men rarely reach six foot tall and many don't grow much beyond five foot eight inches. Nobody else of course ever cares about the height of this man because he is so attractive and brimming with Virgo maxi-bubble that it doesn't matter. But it matters to him and in youth he will study all sorts of crackpot medical, reports about foods and drinks to make you grow taller.

Miss September 6, being extremely fond of food, similarly studies masses of slimming literature and buys bagloads of slimming pills and teas. Usually nothing works and she looks great anyway.

This preoccupation with looks often leads to a career in the fashion industry, cosmetics, hair or health. At the top end of the market, both sexes will hang out in the most luxurious health farms, polishing and pruning for their next publicity drive. But find them working there too, the genius massage therapist, the magician with skin and the person who cooks exquisite food, apparently containing no calories at all.

Within a ‘safe’ environment such as the looks business, these people flourish. But if they leave to work elsewhere, or even start a family, September 6 sometimes finds that whereas before he or she could rely on their planning ability, now things may go astray in spite of the greatest care. They are subject to the downside of chance, but fortunately only in patches during their life.

In Love

Outwardly, individuals born on this date appear cool and detached.

However, you crave affection and may not be really content without a loving partner to share your life. Despite the practicality of your Virgo Sun sign, you are profoundly idealistic and romantic. You’re looking for the perfect mate, and you refuse to settle for less than the real thing. Even so, you fear rejection and you are likely to think twice before risking your heart.

Although it can take you quite a while to make a firm commitment, once you do, you expect the relationship to endure over the long term.

In Bed

A sensual, patient lover, you’re willing to wait for the most agreeable situation before you make a move. A slow, artful seduction is more your style than fast, furious, or aggressive lovemaking. You enjoy flirting and other romantic games of courtship almost as much as the sex act itself. Giving, sharing, and making your partner happy is what it is all about for you. You see honest communication as an essential ingredient of sexual interaction because it keeps the bedroom activity lively and mutually gratifying.


Keep your thong and thigh zone peachy smooth and cellulite free with exfoliation and massage, boosting lymphatic drainage and dispersing fluid retention - the cause of spongy cellulite skin. Experts say that daily dry body brushing is the best for a smooth, polished chassis. With a natural, non-scratchy brush, sweep from the soles of the feet upwards over the front and back legs, buttocks and stomach. Use long, firm movements, always brushing towards your heart. Follow up with a warm, then cool shower, directing jets in circular movements over hips, thighs and tummy. Twice a week, massage with sea salt.


You prefer surroundings adorned with simple, harmonious touches to anything decked out in showy, dramatic opulence. Comfort and congeniality contribute to your sexual enjoyment. A romantic ambiance, with candlelight, fresh flowers, soft music, affectionate gestures, and words of love, turns you on and puts you in the mood for loving.


Relieve the unhappiness of ill luck by turning to gardening, a great soother of the soul. Try clematis, which famously symbolises endurance. Loveliest is the double lavender ballet skirt Clematis Belle of Woking.

Reality Check

Inherently civilized and cultured, you have delicate sensibilities and a great appreciation for all things beautiful and artistic. Refined and reasonable yourself, you possess an instinctive aversion to people or things that are crude or vulgar. Because you need peace and harmony, you cannot be truly happy unless life runs smoothly, with a minimum of discord.

September 6 Date Share

Roger Law, British TV caricaturist Spitting Image. Robert Whytt, Scottish 18th century medical writer. Joseph Kennedy, ambassador to UK, father to John F Kennedy. Marquis de Lafayette, French general during American Revolution, served on Washington's staff.

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