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September 8th Birthday Love Astrology

Last updated onSeptember 08, 2024

The sudden reverses in your life can be extremely dramatic, hard for others to follow or accept. Hard for you to accept if the roles were reversed and only the most devotedly self centred person could ignore this.

Sun Sign: Virgo/Mercury

Decanate: Virgo/Saturn; Numbers: 8, 8

September 8th Birthday Love Astrology

September 8 is an extraordinary mixture of characteristics and may be almost a completely different person at different times of life - more so than most people born on other days. Conventional in childhood they may not shine at school or indeed throughout their education. It's part of the late starter Virgo nature. But then by the mid or late twenties this creature suddenly gets an idea, understands exactly how it's going to work and steams it towards a brilliant conclusion.

This can be in a job, or setting up an independent money-making operation. Or it can be a resolution about having a family and how to run it. Either way, those who previously saw September 8 as an extremely frivolous person, the dance until breakfast of sausages and doughnuts, up again to go out to lunch, tennis, sleep, out again to go dancing sort, will be amazed. And slightly disappointed because this individual drops friends from a former era for the kind who fit more readily into his new life. Although one of the roles taken is that of protector of the people, another adopted not many years later can easily be scourge of the same people. Ambition and the discovery of money changes many convictions. Extreme kindness and fairness are replaced by resentment of employees, and constant suspicion that plots are being hatched and resources heedlessly drained. There will be rules about using both sides of pages in a notebook, reusing envelopes. Memos float down instructing the turning off of lights, the brief use of the telephone, the answering of calls after just three rings, new restrictions on sticker pads.

Then suddenly there is another volte-face. Some threat looms and causes September 8 to change again. Either sex may throw up everything and change career. Or work as a team with colleagues and underlings on terms of newly forged lifelong affection. The/re mysterious people. You can't tell which way they'll jump.

In Love

Those celebrating birthdays today tend to be somewhat tentative in matters of the heart. Your innate modesty and calm surface appearance can cause others to classify you as cold or unemotional. However, the opposite is actually closer to the truth. Despite your cool outer manner, on the inside you’re warm and caring. Your emotions run deep, but you often have great difficulty expressing them. It may take a long time for you to come to terms with your own feelings. Yet once you learn to trust and open up to your partner, you make a steadfast, loyal, and giving mate.

In Bed

In love, as in life, you are down-to-earth, emotionally controlled, and eminently practical. Hardworking and ambitious, you lead a busy life that leaves little time for dreamy romantic interludes. Even so, your physical drives are quite strong, and when you take the time, you are a very sexy, sensual lover. Sometimes you’re so suffused with desire that you give off heat like a smoldering volcano. Behind closed doors, you may feel free to drop your reserved demeanor and reveal your genuinely passionate nature.


Better educated people live longer, according to new researches in North Carolina. Good news for September 8 who is likely to return to some form of higher education at any time in their life. Findings show that 65-year-old women with less than eight years' schooling are expected to live until 82, while those with more education live a further seven years. Researchers think this may be due to greater independence, which tends to lengthen lifespan; greater mental agility, which does the same; and of course better educated people seek better medical attention. September 8 is a longlived date.


The patient, thoughtful lover who knows how to draw out your controlled desires will be well rewarded. An erotic massage with aromatic oils soothes you and ignites your lusty appetite for sensual pleasure. Although you may need a little coaxing after a long, grueling workday, dormant passions quickly spark and ignite as you relax and unwind.


The sudden reverses in your life can be extremely dramatic, hard for others to follow or accept. Hard for you to accept if the roles were reversed and only the most devotedly self centred person could ignore this.

Reality Check

Inwardly you’re rather shy and considerably less confident than you appear, but you manage to conceal the more timid aspects of your nature behind an impressive outer façade. In fact, you’re so good at hiding your doubts and fears that most people are not even aware of your tendency to worry about every little thing.

September 8 Date Share

Died: Jean Seberg, exquisite French actress, memorable as Joan of Arc. Dorothy Dandridge, Hollywood cutie. Born: Peter Sellers, comic actor genius, friend to the royal family and most of the talent of his generation. Siegfried Sassoon, British World War I poet, essayist. Richard The Lionheart, heroic British monarch. Patsy Cline, country singer, songwriter. Antonin Dvorak, Czech 19th century composer. Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd, South African political philosopher, founder apartheid, Hitler ally, antisémite.

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