September 8th Complicated Superiority Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 08, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is being yourself

☆The way forward is to understand that you, like everyone else, are human—a mass of contradictions.

The Birthday Of Complicated Superiority, The Day Of The Puzzling Purist

September 8th Complicated Superiority Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 8th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Saturn, the teacher

Tarot card: Strength (passion)

Favorable number: 8

Lucky days: Wednesday and Saturday, especially when these days fall on 8 and 17 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, brown, grey

Birthstone: Sapphire

Most people born on September 8 have a very black-and-white view of the world. This makes it all the more surprising that, although others are quick to acknowledge their intellectual superiority, they often come across as complicated or enigmatic individuals. This is because instead of showing others their true selves, they will often take on the identity of the cause or group they’re representing.

The fierce determination and conviction to set others on the right path, combined with their excellent communication skills, earns these people great respect from others, although this may not extend to affection. Problems—and occasionally bitter confrontation—can occur, however, when others do not agree with them. They are often so convinced of the superior merits of their position that they will often dismiss any conflicting viewpoint; this can not only gain them enemies but earn them a reputation for being narrow minded. It is crucial, therefore, for them to appreciate the negative effect their superior attitude can have on others, even those whose interests they are passionate about promoting.

Between the ages of fourteen and forty-five they will gradually become more aware of the importance of social relationships and their creative abilities will be enhanced. These years can be dynamic ones if they can learn to be a little less bossy and a little more sensitive toward others. After the age of forty-five there is a turning point when they are likely to become more self-aware; now the emphasis is on power, intensity and personal transformation. During these years, and indeed during any time in their lives, they are likely to have successfully assumed leadership positions or to have become an integral part of a leadership group.

Nothing is more important to their psychological growth during these years than their ability to show tolerance toward others, because although these advanced souls do often know what is best for others and for the world, other people and the world may not yet be ready to listen.

☆ On the dark side:Difficult, unyielding, proud

☆ At your best:Influential, progressive, committed

Theenigmatic individuals born on September 8 are by no means easy to figure out. In their own minds they are interested in cleaning up shop, straightening things out and generally improving the lot of their family, social or national group. Yet if and when they go off on the wrong track, they are likely to maintain the absolute belief that they are acting reasonably or responsibly. Whether their efforts turn out well or badly in the end, there is no denying that September 8 people impact greatly on their environment.

Those born on this day are often misunderstood by others, not in the least because they tend to be secretive. Yet they can also be representative or even symbolic of a lifestyle or group through the role they play. They are supreme actors on the stage of life, capable of playing many parts, but as Marcus Aurelius advises in his Meditations, usually content to play just one very well.

Most September 8 people see the world in terms of black and white, and as such highly subject to the forces of good and evil. Their chosen role is often as protector of the faith against the enemies of family, state, party or church. How ironic that they themselves can prove to be the principal enemy! Therefore, it is extremely important that those born on this day spend time examining their values to see if they are as pure as they believe. Great responsibility devolves on them to know the root nature of their actions and to remain highly aware of the effects of their deeds.

September 8 people are often able to control others through their masterful roleplaying and sense of humor, but also through their weighty seriousness. Indeed, they are rarely taken lightly by anyone. Many born on this day earn great respect, a select few inspire worship, while others instill fear. Having them for a parent, mate or lover may be quite a challenging proposition in itself. They can be incredibly demanding, inflexible, even tyrannical, but at the same time supportive and dependable. A mass of puzzling contradictions, September 8 people will at the very least be fascinating to those who are involved with them.

September 8 people generally like to be at the very head of their group whether public or private. Politics in particular may hold an attraction for them, and even if they do not take an active leadership role socially, they usually have a marked interest in the crucial issues of their times. Their views on these subjects may not be particularly tolerant. Most often they are in favor of upholding the status quo and opposed to all ill-considered or undermining (as they see it) forms of change. Those born on this day are not easy people to get along with, per se. They do not. however, depend on the opinions of others but firmly hold their own course, knowing in their hearts that they do what is best for all.

Power Thought:One of the top priorities in my life is to be a source of love,I heard someone say, "Most of life is a gray area"

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 8th day of the month are ruled by the number 8 and by the planet Saturn. Since Saturn posits responsibility and a sense of limitation, caution and fatalism, the conservative tendencies of September 8 people are emphasized. A Saturn-Mercury connection (Virgo is ruled by Mercury) here grants serious power of speech and thought. Those ruled by the number 8 generally build their lives and careers slowly and carefully. Although they are often quite warmhearted, the saturnian influence of the number 8 often makes for a forbidding or unsmiling exterior.

