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September 7th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 07, 2024

Try this at daybreak. Born Again Virgin kick starts a good mood. Take 350ml tomato juice, 15ml Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco, black pepper, lA tsp celery salt, 10ml fresh lime juice, ice cubes. Serves two.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Saturn; Numbers: 7, 7

September 7th Birthday Love Astrology

Many people born under the sign of Virgo are like sleepwalkers. They move carefully, tentative feet, metaphorical hands out in case they fall. And those around hush up in case they startle them. Both sexes reach maturity late. Often they feel they don't really understand what's going on until their mid or even late twenties. At school they sometimes did well and sometimes badly without the faintest glimmer of an idea why. Their beauty, often black-haired and astonishing, or red-haired and equally astonishing, seems not made for touching.

Love is not the key, but it helps. Though September 7 easily loses his or her virginity early, they hardly noticed. Then a Pisces or Aquarius flashes into their life and the earthling's chill heart smoulders and breaks into flame. These creatures still have a rather experimental approach to sex, that is before the intoxication sweeps them away. And T don't know what you're talking about, but why not?’ Pisces, and ‘What a good idea’ Aquarius, are perfect partners, rather liking suggestions of love in the freezing water of a Welsh mountain pool.

September 7 soon wants more, a relentless pleasure hunt which may drive some lovers briefly round the dark side of the moon. Then come-hither Virgossamer kisses set pulses racing all over again. This individual's sworn by seductobite is two fried eggs, medium soft, eaten with salt, black pepper, tabasco sauce and good cold champagne. Enjoyed in bed, it certainly works.

Business colleagues have no glimpse of Virgolden boy's volcanic heart. They only see the precise colleague, with polished shoes and dynamic project suggestions, who apparently doesn't perspire into the elegant jackets on even the hottest day. As in sex, so in career. The late blossom is breathtakingly Virglamorous when it comes.

Unlike most people born near this date, September 7 has too much on his mind to care much how the home is decorated. She will not be doing many flowers.

In Love

In a close relationship you’re kindhearted, loving, and caring. Sentimental and romantic yet apprehensive about expressing your true feelings, you generally prefer to demonstrate your love through actions instead of words.

You’re likely to be disappointed if your kindness is not reciprocated, or your loyalty and devotion unappreciated. Your idealism makes you critical and demanding, yet when your demands are met you are capable of giving your all for your beloved. Although you long for true love, few can live up to your high standards. However, once you make a commitment, you stick with it through good times and bad.

In Bed

In creating the perfect setting for lovemaking, you pay scrupulous attention to the smallest detail. You like to spoil your lover. You willingly do everything you can to satisfy your partner; however, you expect similar treatment in return. Your feelings can easily be hurt if your endeavors are overlooked.

Sexually, you’re tender, ardent, and attentive. Although you may not be the most exciting bedmate in the zodiac, you are definitely one of the most obliging.


September 7 is psycheologically geared to music, in particular compositions written in D Flat Major such as Debussy's Claire de Lune, quite a lot of modern rock and Gregorian chants. Both sexes work best with their favourite pieces helping them along. The music sharpens concentration, improves memory, rejuvenates problem solving capacities and lifts the mood. This isn't just quasi-mystical guff. Medical experts clearly document this to be the case, and furthermore they have proved that listening to Mozart or Bach can reduce pain, can sometimes be used in part instead of anaesthetics for minor operations and calms the cardiac pattern.


Because Virgo is the sign of service, you’re accustomed to using your skills and talents for the benefit of others. The ideal lover understands that sometimes you need to be the one who is catered to and pampered. Erotic foreplay in a soothing atmosphere turns you on and sets the stage for deeper, more meaningful explorations of sensuality.


Try this at daybreak. Born Again Virgin kick starts a good mood. Take 350ml tomato juice, 15ml Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco, black pepper, lA tsp celery salt, 10ml fresh lime juice, ice cubes. Serves two.

Reality Check

Although you are often critical of others, you’re invariably hardest on yourself. This propensity for self-doubt can be extremely stressful to your delicate nervous system. While you may be serious minded and responsible, you are never somber. In fact, you possess quite a devilish sense of humor that often sends those around you into fits of hysterical laughter.

September 7 Date Share

Queen Elizabeth I, 16th century monarch. Buddy Holly, singer, songwriter, killed in plane crash young, but enough time to write a bunch of greats. Chrissie Hynde, British singer, songwriter, The Pretenders, ‘I'm Special'. Edith Sitwell, Bloomsbury poet, sister to Osbert. Peter Lawford, film actor, connected with Kennedy family. Grandma Moses, primitive painter, patchwork artist, started career aged 67, lived to 101.

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