September 9th Missing Link Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Last updated onSeptember 09, 2024

☆Your greatest challenge is to stop worrying

☆The way forward is to understand that often your biggest worry is fear and the greatest antidote to fear is boldness. Whenever you act with boldness, you unlock your unused powers of creativity.

The Birthday Of The Missing Link, The Day Of Difficult Demand

September 9th Missing Link Is Birthday Personality Analysis

Element of September 9th Birthdays

Sun sign: Virgo

Ruling planet: Mercury, the communicator

Symbol: The Virgin

Birth date ruler: Mars, the warrior

Tarot card: The Hermit (inner strength)

Favorable number: 9

Lucky days: Wednesday and Tuesday, especially when these days fall on 9 and 18 of the month

Lucky colors: Blue, red, crimson

Birthstone: Sapphire

Although people born on September 9 have wonderfully inquisitive, original and sharp minds, they tend to come across as serious individuals with a strong sense of responsibility toward others. For reasons they themselves may not be able to understand, they often find themselves drawn to complicated and difficult situations. Part of the reason for this may be that they often feel as if something is missing from their lives, regardless of how successful, admired or settled they appear to be.

They may often have been searching for something to fulfill them—although they aren’t sure exactly what—from an early age. As a result they are irresistibly drawn to people or situations that are challenging, complex or difficult. These people might not be the best for their personal development, and this incompatibility can cause them to become very anxious and insecure.

It is important for them to understand that the missing link they are seeking will never be found externally but by looking within and getting in touch with their spiritual needs. This may help them find a balance between their quest for excitement and the more meaningful aspects of life. Introspection may be a frightening prospect for them at first, and some may prefer to indulge in reckless or wild behavior rather than face it. But looking within is the only way for them to understand that the only person holding them back from their potential for success and fulfillment is themselves.

Between the ages of thirteen and forty-three there is an emphasis on socializing, partnership and relating to others, and these are the years when they are most likely to find themselves drawn toward complicated or destructive situations or relationships. After the age of forty-four there is a turning point that will highlight a growing emphasis on emotional and spiritual regeneration. This can spur them to new heights because, when driven by will, enthusiasm and self-belief, these people will not only find the missing link they have always been looking for, they will be able to achieve miracles.

☆ On the dark side:Unfocused, reckless, anxious

☆ At your best:Curious, responsible, committed

Those born on September 9 repeatedly face all kinds of demanding situations, usually more the product of their own complicated nature than of fate. If they could learn to more often take the path of least resistance, and not invariably the most difficult way, they would lead much more peaceful but perhaps less eventful lives.

There is no doubt that September 9 people are drawn to challenges. Easily bored, they find it insufferable to just sit back and do the same predictably rewarding (or unrewarding) things year after year. Consequently, they are either consciously or unconsciously on the lookout for complex people, places and things with which to become involved. Such a desire may grow out of an internal longing, a feeling that there is somehow something missing, no matter how successful or fortunate they have been. Indeed, many September 9 people have felt the need to search for this missing element since childhood.

It is this emotional complexity that makes September 9 people very attractive to certain members of the opposite sex (who often wind up fathering or mothering them). But though September 9 people may be in need of such a nurturing form of love they remain independent and willful. Once those born on this day have gotten it into their head to do something, it is very difficult to talk them out of it. Yet, since they are introspective and taken up with their own personal process, they will usually realize when they have made a mistake or chosen the wrong path, even if it takes them some time to do so. One of the weaknesses of September 9 people, however, is that they tend to magnify their personal problems and may too readily seek help in the wrong places.

Those born on this day can be very private people, but usually their occupation or main interest brings them into contact with society. They are very adept at sensing and even defining what the public taste is, and how it may be satisfied. Here they will have to decide whether to deal on a superior, even elitist level, cater to the lowest common denominator or perhaps find a middle ground. Regardless, September 9 people are quite capable of making a lot of money in the process.

Life can be a constant battle for many September 9 people against their fears and insecurities.

Strangely enough, such fears can drive them on to be surprisingly successful. This is another reason why challenges have such a powerful stimulating effect on them. Like counter-phobic personalities, they often have to put themselves in positions of danger in order to experience the satisfaction of overcoming their fears. September 9 people must keep a handle on their wilder side, however, which can urge them toward self-destructive behavior not easilv understood or condoned by those around them.

Power Thought:I know what I want and where I am going,Irritation is something you do to ) ourself

Numbers and Planets

Those born on the 9th day of the month are ruled by the number 9 and by the planet Mars. The number 9 is powerful in its influence on other numbers (any number added to 9 yields that number (e.g., 5+9=14, 4+1=5) and any number multiplied by 9 yields a 9 (e.g., 9x5=45, 4+5=9), and September 9 people are similarly able to influence those around them. The planet Mars is forceful and aggressive, embodying male energy, but for the September 9 Virgo, ruled by Mercury, the combination of these two planets can result in an overly argumentative or critical personality.

