September 7th Tenacity Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 07, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is showing yourself and others mercy

☆The way forward is to understand that until you can learn to ease up on yourself and others, your successes will feel hollow because you cannot fully enjoy them.

The Birthday Of Tenacity, The Day Of Success Seekers

September 7th Tenacity Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 7th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Neptune, the speculator

Tarot card: The Chariot (resilience)

Favorable number: 7

Lucky days: Wednesday and Monday, especially when these days fall on 7 and 16 of the month

Lucky colors: Sky blue, indigo, green

Birthstone: Sapphire

People born on September 7 are blessed with remarkable tenacity. When they decide on a course of action, nothing can stand in their way. Their ambitious professional goals matter more than anything else; however many obstacles stand in their way they will not give up until they have achieved their objectives, even if this means making enemies along the way.

Although they can be ruthless in their determination to succeed they can also be fiercely loyal, protective and supportive to friends and family. Those close to them respect their determination to succeed, their passion for helping those less fortunate and their inner strength, but they may also be fearful of getting on the wrong side of them. Unfortunately, this means that friendships tend to linger at the first-base stage and they may find themselves with numerous acquaintances but few real friends.

Fortunately there are opportunities for them to rectify this situation, especially between the ages of fifteen and forty-five, when there is an emphasis on social life and relationships, both personal and professional, as well as a desire to develop their creative potential. They should take advantage of these opportunities by being a little more flexible in their relationships and approach to life, and by recognizing that professional success, however rewarding, will not give them the same fulfillment as positive relationships with others and themselves.

After the age of forty-six there is a turning point which encourages them to seek deeper meaning in their lives, placing the emphasis on personal transformation and finding inner harmony. If they can learn to work with this by looking within—rather than to work or other people—to find fulfillment, they will find the contentment for which they have always longed. They will also find that their tenacity, compassion for the underdog and courage in the face of adversity help them push the bounds of human knowledge and endeavor forward so that everyone, themselves included, can benefit.

☆ On the dark side:Ruthless, inflexible, unforgiving

☆ At your best:Determined, courageous, ambitious

Novels could be written about September 7 people and their never-ending pursuit of personal success. That they encounter obstacles on their way is indeed an understatement.

The road is generally long, the difficulties manifold and perilous, but these determined individuals will not give up until they achieve what they have set out to do, even if it takes their dying breath to accomplish it.

The world is not quick to understand or to recognize those born on this day. but by the sheer force of their willpower or the imaginative-creative thrust of their ideas they eventually win people over to them. Strangely enough. September 7 people who rise more easily to the top of their field, perhaps at a young age, may feel denied their need to struggle for success.

Some of them can even give up everything they have accomplished and start all over again in another pursuit, much to the consternation of their family and friends.

For it is not success as an end that captivates the minds of September 7 people, but the battle to achieve it. Those born on this day have a one-track mind when it comes to following their plans and, if necessary, battering their competitors, rivals, or detractors into submission.

September 7 people do not make the most pleasant of enemies, both because their wish to annihilate is so pronounced and their inclination to grant mercy doubtful. On the other hand they make excellent allies and friends, at least to those who stay on their good side; to do so may require remaining loyal to a shared cause or set of principles.

September 7 people who work in technical or highly specialized areas will not rest until they have gained complete mastery over their materials. They exhibit great integrity in their work. Those who are involved in leading or ruling will fuse their subjects, followers or employees into a cohesive, smooth running unit, with no doubt whatsoever about who the boss is or what the goal. As family heads, those born on this day generally provide direction and inspiration to their children and mates, but will tolerate no insubordination. Real problems can arise when the children of September 7 people reach adolescence. The paradox is that although those born on this day will train their children to be individuals and think for themselves, they may have little taste for the inevitable frictions which result.

September 7 people will be even more successful if they calm down a bit, learn to share responsibility with others and fit in with the team. The less concerned they are about gaining or losing supremacy the better they, and consequently the group they represent, will do.

Those born on this day sometimes mellow with age but rarely lose their competitive edge.

Perhaps the ideal life for them would be to achieve success in their very last years. But if September 7 people feel their dreams compromised or worse yet, unrealized, nothing—but nothing—will bring them peace of mind.