September 8th Birthday Tarot Card

The 8th card of the Major Arcana is Strength or Courage, which depicts a graceful queen taming a furious lion. The queen symbolizes the female Magician who can master rebellious energies and stands for moral as well as physical strength. This card's positive attributes include charisma and determination to succeed; the negative qualities include complacency and the misuse of power.

☆Luck maker:(Listen and learn)Nobody likes a know-all. Demonstrating a sincere openness and willingness to listen and learn, even if you think you already have the right answer, will draw other people to you.

Love Not black and white

You’re drawn to people born on December 22 to January 19:You share an appreciation of the good things in life, and this can be a passionate and satisfying union.

People born on September 8 may not always be easy to get close to and, because they don’t tend to rely on the approval or opinions of other people, others may feel that they don’t need anyone. This is of course untrue. People born on this day are at their happiest and best when in a loving and supportive relationship; they just need to relax a little and understand that when it comes to affairs of the heart, there are no rights or wrongs.

Health Fixed ideas

People born on this day can be very stubborn when it comes to their physical health and it is important that they don’t neglect important advice from doctors and well-meaning advice from friends and loved ones. As far as diet is concerned, they need to steer clear of excess, especially when it comes to foods rich in sugar, salt, additives, preservatives, and added fat. The emphasis should always be on fresh and natural produce. Regular moderate exercise is also highly recommended as it will help them deal with stress, preventing the risk of cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure to which they are prone. They would also benefit from daily stretching exercises, such as those performed in yoga, as these would encourage them to be more flexible in both body and mind. Finally, wearing, meditating on, and surrounding themselves with the color yellow will encourage them to be more creative and optimistic.

Most September 8 people are hard to persuade in general and may have fixed ideas about caring for their health as well. For this reason those born on this day may have to learn for themselves what mistakes they have made, and confront whatever illnesses they have been responsible for creating. Although they believe in purifying the thoughts of those around them, they do not necessarily apply the same standard to their own diet and lifestyle. As they are already prone to stress, cardiovascular problems and diet-related conditions, the importance of eliminating harmful substances from their diet cannot be stressed enough. Seeking moderation in the sexual sphere and warm, loving relationships in the emotional sphere are also of paramount importance.

Career Born politicians

These people tend to identify strongly with their careers and are well suited to careers in politics, the military, law, and education. Other careers that might appeal include commerce, research, science, writing, journalism, and the worlds of art or entertainment.

Destiny To point others in the direction of progress

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to let others make their own mistakes. Once they have found the courage to be themselves, their destiny is to point others in the direction of progress.

Your ideas are not always easy for others to accept. Don't push them too hard; let others breathe a bit Strive to be yourself. Beware of a tendency to be bossy or insensitive

Celebrities Born On September 8th

Peter Sellers(British actor and comedian), Pink(American singer), Patsy Cline(American singer),

Richard I (British king, The Lion- Hearted, Crusader, impnsoned by Austrians for two years, ransomed, returned to England to regain throne), Antonin Dvorak (Czech c. composer), Peter Sellers (British comic film actor), Jean- Louis Barrault (French stage, film actor, director. National French Theater head), Patsy Cline (country singer, songwriter), Robert Taft (US senator, representative, Ohio), Sam Nunn (US senator, Georgia), Wendell H. Ford (US senator, Kentucky), Claude Pepper (US congressman, Florida, senior's nghts champion), Scotty Bowman (hockey coach, all-time most wins, five Stanley Cups with Montreal), Lyndon H. La Rouche, Jr. (politician, xenophobe, anti-semite), Hendnck Frensch Verwoerd (South African politician, apartheid founder, WWII German ally, anti-semite), Sid Caesar (TV comedian, host), Nguyen Cao Ky (South Vietnamese general, president), Frank Cousins (trade union leader. Member of Parliament), Grace Metalious (novelist Peyton Place. died at age forty), Eduard Monke (German fairytale and occult writer, Maler Nolten), Dimitrios I (Eastern Orthodox patriarch), Marin Mersenne (French music theonst Harmonie universelle), Siegfried Sassoon (British war poet, novelist)

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