September 9th Birthday Tarot Card

The 9th card of the Major Arcana is The Hermit, who is usually depicted walking with a lantern and a stick; he represents meditation, isolation and quietude. The card also signifies crystallized wisdom and practiced discipline. The Hermit is a taskmaster who motivates conscience and guides others on their path. The positive aspects of this card are stick-to-it-iveness, purpose, profundity and concentration; negative qualities include dogmatism, intolerance, mistrust and discouragement. September 9 people should probably avoid the Hermit's extreme way of withdrawing from the world, but perhaps emulate his positive self-examination.

☆Luck maker:(Raise your vibrations)You can attract luck by using higher words and thoughts when you speak to yourself and others. So whenever you feel anxious or low, use positive, energetic words to raise your vibrations.

Love Perceptive

You’re drawn to people born on March 21 to April 19:A classic case of opposites attract; there is so much for you to learn from and love about each other.

People born on September 9 have a highly developed sense of privacy but they are also extremely perceptive and receptive. They will often be surprised to find themselves in situations in which people reveal their innermost desires. Once in a secure relationship, however, they will slowly open up about themselves. They are drawn to complex, powerful individuals but need to make sure they keep their independence in a relationship.

Health Sleep well

People born on this day function best when they get plenty of good-quality sleep and they need to ensure that their bedroom is a comfortable and peaceful place where they can relax and unwind. Prone to worry and anxiety, they also need to make sure that they learn to recognize when worry is affecting their health and well-being. They should understand that worry achieves nothing and that the only way to change a situation is to take action. If no action can be taken, they should let go and move on. As far as diet is concerned, there could be anxiety-related problems causing digestion or food intolerances, so again it is important to recognize the warning signs. Stress-management techniques such as hypnotherapy, massage, meditation, and aromatherapy may all be beneficial, as would cognitive behavior therapy if negative thinking threatens to become overwhelming. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the colors orange or yellow will encourage them to be more energetic and self-confident.

September 9 people are prone to problems with the digestive tract. Sensitive and easily upset, those born on this day have a low stress threshold and when disturbed can easily take it out on their stomachs in the form of hyperacidity. For some September 9 people, eating habits swing from food denial (when emotionally upset) to binge eating (when depressed). Those born on this day must learn to balance their diet and also to cultivate new tastes. September 9 people should force themselves to engage in regular physical exercise, but not of a competitive type, unless serious athletes. In order to sleep well, they should expend some thought, resources and energy on making their bed, bedroom and sleeping conditions extremely desirable and comfortable.

Career Born writers

These people are not just fascinated by other people; they often want to help or benefit them in some way, and so may be drawn to careers in education, social work, charity work, or politics. They may also be drawn toward public relations, negotiation, research, writing, art, drama, or music, as well as working for themselves.

Destiny To inspire others with their compassion and originality

The life path of people born on this day is to learn to believe in themselves. Once they have learned to send their inner critic on holiday, their destiny is to inspire others with their compassionate, tenacious and original approach.

Building your self-confidence is a big item. Allow for reflection; then find your real abilities and act on them decisively. Worry and tear will eat you up if you let them: you alone hold yourself back. Stay joyful and never despair.

Celebrities Born On September 9th

Hugh Grant(British actor), Leo Tolstoy(Russian writer), Michelle Williams(American actress),

Leo Tolstoy (Russian count, novelist, War and Peace, Anna Karenina, short-story writer, The Kreutzer Sonata, philosopher, social reformer), Otis Redding (soul singer, songwriter), Max Reinhardt (German theater authority, actor, producer, director), Elvin Jones (jazz drummer, John Col- trane Quartet, polyrhythm innovator, bandleader, composer), Harland "Colonel" Sanders (entrepreneur, Kentucky-fried chicken king), Captain William Bligh (Bntish mutiny victim on HMS Bounty), Michael Keaton (film actor, Batman), Chaim Topol (Israeli Broadway actor, Fiddler on the Roof), Hans G. Dehmelt (German- US Nobel Prize-winning physicist, measured subatomic particles), George Mraz (Czech jazz bassist), Solomon Rothschild (financier, Vienna branch of family), Arthur Rackham (Victorian illustrator), James Hilton (British novelist, Lost Honzon), Billy Preston (keyboardist, singer, songwriter, session musician), Cliff Robertson (film actor), John Curry (British Olympic gold medal-winning figure skater), Cesare Pavese (Italian poet, novelist, imprisoned for anti-fascist views), Beverly Nichols (gardening book, cat story, autobiographical horror-tale wnter, Father Figure), Phyllis Whitney (best-selling romantic suspense novelist. S//versword). Paul Goodman (writer, Growing Up Absurd)

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