Power Thought:As I send out loving calmness, all those around me are inspired,Everything happens twice

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 7th day of the month are ruled by the number 7 and by the planet Neptune. Because Neptune is the watery planet ruling visions, dreams and psychic phenomena. September 7 people will be open to these unstable influences. Combined with Mercurial traits (Virgo is mled by Mercury), this neptunian side indicates a tendency toward sensationalism. Therefore, September 7 people must beware around all psychic and occult activities which are not well grounded. Those ruled by the number 7 traditionally like change and travel, this agrees with the need of September 7 people for excitement.

September 7th Birthday Tarot Card

The 7th card of the Major Arcana is The Chariot, which shows a triumphant figure moving through the world, manifesting his physical presence in a dynamic way. The card may be interpreted to mean that no matter how narrow or precarious the correct path, one must continue on. The good side of this card posits success, talent and efficiency; the bad side suggests a dictatorial attitude and a poor sense of direction.

☆Luck maker:(Don’t make enemies)Lucky people try to avoid having enemies because they know that everyone in their lives could potentially be a source of good fortune for them.

Love Powerfully seductive

You’re drawn to people born on October 23 to November 21:You both love knowledge and spontaneity, and this can be a passionate and intense union.

Once people born on September 7 fall in love it is almost impossible for the object of their desire to resist, so powerful are their seductive powers. Once in a relationship, however, they can be prone to mood swings or to isolating themselves. It is important for their partner to give them plenty of freedom and, by the same token, for them to become more sensitive to their loved one’s needs.

Health The color purple

Not surprisingly the health of people born on this day is often neglected in the pursuit of their professional goals. It is therefore crucial for them to understand that not only their performance but also their mood will improve dramatically if they take better care of themselves by eating a healthy, balanced diet and by exercising regularly. As far as diet is concerned, they should resist the temptation to buy pre-packaged meals because they are convenient and easy, and try to squeeze time into their busy lives for home-cooked meals. Regular exercise is a must because they are very physical people; if they don’t get enough exercise they can become moody and cranky. Mind-body therapies such as yoga and meditation would be extremely beneficial as they would encourage them to look within. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to think of higher things.

Those born on September 7 should undergo regular physical checkups, since they tend to neglect their health. Generally September 7 people have such strong tastes in food that it is best if they learn to cook for themselves as early in life as possible. Exercise does not take top priority in the lives of those born on this clay, but the challenge of team sports presents a physical outlet. September 7 people are often sensualists who require an active sex life to keep them happy.

Career Born directors

These people tend to be drawn to careers in which they can exert their progressive influence over others, such as business, management, teaching, writing, commerce, or industry, but since they identify so strongly with their work they may also be drawn to academic, artistic or musical careers where they can work unhindered.

Destiny To exert a progressive influence over others

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to look within for feelings of satisfaction. Once they have found a sense of balance between their personal and their professional goals, their destiny is to exert a progressive influence over others.

Find it in your heart to accept. Tilting with windmills is not all there is to life. Learn to enjoy yourself and then pass that gift to others. Don't be so hard on yourself and those near and clear to you. An inflexible attitude plants seeds of rebellion.

Celebrities Born On September 7th

Chrissie Hynde(American singer-songwriter), Buddy Holly(American singer-songwriter), Gloria Gaynor(American singer),

Queen Elizabeth I (British 16th c. monarch, presided over emergence of Britain as world power), Sonny Rollins (jazz tenor saxophonist, composer, bandleader), Grandma Moses (primitive painter [began career at sixtyseven], quiltmaker, lived to age 101), Elia Kazan (stage, film director, On the Waterfront East ofEden), Buddy Holly (singer, songwriter, rock & roll legend, killed in plane crash), Michael DeBakey (cardiac surgeon, implanted first mechanism to help pump blood), James Van Allen (physicist, discoverer of Van Allen Belt around earth), Paul Brown (innovative football coach, general manager, owner, took Cleveland Browns to four AAFC, three NFL titles), Chrissie Hynde (British singer, songwriter, The Pretenders), Jacob Lawrence (painter), George Louis Count de Buffon (French 18 th c. naturalist), David Packard (Hewlett- Packard electronics co-founder), Louise Suggs (golf champion, 50x LPGA events, I Ix Majors winner), Edith Sitwell (Bntish poetess, critic). J.P. Morgan, Jr. (financier, banker, amassed $500 million), Gloria Gaynor (singer), Peter Lawford (film actor), Taylor Caldwell (novelist, The Devil's Advocate), Al McGuire (basketball player, coach, sportscaster), Daniel Inouye (US senator, Hawaii, WWII hero)

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